Spirituality And Chemistry


Registered Senior Member
Sometimes I envy religious people that believe in god. I remember the comfort and well being that I use to feel as a child when I was brainwashed into believing that Jesus was my Lord and savior. Everything was so much simpler back then. Ignorance is bliss. As I grew older I was exposed to other things that opened my eyes. I realized that all religions were nothing more than popular cults. I realized how foolish it was for me to be following the beliefs and traditions of primitive people that lived thousands of years ago.

During my teenaged years I went though a period where I was searching for something to believe in. That is when I discovered science and Buddhism. I realized that Buddhism is the only major organized religion that did not conflict with the scientific information that I was learning. There is no real scientific evidence to prove that human souls exist, but I do believe in reincarnation. My interpretation of it is a little different.

I believe that the word I exists because of our illusionary perception of reality. If you looked that the big picture (your place in the universe) you should realize that there is no I. It’s an illusion. We are all one part or a piece of the universe. Believing that you are separate from the universe is like believing that the trillions of cells in your body are separate from you. Meditation allows you to be conscious of the fact that you are one with the universe. So basically, I am one with all of the life forms that will exist in the future, because the things that I do in the present will have an effect on the things that will exist in the future. Matter can’t be created or destroyed, it just changes shape.

This oneness with the universe does feel good, but it does not feel as good as the illusions that I felt when I believed that I was going to go to heaven and experience bliss for an eternity. I suppose that I could feel even better than I felt before if I meditated as much Buddhist monks, but I don’t have the time or the mental discipline for it. I suppose it would be much easier to meditate on a regular basis if I could do it on the top of some isolated mountain in India.

I read several books about Buddhism and neuroscience over the years. And realized that spirituality is nothing more than chemistry. Christians feel happy when they go to church and pray because it causes the release of chemicals like serotonin. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that plays a role in feelings like self-confidence and relaxation. Buddhist monks are so happy because of the large amount of electromagnetic activity that they have in their left area of their prefrontal cortex. This area becomes active when a person is experiencing positive emotions. Scientists believe that their years of intense meditation has caused them to develop a higher amount of neurons and dendrites in their left prefrontal area. Buddhist monks are also more capable of controlling their emotions in a stressful environment.

I believe that nano technology could give us the ability to control all of the chemical reactions within our bodies in the future. In the future we could all be able to experience the well being that some people feel when they pray or meditate. There are some scientists that are currently trying to develop a pill that mimics the experience of prayer and meditation. You can click on the links below if you would like to learn about the research that scientists are working on.





q0101 said:
I remember the comfort and well being that I use to feel as a child when I was brainwashed into believing that Jesus was my Lord and savior.

He was your Lord and savior back then. Later you'll understand more about yourself and you'll see that Christ exists, but he was never anyone but your higher self.

Ignorance is bliss.

Truth is bliss.

As I grew older I was exposed to other things that opened my eyes.

You didn't open your eyes for everything yet.

I realized that Buddhism is the only major organized religion that did not conflict with the scientific information that I was learning.

Science conflicts with truth.

I also had this kind of period in my life. First when I was very young I didn't believe in anything, later when I heard of religions I thought they were kind of ridiculous. At that time I was interrested in science and thought that it answered many questions for me. But I evolved further and saw that ancient myths were not ridiculous at all, and that they contained lots of wisdom and truth.

I believe that the word I exists because of our illusionary perception of reality.

I exist because there is a separation between what I feel myself to be (inner) and what I feel is outside me. This separation exists because nothingness can't be without its infinity (everything).

If you looked that the big picture (your place in the universe) you should realize that there is no I. It’s an illusion.

Everything is an illusion but I still exist in this illusion.

We are all one part or a piece of the universe.

We are all one self in infinite bodies.

Believing that you are separate from the universe is like believing that the trillions of cells in your body are separate from you.

There is no "absolute separation" but there is mental separation. But just like me, the trillions of cells in my body also "feel" separate from me. "I" is omnipresent because it is God.

Matter can’t be created or destroyed, it just changes shape.

If it can't be created, how can it exist?

This oneness with the universe does feel good, but it does not feel as good as the illusions that I felt when I believed that I was going to go to heaven and experience bliss for an eternity.

It's because you've not found the truth yet. When you were little you were more present and closer to yourself. The natural state of being is bliss because nothing exists in the present moment. But we create separation between everything, like me and the others, the future and past.

I suppose that I could feel even better than I felt before if I meditated as much Buddhist monks, but I don’t have the time or the mental discipline for it.

You don't have to do anything to feel eternal bliss. Energy is only required when we try to stay away from the emptiness of the moment. The only thing we have to do is to realize that nothing has to be done. There is no goal to attain because infinity can't be reached because it is only in the present moment and not in space and time.

And realized that spirituality is nothing more than chemistry.

Yes, but do you know what chemistry is?

Christians feel happy when they go to church and pray because it causes the release of chemicals like serotonin.

Why does it release chemicals like serotonin?

Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that plays a role in feelings like self-confidence and relaxation. Buddhist monks are so happy because of the large amount of electromagnetic activity that they have in their left area of their prefrontal cortex.

They're happy because they have evolved.

I believe that nano technology could give us the ability to control all of the chemical reactions within our bodies in the future.

Maybe, but only temporarily. We can't rely on anything else but ourself because everything but we dissapear. What we attain in ourselves never dissapear. If we use technology to become happy, we become unhappy when that technology is no longer available. The only way for eternal bliss is infinite evolution. There is no easy way, there are infinite ways.
c7ityi_ said:
Yes, but do you know what chemistry is?

Why does it release chemicals like serotonin?

The last link at the end of my post will answer most the questions that you would want to know about serotonin and most of the other chemicals that play a role in pleasurable experiences. I posted this topic because I believe that every religious person should know what is going on inside of their bodies when they pray to their god or meditate.

Most of the atheist on this website are wasting their time trying to convince theist that god does not exist. Atheists don’t realize how important the belief in god is to some people. Theism is probably the best drug on earth. (Serotonin, oxytocin, dopamine combined into one) Trying to take away a person’s chemical illusions is like trying to help a heroin addict.

I don’t believe in god, but I am not trying to convince people that god does not exist. I am just trying to share some scientific information with the believers and non-believers on this website. I believe that everyone should try to acquire as much information as they can, and afterwards they should come to their own conclusions. Everything is subjective, but atheists are more capable of thinking objectively. Objective thinkers (thinking without emotion) are more rational than subjective thinkers. A subjective thinker would say that god makes me feel good therefore he must exist.
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I read several books about Buddhism and neuroscience over the years. And realized that spirituality is nothing more than chemistry. Christians feel happy when they go to church and pray because it causes the release of chemicals like serotonin. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that plays a role in feelings like self-confidence and relaxation. Buddhist monks are so happy because of the large amount of electromagnetic activity that they have in their left area of their prefrontal cortex. This area becomes active when a person is experiencing positive emotions.

If there is a creator God then I would think it would be essential that He would work through Chemistry since that's what humans relate too, I mean what else would He use?
Sensing feeling and processing anything by our body can only be by some biochemical change. It is Known or could be yet known in science may cause confusions. We could yet know upto "four fundamental forces and elementary particles", but prime/mother of all these is yet to be known/understood i.e, "prime force". Allthougt IT and its qualities are felt by many/most as "GOD, Goddess, angels, Son of God etc. at basic and gross levels, but it can be just a miss, inability, ignorance or weakness of science yet couldnot know its science. We may have then to consider it as " possible/exists but couldn't yet be knon in science".

We can get interactions physically, physiologically and phsyclogically which an result into biochemical changes. All reflected/emitted/felt energies are quantum interactions and processings. We can interact by reflections, emissions or shed particles from any substance. Cephalic phase effect is by sensing--felling, thinking, looking, tasting smelling etc. so looking, hearing, tasting, smelling, feeling via skin, thinking can process biochemical changes in us...or just work by bio-chemical changes. Even speaking(with or without voice) just repeating mantras/words without voice, just wispering, speaking loudly at different tones can have different type of biochemical changes.

We usually consider gross/macro current levels usually ignore or coudn't yet understood basic/micro or prime levels.
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