spirituality and materialistic-science


Registered Senior Member
This thread is to do with the impasse that often happens to occur between people attempting to communicate spiritual experiences and ideas to materilistic-scientists who will not accept ANY such talk unless 'solid evidence' as supplied and/or tested by scientific method can be presentd as evidence.
it also has come about cause due to the limitations of my system i cant carry on with some threads--for example my ' After Big Bang? After Life?' threead. i am thus hoping CRUNCHY CAT will join in, cause he seems to be a good antagonist..heh

I am seeing this reliance on the scientific method as being a hindrance in the understanding of spirituality.
By 'spirituality' i am not meaning how it came to be interpreted by the mystical-philosophers, and Judaic-Christianity, where 'spirit' is 'trapped' in body and Nature (Orphism.Gnosticism), and in Christianity made to be apart from Nature--a destination to be got to by the 'saved' etc.....My meaning of spirituality is a deeper understanding or matter. The realization that Nature is intelligent, as was understood in pre-patriarchal cultures, and by many Indigenous cultures

Do you for example agree, or are aware of more organic or holistic developments in science that are more sympathetic to spirituality? And how do you see this impasse can be resolved. iis it possible when there is this demand for 'solid evidence' when what is being presented, or communicated is more QUALITY than quantity?
duendy said:
This thread is to do with the impasse that often happens to occur between people attempting to communicate spiritual experiences and ideas to materilistic-scientists who will not accept ANY such talk unless 'solid evidence' as supplied and/or tested by scientific method can be presentd as evidence.
I don't see that any such impasse exists. Every human I've ever had the opportunity to touch on such matters with has had a personal understanding of spirituality.

That I perceive the world as made up of patterns of energy and force rather than inhabiting, immaterial, entities in no way diminishes my capacity to identify with other creatures or the world around me. My experience, in fact, has been quite the reverse.

The more I've come to dismiss the notion that I am somehow special or set apart from the rest of the world, the more I find myself in communion with it. The more that I reject the notion that natural events are in some way deliberate or planned, the more personal meaning I find in these events.

The difference is that I do not interpret these subjective experiences literally. That I find the memory of my Grandfather speaks to me on the pebbled shore of Lake Superior does not mean my Grandfather's spirit literally exists on the shore, awaiting my occasional return. That I identify that powerful wilderness and the majestic loneliness of those Michigan shores with the center of my being does not necessarily translate to any other person. That I find myself looking for patterns of three when I am anxious or worried does not make 3 a magical number. These things are subjective. Their meaning and import exists within me and not in the things themselves.

What you seem to be looking for is meaning. But that exists within you and within each of us. It is not written in the world around you.

Of course, I may just be misunderstanding the question. ;)

Raithere said:
I don't see that any such impasse exists. Every human I've ever had the opportunity to touch on such matters with has had a personal understanding of spirituality.

d__But it DOES exist. you may not have noticed but spiritual exploration with hallucinogens is not allowed (they being the age old source of inspiration for spiritual experience.
I have heard many athiest-science people at these and other forums try and reduce love, all emotions and hallucinogenic experience to mere chemicals, thus implying therer is no meaning to the experiences. Talk of spiritul experiences and meaning is taboo in the scientific community (you could be seen as 'mentally, once i was communicating with a head of psychology, and he told me speaking about spirituality was "dangerous"), and in most institutions, INCLUDING the church! This whole scene we are living in is materialstic, hadn't you noticed?

That I perceive the world as made up of patterns of energy and force rather than inhabiting, immaterial, entities in no way diminishes my capacity to identify with other creatures or the world around me. My experience, in fact, has been quite the reverse.

d__yes, but are these energetic forces you agree about...is that it? How do you see them. blind forces of cause and effect. aRE YOU just accepting matter-energy. or matter-energy and consciousness? I.e., are you understanding matter-energy to be sentient?

The more I've come to dismiss the notion that I am somehow special or set apart from the rest of the world, the more I find myself in communion with it. The more that I reject the notion that natural events are in some way deliberate or planned, the more personal meaning I find in these events.

d__that seems to suggest you dont feel energy is conscious? But doing so doesn't mean one feels special from the rest, obviously. what i am feeling now in the matrilistic-mechanistic paradigm IS this sense of superiority to Nature. this is why its getting fuked up. and other species going extinct. don't you feel this?

The difference is that I do not interpret these subjective experiences literally. That I find the memory of my Grandfather speaks to me on the pebbled shore of Lake Superior does not mean my Grandfather's spirit literally exists on the shore, awaiting my occasional return. That I identify that powerful wilderness and the majestic loneliness of those Michigan shores with the center of my being does not necessarily translate to any other person. That I find myself looking for patterns of three when I am anxious or worried does not make 3 a magical number. These things are subjective. Their meaning and import exists within me and not in the things themselves.

d__hah...funny about your patterns of 3. i used to do that when i was a young teenager too. with hindsight i see it is trying to bring order in what is being felt is unpredictable. the shrinks term it OCD....tho THJEY would wouldn't they?
I understand what you mean. of course all our subjective experience is unique. every STONE on a beach is unique, every leaf on a tree, so why sould our meanings be the same. BUT, i am also saying that Nature is intelligent and has two aspects, material and spirit/consciousness. do you not agree with this and if not why not?

What you seem to be looking for is meaning. But that exists within you and within each of us. It is not written in the world around you.

d__Well i am saying it does. that the world outside of you is also FULL of meaning.

Of course, I may just be misunderstanding the question. ;)

well, i dont know. let's explore it

duendy said:
But it DOES exist. you may not have noticed but spiritual exploration with hallucinogens is not allowed (they being the age old source of inspiration for spiritual experience. I have heard many athiest-science people at these and other forums try and reduce love, all emotions and hallucinogenic experience to mere chemicals, thus implying therer is no meaning to the experiences.
That you perceive the materialistic interpretation as without meaning is a result of your own presumption. My assertion is that the value is subjective. For me, these experiences still have meaning whether they occur as physical phenomena in the brain or supernatural events in the soul is irrelevant IMO. They are a part of the set of experiences I call 'self'.

Talk of spiritul experiences and meaning is taboo in the scientific community (you could be seen as 'mentally, once i was communicating with a head of psychology, and he told me speaking about spirituality was "dangerous"), and in most institutions, INCLUDING the church!
To label it "dangerous" seems silly to me. Can you explain the context and his argument?

The reason it has become "taboo" is because almost every attempt to scientifically validate the assertions of spiritual forces acting in the world has failed miserably and those that have not utterly failed leave huge margins of uncertainty and unfounded interpretation. I would not say it was taboo as much as the bias in the scientific community is against it. One would need to come up with very strong evidence to turn back that bias as it is well founded.

This whole scene we are living in is materialstic, hadn't you noticed?
I have a materialistic POV as well, so I approve. So far, I haven't seen reason to think otherwise.

d__yes, but are these energetic forces you agree about...is that it? How do you see them. blind forces of cause and effect. aRE YOU just accepting matter-energy. or matter-energy and consciousness? I.e., are you understanding matter-energy to be sentient?
I don't believe that the Universe can be reduced simply to cause and effect but I find the point moot in regards to consciousness and sentiency in either case. People continually try to define consciousness as an uncaused cause to allow for free will. But from my POV it doesn't matter... we have no choice but to operate under the presumption of free will. Unless we can cognitively reduce consciousness into deterministic components the experience of free will is inseparable from the experience of consciousness. To answer your question, no, I don't accept the dualistic solution of energy / consciousness it resolves nothing. It only introduces more problems.

d__that seems to suggest you dont feel energy is conscious?
You need to identify your premises. One of them is that consciousness is intrinsically immaterial. Yes, energy is conscious. I just define consciousness materialistically.

But doing so doesn't mean one feels special from the rest, obviously. what i am feeling now in the matrilistic-mechanistic paradigm IS this sense of superiority to Nature. this is why its getting fuked up. and other species going extinct. don't you feel this?
Assuming that we are indeed fucking it up, no. Actually I cannot blame either paradigm; I think the problems arise due to much more immediate causes than metaphysics.

d__hah...funny about your patterns of 3. i used to do that when i was a young teenager too. with hindsight i see it is trying to bring order in what is being felt is unpredictable. the shrinks term it OCD....tho THJEY would wouldn't they?
Its the mind seeking to find some measure of control and/or reassurance. Examined honestly pretty much everyone has a few. It's superstitious thinking and IMO a founding component of much religious thought. A natural tendency, the brain is wired to detect patterns, but it can result in some silly behaviors. The irony is that I can be thinking that the behavior is absurd while I'm doing it.

I understand what you mean. of course all our subjective experience is unique. every STONE on a beach is unique, every leaf on a tree, so why sould our meanings be the same. BUT, i am also saying that Nature is intelligent and has two aspects, material and spirit/consciousness. do you not agree with this and if not why not?
I don't reject that "nature" is intelligent (although I might argue the scope and definition) after all people are a part of nature. I'm rejecting the dualistic proposition. I find it inherently problematic and I don't find that it resolves anything.

d__Well i am saying it does. that the world outside of you is also FULL of meaning.
Upon what do you base this assertion? Can you outline the grounds for determining or even identifying meaning in a natural event without introducing the subjective?

Raithere said:
I don't see that any such impasse exists. Every human I've ever had the opportunity to touch on such matters with has had a personal understanding of spirituality.

d__ohhh, well that's interesting. are you speaking of materialistic scientists too...??

That I perceive the world as made up of patterns of energy and force rather than inhabiting, immaterial, entities in no way diminishes my capacity to identify with other creatures or the world around me. My experience, in fact, has been quite the reverse.

d__depends what you mean by 'immaterial'. for example i am suggesting the there is matter-energy AND consciousness. obviously matter-energy is material, and consciousness isn't. do you agree?

The more I've come to dismiss the notion that I am somehow special or set apart from the rest of the world, the more I find myself in communion with it.

d__good. that we are pat of the ecosystems

The more that I reject the notion that natural events are in some way deliberate or planned, the more personal meaning I find in these events.

d__well, heard of chaos theory, and spontaneity which means sentience? ie., not-mechanical, but organic.

What you seem to be looking for is meaning. But that exists within you and within each of us. It is not written in the world around you.

Of course, I may just be misunderstanding the question. ;)

For some reason the added points you have made aren't showing up in the reply-quote mode mate...?
for now i'll have to try and use what memory i have of what you had said.....

let me put it this way. you seem to underestinmate subjectivity. the body. but i am seeing a correlation between the 'inside'--if we can define subjectivity as INSIDE-feeling for the moment--of how we FEEL and th inside of how Nature feels. thaqt when we emphasize objectivity, then we are merely looking at sur-faces, nt feeling into A depth, even our own or what is being observed, listened too, touched, smelt and so on

That this deepness had been denigrated by patriarchal myth, philosophy, religion, and mechanstic science for generations. it is mistrusted by that mindset.
Plato for example, considerd the father of modern philosophy created a platonic dualism which honoured thinking and reason--espesh by the likes of aristocrats like him ('philosopher-kings') and denigrated the image/imagination the body and its needs, sexuality etc. he worshipped a realm of IDEAS. ie., he was cutting off head from body!
Raithere said:
{{made a mistake replying to your previous post. see my other reply above}}

That you perceive the materialistic interpretation as without meaning is a result of your own presumption. My assertion is that the value is subjective. For me, these experiences still have meaning whether they occur as physical phenomena in the brain or supernatural events in the soul is irrelevant IMO. They are a part of the set of experiences I call 'self'.

d__i think there's a huge difference. surely if one clings to a materilsic understanding then they are not open to one that is more--shall we say, not SUPERnatrual, but animistic. actually accepting the reality of enspirited matter. which would include body-awareness. this would accept Indigenous insights and see away with western ideas of being superior.

To label it "dangerous" seems silly to me. Can you explain the context and his argument?

d__As above. i see materilsim in the West with nukes and combined with white-light religion --ala BushW as extremely dangerous indeed. don't you. for combined, materilism and white-light religionist believfs both stem from the same root, and both abhor Nature. for the relgionists it is evil, and for the materilists mere commodity to be exploited

The reason it has become "taboo" is because almost every attempt to scientifically validate the assertions of spiritual forces acting in the world has failed miserably and those that have not utterly failed leave huge margins of uncertainty and unfounded interpretation. I would not say it was taboo as much as the bias in the scientific community is against it. One would need to come up with very strong evidence to turn back that bias as it is well founded.

d__i see it that bias and taboo go hand in hand. I also see the problem with the very idea that spirituality can be 'proven' by the scientific method. a bit like trying to pick up water with a square rock.
when you look at the criteria for scientific method as outlined by its father, Galileo. you see that all sensuality has to be left out! so see th contradiction. for authentic spirituality--not the patriarchal version--sensuality is CENTRAL. thus the onus of proff demands th scientist puts down his tesomometer, and plunges IN to experience.

I have a materialistic POV as well, so I approve. So far, I haven't seen reason to think otherwise.

d__well, that is not looking outside the box it sounds like.

I don't believe that the Universe can be reduced simply to cause and effect but I find the point moot in regards to consciousness and sentiency in either case. People continually try to define consciousness as an uncaused cause to allow for free will. But from my POV it doesn't matter... we have no choice but to operate under the presumption of free will. Unless we can cognitively reduce consciousness into deterministic components the experience of free will is inseparable from the experience of consciousness. To answer your question, no, I don't accept the dualistic solution of energy / consciousness it resolves nothing. It only introduces more problems.

d__but the essential point is is that it ISN'T dualistic. descarte's ideas were dualistic. he worried about how 'mind' could intereact with 'body'...?
what w are saying is that they were nver apart in the FIRSt place. matter-energy and consciousness are always togther.

You need to identify your premises. One of them is that consciousness is intrinsically immaterial. Yes, energy is conscious. I just define consciousness materialistically.

d__well consciousness is not material. Descartes had it right that one can measure matter-energy, yet not consciousness. but then fell into the false conundrum as to how the two cold relate togther,
but see it that ,,,,your body...it feels. say you felt a rush of energy in your body. well there is rush of energy and AWARENESs OF that rush of energy. togther but distinct.
matte-energy -all the way down-(meaning what it says, FEELS. is conscious and intelligent. this means it is not a mechanical effect of cause and effect, although that process does occur it is not the end of the story

Assuming that we are indeed fucking it up, no. Actually I cannot blame either paradigm; I think the problems arise due to much more immediate causes than metaphysics.

d__you cannot see that a mechanistic world-view of body, and Nature is causing unprecedented misery for all and Nature?

Its the mind seeking to find some measure of control and/or reassurance. Examined honestly pretty much everyone has a few. It's superstitious thinking and IMO a founding component of much religious thought. A natural tendency, the brain is wired to detect patterns, but it can result in some silly behaviors. The irony is that I can be thinking that the behavior is absurd while I'm doing it.

d__but you see, i constantly hear athiestic-scientists blame eveything on religionists superstitions, yet fail to see their own false assumptions. like that
the world and universe is just a mechanical event of causes and effects with the 'accident of consciousness, which is really 'meaningless'. all that to me is just as superstitious as patriarchal religious belief

I don't reject that "nature" is intelligent (although I might argue the scope and definition) after all people are a part of nature. I'm rejecting the dualistic proposition. I find it inherently problematic and I don't find that it resolves anything.

d__a bit confused here. i am thinking you see the idea of 'consciousness = 'mtter-energy' to be dualistic?

Upon what do you base this assertion? Can you outline the grounds for determining or even identifying meaning in a natural event without introducing the subjective?

d__well the subjective is IT. Is the inside. Is feeling. and it's precisly feeling which the scientific method chooses to leave out!

MEANT to type: "I am understanding you are feeling that consciousness + matter-energy is dualistic...?
duendy said:
when we emphasize objectivity, then we are merely looking at sur-faces, nt feeling into A depth, even our own or what is being observed, listened too, touched, smelt and so on
Science is an attempt to know. What you feel, what you observe, the "depth" of the experience is not something I can know. And you cannot know mine.

For example, you can have no idea how the world looks to me. I have a red-green color deficiency that effects how the world looks to me. For instance, the backs of dollar bills and green traffic signals are mostly grey to me. And while I can tell that leaves are green and stop signs are red, red on top of green does not stand out. When I take the Ishihara test* I see a different number than you, or none at all. My subjective experience is intrinsically different than yours and completely untranslatable.

* http://www.everwonder.com/david/colorblind.html

And this is not just particular to my case; the problem multiplies for every individual. Where then is truth, when subjective experience correlates only generally and never specifically?

It's not that I find subjective experience unimportant; I just find it is an unreliable method of knowing. How do you build a congruent and reliable world-view from incompatible perspectives? How can you even determine what color the back of a dollar bill is?

Adding further complexity, you're touching on matters that are not even sensually perceived, you're talking about the feelings and imaginations.

As above. i see materilsim in the West with nukes and combined with white-light religion --ala BushW as extremely dangerous indeed. don't you
I don't think we're talking about the same materialism here.

The stereotypical Western materialism is defined as "a doctrine, theory, or principle according to which the only or the highest values or objectives of living lie in material well-being and pleasure and in the furtherance of material progress".

In contrast, the materialism I am referring to is "doctrine, theory, or principle according to which physical matter is the only reality and the reality through which all being and processes and phenomena can be explained". The two are not necessarily intertwined. If there is an innate 'intelligence' to the Universe, I believe it must be found here.

Regarding your example, while I do find it dangerous but I find it to be more of an issue of dogma, politics, and idealism.

i see it that bias and taboo go hand in hand. I also see the problem with the very idea that spirituality can be 'proven' by the scientific method. a bit like trying to pick up water with a square rock.
I find this to be too convenient an explanation. It's overused and illogical as well. If this spiritual aspect has an effect on the world then it can be measured. If it has no effect then it does not exist in any logical sense. We don't know what causes gravity but we can measure its effect. What then is the argument as to why the spiritual cannot be measured?

well, that is not looking outside the box it sounds like.
You're overly presumptuous. I've done more than my share of searching outside the box. I'm not bound by any such rules. But I refuse to accept as truth that which I cannot support. Thus far all arguments I've seen for the existence of a spiritual force or supernatural entities have been utterly unconvincing.

what w are saying is that they were nver apart in the FIRSt place. matter-energy and consciousness are always togther.
well consciousness is not material.
All evidence suggests otherwise. But if it is not then what is it? Define consciousness in contrast with matter-energy.

your body...it feels. say you felt a rush of energy in your body. well there is rush of energy and AWARENESs OF that rush of energy. togther but distinct. matte-energy -all the way down-(meaning what it says, FEELS. is conscious and intelligent. this means it is not a mechanical effect of cause and effect, although that process does occur it is not the end of the story
I disagree. Those thoughts and feelings you have can be measured, in your pulse, your blood pressure, pupil dilation, and more importantly in the electro-chemical activity in your brain. To date there is no evidence at all that indicates consciousness exists when these measurable events are not happening.

you cannot see that a mechanistic world-view of body, and Nature is causing unprecedented misery for all and Nature?
Unprecedented misery? Please. Try unprecedented health and happiness. Never in the history of the world have more people lived longer and healthier lives. Never have more people been more educated and been more concerned with the welfare of others. The past is too often idealized. It is only in the last few millennia that mankind has been able to subside above grubbing around for food. It is only in the last few centuries (since the materialistic scientific method was developed) that humans have been able to accurately identify and combat the causes of suffering.

but you see, i constantly hear athiestic-scientists blame eveything on religionists superstitions, yet fail to see their own false assumptions. like that the world and universe is just a mechanical event of causes and effects with the 'accident of consciousness, which is really 'meaningless'. all that to me is just as superstitious as patriarchal religious belief
Then demonstrate otherwise. That you want it to be does not make it so.

duendy said:
This thread is to do with the impasse that often happens to occur between people attempting to communicate spiritual experiences and ideas to materilistic-scientists who will not accept ANY such talk unless 'solid evidence' as supplied and/or tested by scientific method can be presentd as evidence.
thats how science works,if you cant measure it,and test it repeatedly to be sure it is what it is,HOW would you know?

spiritual experience is only a personal"feeling"imo.
My meaning of spirituality is a deeper understanding or matter.
and how do you reach this understanding???
The realization that Nature is intelligent,
inteligence suggests brain,where is natures brain?:rolleyes:
Do you for example agree, or are aware of more organic or holistic developments in science that are more sympathetic to spirituality?
wtf is an organic ,hollistic development in science anyway???
And how do you see this impasse can be resolved.
grow up!
get rid of your silly superstitions
Dear Duendy,

Actually, the Scientific Method Stonewall only succeeds on the assumption that every body who offers a spiritual anecdote must be some kind of a fraudulant liar.

Every accurate psychic vision or dream that comes true is absolute proof of the existence of Spirit, and the Scientific Method advocates can only defend their position by claiming that we are deliberately lying.

For instance, a young lady I had known back in my old College days almost a half century ago, and I once had the very same dream. We had met in the College Cafeteria and had a conversation. They next day we met in the hallway, and with no other discussion, but with just the beam of recognition we each repeated the conversation we had had in the dream, word for word, speaking simulateously. It had to have been a Supernatural Event. The Scientist has no recourse but to call me a liar.

Then there are the Scientists who call other Scientist 'liars' for violating the Trust of following the Orthodox Practice of automatically renouncing all Evidence of the Supernatural. For instance, at the Sterling Hospital in India, and actual Scientific Study was conducted on one Prahlad Jani, an old Indian Gentleman who is purported to have lived the last 60 years without food or water. He did exactly that for 10 days under absolutely strict scientific observation which concluded that he was indeed Self-sustaining without the intake of food or beverage. The response of the Greater Scientific Community was to effectively Ex-communicate the Scientific Staff at the Sterling Hospital for breaking the Tacit but Ironclad Code of the Scientific Community to be doctrinally Atheistic.
Leo Volont said:
Actually, the Scientific Method Stonewall only succeeds on the assumption that every body who offers a spiritual anecdote must be some kind of a fraudulant liar.

Every accurate psychic vision or dream that comes true is absolute proof of the existence of Spirit, and the Scientific Method advocates can only defend their position by claiming that we are deliberately lying.
Actually, Leo, the proper response would not be to call such claims lies, although a tremendous number of these claims have indeed been demonstrated to be lies in which case it's okay to call them such. Any logical approach must admit the possibility of singular events and unknown phenomena.

The difference between skeptics and true believers (thank you Carl) is that the skeptic must admit that while such phenomena may occur one cannot posit any strong argument as to their cause or 'meaning'. In contrast true believers, such as you, will automatically assume that these occurrences constitute evidence supporting any number of imaginary constructs.

The rational response to such phenomena is a skeptical caution not wild pronouncements of "truth". For instance you had mentioned Prahlad Jani's claim and subsequent observation by doctors. But you failed to mention a few facts (or perhaps they were unknown to you). First off, medical observation does not really constitute a study. Also, according to the BBC story Jani did loose weight during the 10 day observation which would indicate that he cannot sustain his body without food. The hospital was then forced to discharge him when people seeking to see him started disrupting hospital operations.

The "conclusion" made by a doctor involved in the study? "Jani remained fit and survived his 11 days of observation, he did not take food or water in any form, his blood pressure and pulse were within the physiological range of a normal human, the observation revealed that Jani had an extraordinary ability to stay alive for prolonged periods without eating or drinking," http://sify.com/news/fullstory.php?id=13319688

This, of course, is assuming that Jani was not able to fool the doctors in some way.

Though claims of inedia are well known, they often prove out to be lies. Such as the following: http://skepdic.com/inedia.html

The error lies not in acknowledging that unexplained events occur but in asserting an explaination as fact, particularly when the explanation itself lacks supporting evidence.

Raithere said:
Science is an attempt to know. What you feel, what you observe, the "depth" of the experience is not something I can know. And you cannot know mine.

d__true. our subjective experiences are unique. But therer is also an interconnective means to empathize on ever deeper levels in the approprate circumstances, beit natrual, or with the aid of hallucinogenic inspiration

Where then is truth, when subjective experience correlates only generally and never specifically?

d__subjective truth is the inner FEELING. not just of isolated persons called me and you, and tree and cat, etc. subective feeling is as i say a connecTOR. for example when you are very clos to someone, dont you resonate with that person often

It's not that I find subjective experience unimportant; I just find it is an unreliable method of knowing. How do you build a congruent and reliable world-view from incompatible perspectives? How can you even determine what color the back of a dollar bill is?

d__we are not demonizing reason when we aks for the embrace of subjective understanding. the two go hand in hand

Adding further complexity, you're touching on matters that are not even sensually perceived, you're talking about the feelings and imaginations.

d__which ARE sensually perceived, obviously. how else is one to perceive them?

I don't think we're talking about the same materialism here.

The stereotypical Western materialism is defined as "a doctrine, theory, or principle according to which the only or the highest values or objectives of living lie in material well-being and pleasure and in the furtherance of material progress".

In contrast, the materialism I am referring to is "doctrine, theory, or principle according to which physical matter is the only reality and the reality through which all being and processes and phenomena can be explained". The two are not necessarily intertwined. If there is an innate 'intelligence' to the Universe, I believe it must be found here.

d__what i am saying is is that when matter is perceived and felt as mechancial and UN-sentient, then it becomes commodity to be exploited. and from there the machinations of the culture reflect that worldview

Regarding your example, while I do find it dangerous but I find it to be more of an issue of dogma, politics, and idealism.

d__it is all interconnected with the prevailing worldview, obviously.

I find this to be too convenient an explanation. It's overused and illogical as well. If this spiritual aspect has an effect on the world then it can be measured. If it has no effect then it does not exist in any logical sense. We don't know what causes gravity but we can measure its effect. What then is the argument as to why the spiritual cannot be measured?

d__well, as said it is the INNER. and this inner is not measureable. how for example can one measure love?

You're overly presumptuous. I've done more than my share of searching outside the box. I'm not bound by any such rules. But I refuse to accept as truth that which I cannot support. Thus far all arguments I've seen for the existence of a spiritual force or supernatural entities have been utterly unconvincing.

d__depends what criteria you desire. if you are wiating for "SOLID evidence" then you're asking the wrong questions mate

All evidence suggests otherwise. But if it is not then what is it? Define consciousness in contrast with matter-energy.

matter-energy can be measured, as it has extension in space. consciousness doesn't. you cant 'find' it in the brain or anywhere, yet we FEEL. are aware, and have subjective experience.
the mind/body problem has been caught up in the paradox of how 'dead' matter can 'produce' consciousness and subjective awareness. But they have been asking the wrong question. lost in their first premise that they must be separated and need to join up (Descartes), and now the mental's been discarded with altogther (phsicalism).....but for matter to self-organize it makes sense that it has an in-form-ational intelligence that FEELS. I.e., consciousness. matter-energy and consciousness were NEVEr separate to begin with!

I disagree. Those thoughts and feelings you have can be measured, in your pulse, your blood pressure, pupil dilation, and more importantly in the electro-chemical activity in your brain. To date there is no evidence at all that indicates consciousness exists when these measurable events are not happening.

d__but thats you and the doc and scientists with your measuring equipments measuring energy, and pulses, and surges. you are not measure my FEELIN awareness of them. As i said in pre-post...you example have a surge of energy rush through your body, you also FEEL that surge. the to are distinct but ALWAYs go togther

Unprecedented misery? Please. Try unprecedented health and happiness. Never in the history of the world have more people lived longer and healthier lives. Never have more people been more educated and been more concerned with the welfare of others. The past is too often idealized. It is only in the last few millennia that mankind has been able to subside above grubbing around for food. It is only in the last few centuries (since the materialistic scientific method was developed) that humans have been able to accurately identify and combat the causes of suffering.

d__errr, no man. that's not what i know. for a kick off. a BILLION chidren are starving in our brave new world you pain, toDAY.

Then demonstrate otherwise. That you want it to be does not make it so.


true. our subjective experiences are unique. But therer is also an interconnective means to empathize on ever deeper levels in the approprate circumstances, beit natrual, or with the aid of hallucinogenic inspiration
I agree with the gestalt perspective, I just don't find it necessary to invoke another level of reality to explain it.

subjective truth is the inner FEELING. not just of isolated persons called me and you, and tree and cat, etc. subective feeling is as i say a connecTOR. for example when you are very clos to someone, dont you resonate with that person often
Once again, I simply do not find it necessary to invent an explanation that goes beyond a materialistic one. I believe both the unity and communion you describe can be explained by recursive patterns in a material realm.

we are not demonizing reason when we aks for the embrace of subjective understanding. the two go hand in hand
No. But I believe you are stepping away from reason when you postulate the existence of something you cannot verify objectively.

which ARE sensually perceived, obviously. how else is one to perceive them?
I mean externally. Consciousness is self-recursive; included in its state of being is an isomorphism of its state of being... self-awareness. This is consciousness in my opinion.

what i am saying is is that when matter is perceived and felt as mechancial and UN-sentient, then it becomes commodity to be exploited. and from there the machinations of the culture reflect that worldview
I don't believe you can make a blanket assertion like that. I don't find it to be true.

depends what criteria you desire. if you are wiating for "SOLID evidence" then you're asking the wrong questions mate
I don't see any evidence at all. What I see is people taking the unknown and providing ad hoc explanations and interpretations. Taken as a whole I can find no rational means of sifting through the wide variety of disparate and incompatible concepts. Every appeal to preference I have come across has been unconvincing. As a whole I must then reject them as no better than no answer at all. Leaving presumption behind I remain open to any new argument. You want to convince me? Provide a compelling argument.

matter-energy can be measured, as it has extension in space. consciousness doesn't. you cant 'find' it in the brain or anywhere, yet we FEEL. are aware, and have subjective experience.
Even if I accept this, I again question how you can then posit a solution. All you're saying to me is that what you feel cannot be measured, therefore it must be .... I don't see how you can reasonably come to a conclusion.

but for matter to self-organize it makes sense that it has an in-form-ational intelligence that FEELS
This is just the ID argument, I find it lacking in the extreme. Patterns and organizational principles are an intrinsic component of the physical universe. I see no need to invent something else to explain what's all around us. Frankly, I'm not sure if it matters when it remains on this basic a level. The problem I find is that once accepted this notion starts to accrete all sorts of poorly reasoned constructs.

I.e., consciousness. matter-energy and consciousness were NEVEr separate to begin with!
Consciousness, IMO, is a pattern. I see no reason to tack on something extra just to explain it. How do you validate such an assertion?

but thats you and the doc and scientists with your measuring equipments measuring energy, and pulses, and surges. you are not measure my FEELIN awareness of them.
Actually, we can. We can measure the physiological response and gauge, for instance, the amount of pain you FEEL. We just cannot feel it ourselves, which is my argument.

errr, no man. that's not what i know. for a kick off. a BILLION chidren are starving in our brave new world you pain, toDAY.
A billion? You can support that number? And you can demonstrate that their suffering is being caused by a materialistic world view? How would an alternative view change matters? Can you reconcile that with the pain an suffering that exists within the domain of the stereotypical Eastern philosophies? It seems to me that there are more people suffering in China and India than in the "West".

Raithere said:
I agree with the gestalt perspective, I just don't find it necessary to invoke another level of reality to explain it.

d__anciently that level was called the Underworld, if we are talking the Depth. there was/is also the Goddess/shamanic symbol of the Tree. In shamanism it symbolizes the upper levels, the world and the lower levels which are all interconnected. Ie., the trees roots go deep down in earth its trunk is midway, and its branches reach up to the cosmos.
I am curious. Have you had any hallucinogenic experience?

Once again, I simply do not find it necessary to invent an explanation that goes beyond a materialistic one. I believe both the unity and communion you describe can be explained by recursive patterns in a material realm.

d___explained....? maybe. ie., from the PSERSPCTIVE of a materilaist (they think EVERYTHING can be xplianed)...but FEELING is another matter. for that you ARe the experiement, yeah. you cannot have the safe haven of OBJECTIVELY looking AT the experience. you ARE the experience. that's the crucual difference

No. But I believe you are stepping away from reason when you postulate the existence of something you cannot verify objectively.

d__depends what you mean by 'verfy objectively'. say i have a deep spiritual experience. obviously i can't present you with a pice of metal fro it, or a mathematical forumula for how you are to get it. less it was how to make LSD for example..hehe. I can however use my reason to try and define it. is this form reason is where it shouold be. a TOOL. rather than the function that lords itself over imagination and feeling where it shouldn't.

I mean externally. Consciousness is self-recursive; included in its state of being is an isomorphism of its state of being... self-awareness. This is consciousness in my opinion.

d__dont know what you think of animals and AV. i am against it totally. a huge part of the justification for testing on animals was the Carestian idea that their emotions weren't like ours, but were rather the cries of automata......!
Now, animals are conscious like us. though obvious can't create nuclear wars like us, and may not be as self-conscious. bu they are NOt automata
consciousness/experience has to be intrinis not just for animals but for all matter-energy. otherwise how do you explain OUR consciousness if you feel everything is just matter-energy. how can 'dead' matter--as is thought by materialists suddenly have subjective awareness? this is the 'problem'. but the solution is that matter-energy is ALWAYS aware. thus is self-organizing. matter-evergy is always in trasformation..ie., is ALIVE

I don't believe you can make a blanket assertion like that. I don't find it to be true.
D))))this is n reponse to me saying:
WHEN person BLIVEs reality is mechancial and materialistic then they TREAt reality as to how they believe it is. like as explained, if they see animals as mere machines, then all compassion for them as living beings goes out of the window. why are you struggling with this insight?

I don't see any evidence at all. What I see is people taking the unknown and providing ad hoc explanations and interpretations. Taken as a whole I can find no rational means of sifting through the wide variety of disparate and incompatible concepts. Every appeal to preference I have come across has been unconvincing. As a whole I must then reject them as no better than no answer at all. Leaving presumption behind I remain open to any new argument. You want to convince me? Provide a compelling argument.

d___i CAN'T convince you if you are stuck in your worldview. i keep hinting at that you ARe the experiement. NEVEr will you receive the 'evidence' you want. cause the questions you are asking are limited. you are tied to the criteria of our little limited scientific method. period. can that measure love. explain love. you have to FEEL love to know what it is. hhehe, though maybe a baby is evidence. though even babies can be born accidentally when partners aren't in love, and via rape and so on

Even if I accept this, I again question how you can then posit a solution. All you're saying to me is that what you feel cannot be measured, therefore it must be .... I don't see how you can reasonably come to a conclusion.

d__how CAN you measure consciousness? we've been through this. how can you measure love? it doesn't make sense. you reject what i say because instead of seeing the limitations of what you are asking, you rather underestimate experience/consciousness

This is just the ID argument, I find it lacking in the extreme. Patterns and organizational principles are an intrinsic component of the physical universe. I see no need to invent something else to explain what's all around us. Frankly, I'm not sure if it matters when it remains on this basic a level. The problem I find is that once accepted this notion starts to accrete all sorts of poorly reasoned constructs.

D___whats an 'ID argument'?
how can matter organize without innate intelligence?

Consciousness, IMO, is a pattern. I see no reason to tack on something extra just to explain it. How do you validate such an assertion?
(will have to begin part 2 now. will explain)
Actually, we can. We can measure the physiological response and gauge, for instance, the amount of pain you FEEL. We just cannot feel it ourselves, which is my argument.

A billion? You can support that number? And you can demonstrate that their suffering is being caused by a materialistic world view? How would an alternative view change matters? Can you reconcile that with the pain an suffering that exists within the domain of the stereotypical Eastern philosophies? It seems to me that there are more people suffering in China and India than in the "West".

Raithere I don't believe you can make a blanket assertion like that. I don't find it to be true. I don't see any evidence at all. What I see is people taking the unknown and providing ad hoc explanations and interpretations. Taken as a whole I can find no rational means of sifting through the wide variety of disparate and incompatible concepts. Every appeal to preference I have come across has been unconvincing. As a whole I must then reject them as no better than no answer at all. Leaving presumption behind I remain open to any new argument. You want to convince me? Provide a compelling argument. Even if I accept this said:
'State of the World's Children 2005'

And you can demonstrate that their suffering is being caused by a materialistic world view?

D))let me guess. you are wanting EVIDENCE??!

How would an alternative view change matters?

D)))This is what we ALL need to seriously explore no matter how daunting it may appear. it can only come when we start exploring the materilstic outlook that is the prevailing paradgim, and which imposes itself on all the world...people, animals, etc.

Can you reconcile that with the pain an suffering that exists within the domain of the stereotypical Eastern philosophies? It seems to me that there are more people suffering in China and India than in the "West".

Its fundamental roots is patriarchy. many people imagine the Esat is not patriarchal. however when you examine their myths, and political structure it very much is.


duendy said:
anciently that level was called the Underworld...
I understand the metaphorical constructs, I just don't find them as an accurate depiction of reality. They are tools more useful for introspection than defining reality in my experience. I have no problem with the mystical perspective; In fact I have a lot of appreciation for it. But I do find it odd to see a mystic trying to resolve it and asserting a particular view.

As far as hallucinogenic experience goes; I never followed the Dead or Phish around the country in a VW bus... ;) but yes, I've had a fair amount of experience with it. I think it can provide some interesting insights but so can any alteration of perspective. Personally, I find other methods more reliable though I do understand the appeal. But that's about the extent of it. I certainly do not view it as intrinsically revelatory; no more than I would assert that I perceive the world more accurately through rose tinted glasses.

explained....? maybe. ie., from the PSERSPCTIVE of a materilaist (they think EVERYTHING can be xplianed)
Actually no we don't, at least not necessarily. It's more a matter of excluding needless complexities. The principle is Ockham's razor.

but FEELING is another matter. for that you ARe the experiement, yeah. you cannot have the safe haven of OBJECTIVELY looking AT the experience. you ARE the experience. that's the crucual difference I can however use my reason to try and define it. is this form reason is where it shouold be. a TOOL. rather than the function that lords itself over imagination and feeling where it shouldn't.
Ah, but one still needs to be able to fit one's subjective experience into a cohesive worldview. I'm not trying to deny it, I merely accept it as a function of what I can verify. I have managed to do so without having to define the unknown; I am able to simply classify it as unknown and attempt to resolve it as best I can. On the other hand I find that you are laboring under a presumption that you know what is actually unknown.

dont know what you think of animals and AV. i am against it totally. a huge part of the justification for testing on animals was the Carestian idea that their emotions weren't like ours, but were rather the cries of automata......!
I don't want to get into a deep discussion of this topic here. If you'd like to we can discuss it in another thread. For this topic, suffice it to say that I find animal testing to be a necessary evil. But that is not because I perceive animals as automata.

Now, animals are conscious like us. though obvious can't create nuclear wars like us, and may not be as self-conscious. bu they are NOt automata consciousness/experience has to be intrinis not just for animals but for all matter-energy. otherwise how do you explain OUR consciousness if you feel everything is just matter-energy. how can 'dead' matter--as is thought by materialists suddenly have subjective awareness? this is the 'problem'. but the solution is that matter-energy is ALWAYS aware. thus is self-organizing. matter-evergy is always in trasformation..ie., is ALIVE
Some animals appear to have a distinct consciousness, others display very little. I believe that behavioral evidence suggests a range of consciousness from the essentially mechanistic to the self-aware to the self-realizing.

I find the assertion that consciousness is intrinsic to all matter/energy to be unwarranted. Subjective awareness seems to me unnecessarily complicated in your explanation that there must be something more than what is apparent. From the materialistic perspective "dead" matter does not "suddenly" obtain subjective awareness. Subjective awareness is only found in complex, recursive systems. Please, if you think otherwise, give me an example. Show me the rock that displays intelligence, self-awareness, or the ability to choose.

WHEN person BLIVEs reality is mechancial and materialistic then they TREAt reality as to how they believe it is. like as explained, if they see animals as mere machines, then all compassion for them as living beings goes out of the window. why are you struggling with this insight?
Because it's erroneous. Again, you are being presumptuous in assuming things about other people based upon simplistic categorizations.

For instance, I have a materialistic POV and I have compassion for animals. I do not view them as "mere machines". I am well aware, for instance, that my dogs are conscious even if their level of self-awareness and self-actualization is comparatively less than a human's. This blatantly invalidates your assertion.

I find that from a materialistic POV it makes no sense to dismiss anything so hastily. It's an unwarranted superposition stemming from anthropocentric arrogance, what you keep labeling (invalidly IMO) "patriarchal" and "materialistic".

i CAN'T convince you if you are stuck in your worldview. i keep hinting at that you ARe the experiement. NEVEr will you receive the 'evidence' you want. cause the questions you are asking are limited. you are tied to the criteria of our little limited scientific method. period.
Please stop trying to stuff me into a box of your choosing. Your presumption is really getting annoying. That I believe the materialistic perspective is correct does not make me incapable of understanding other perspectives. To accuse this is both offensive and invalid as an argument.

Instead of claiming over and over again that I just don't understand because I'm limited by my perspective, why don't you actually try to back up what you are saying? Thus far your entire argument consists of "I feel this" and "you're blind to it", it's no more valid than the theistic argument that one must first have faith before one can perceive the evidence. Utter nonsense. More to the point, I have tested similar perspectives and found them lacking. Either put up a valid argument or admit that what you believe is simply wishful thinking.

how CAN you measure consciousness? we've been through this. how can you measure love? it doesn't make sense. you reject what i say because instead of seeing the limitations of what you are asking, you rather underestimate experience/consciousness
I believe you are overstating experience/consciousness and thus far you have given me no reason to think otherwise. I find it to be simple, anthropocentric hubris. "Life is special. Consciousness is special. I am special." Prove it. Give me something to work with other than an argument from incredulity.

how can matter organize without innate intelligence?
I don't see where intelligence is a requisite for organization. Matter becomes ordered according to the interaction of the fundamental forces and energy. From all observation these forces operate in an entirely mechanistic fashion. Given a specific starting configuration we can accurately predict the outcome. If I mix chemical A with chemical B at a certain temperature, at a certain dilution, etc I get solution C. Always. While at the quantum level we find a level of indeterminacy this resolves itself probabilistically on a macroscopic level. If these things were not so science would have invalidated itself.

Where is the evidence then that such function is a result of intelligence? Where is the independent action we associate with consciousness? Where is memory, without which identity is non-existent? If matter / energy is itself conscious how would that differ from non-conscious matter / energy?

If everything is conscious shouldn't we see this behavior at all levels of existence? Instead things appear to occur in a mechanistic fashion. It is only at a high level of complexity (such as in the neural networks of animals) that we find the apparently autonomous behavior we take as evidence of intelligence and consciousness.

so your equipment can tell me how much i LOVE can it?
No, I don't believe we have anywhere near the understanding necessary to dissect such a complex system to that level of accuracy. I would also point out that love is a rather ambiguous concept to begin with. But we can measure and gauge relative physiological responses. This, for instance, gives us a rather reliable means of lie detection.

Thanks for the link. Although I do differentiate between "suffering" and being deprived of what Unicef regards as basic rights. I would also point out that of the 7 basic rights only 3 did man have before the advent of technology and all have been vastly improved specifically due to the success of the scientific method and naught else.

let me guess. you are wanting EVIDENCE??!
Yes. Your assertion is that all of this suffering is caused by a materialistic worldview. You need to support your assertion. Otherwise why should I believe you?

This is what we ALL need to seriously explore no matter how daunting it may appear. it can only come when we start exploring the materilstic outlook that is the prevailing paradgim, and which imposes itself on all the world...people, animals, etc.
I have yet to see you make a convincing case for it. Is there any society that does invest the attributes you proscibe?

Its fundamental roots is patriarchy. many people imagine the Esat is not patriarchal. however when you examine their myths, and political structure it very much is.
Its central philosophies are certainly not materialistic however. I don't see a resolution here. Is the cause materialism or patriarchal societies? Would a maternal materialist worldview somehow be better?
