Spirituality according to Squirrel


Valued Senior Member
I thought of something today in bible study,wanted to share it with you guys and get some other thoughts..

spirituality as it applies to MEPS..

mental..what we think
emotional..what we feel
physical..what we know
Spiritual..what we believe

We cannot access our spiritual state of being directly,
our spiritual state of being is that which exists outside our own 'self',
our 'self' is governed by our mental,emotional,physical states of being,
through our effort to make our mental,emotional,physical, states of being better, we influence our spiritual state of being,
our spiritual state of being is that which will exist after we die. (disbelieve this if you will, but respect those that do)
There is a state of being that exists outside the self, but the Buddhists would say, as would I, that the self is a mental construct, and the thing people call spiritual is a mental state in which the self takes a backseat to the intelligence of the unconscious. It can be experienced directly, which is the whole point of meditation. Every effort you make to better yourself only reinforces the self construct and thus obstructs access to your spiritual side.
There is a state of being that exists outside the self, but the Buddhists would say, as would I, that the self is a mental construct, and the thing people call spiritual is a mental state in which the self takes a backseat to the intelligence of the unconscious. It can be experienced directly, which is the whole point of meditation. Every effort you make to better yourself only reinforces the self construct and thus obstructs access to your spiritual side.

Spidey that picture is freaking Me . My son the one who is going to save every bodies ass is in Portland . He went to a programers convention . I think he had a wonderful time . I hope he soaked it all in as I am sure he did . That boy is a sponge .
Ah yeah I will go with getting your finger nails dirty . I think every one should . Shit don't happen by it self . Players in game of life make it happen . You got your doers and you got your talk about doingers . How many ways can you talk about sweeping floors before the floor is swept . Sweep Spidey Sweep .
That picture is Freaking Me
Hmm...I got to go out of body a couple of times.
Certainly felt real enough, as much as anything else does.
I lost my body for a while. It was great. It was still there, but it controlled itself. It seemed to read my mind though, and did everything I wanted it to.
There is a state of being that exists outside the self, but the Buddhists would say, as would I, that the self is a mental construct,
that pretty much lines up..

and the thing people call spiritual is a mental state in which the self takes a backseat to the intelligence of the unconscious
think i know what you are saying..you are reffering to meditation

It can be experienced directly, which is the whole point of meditation.
which is the meditation accessing, the unconscious intelligence, or the spiritual state of being?
keep in mind most ppl associate spirit with ghosts,or that which is left after we die..

Every effort you make to better yourself only reinforces the self construct and thus obstructs access to your spiritual side.
now this you will have to go into detail with..
making yourself better obstructs spiritual side?
i would think it would be the opposite..
(your statements essence is such that i will pry agree with you)
My conception of spirituality is based on Buddhist thought, and has nothing to do with ghosts. Enlightenment feels like an overwhelming freedom because it is only yourself that keeps you from being free. The self is something our minds create, who knows why, probably society instills it in us, and it is this we need to transcend. Trying to better yourself may be fine in most senses, but from the point of view of spiritual practice, it is the opposite of what is needed. Paradoxically, the Buddhist method does stress the self and it's improvement, but that's a trick. You are forced to focus on the self until it's true nature is revealed, that there is nothing to it after all. You are compelled to find the self and bring it forth, a task which is either impossible or refers to the true self, which is selflessness. When there is no self, there is only existence, and no boundaries between the world and the body. I think it's probably this unity that some people feel when they say they have felt union with god. The needs of the body tend to fade, as well as worry. The brain functions more efficiently and creatively. There is a sense of love and contentment. I prefer to think of it in non-theistic terms.
I think it's probably this unity that some people feel when they say they have felt union with god.
one does not exclude the other..but yes,i can agree with that.

The needs of the body tend to fade,
and here i thought the older we get, the more our body needs..:p

it seems the OP is more of a 'my thing' than anything else..oh well..i thought it was insightful...
My conception of spirituality is based on Buddhist thought, and has nothing to do with ghosts. Enlightenment feels like an overwhelming freedom because it is only yourself that keeps you from being free. The self is something our minds create, who knows why, probably society instills it in us, and it is this we need to transcend. Trying to better yourself may be fine in most senses, but from the point of view of spiritual practice, it is the opposite of what is needed. Paradoxically, the Buddhist method does stress the self and it's improvement, but that's a trick. You are forced to focus on the self until it's true nature is revealed, that there is nothing to it after all. You are compelled to find the self and bring it forth, a task which is either impossible or refers to the true self, which is selflessness. When there is no self, there is only existence, and no boundaries between the world and the body. I think it's probably this unity that some people feel when they say they have felt union with god. The needs of the body tend to fade, as well as worry. The brain functions more efficiently and creatively. There is a sense of love and contentment. I prefer to think of it in non-theistic terms.

Graduations come and gone , summers here and the parties on . Keeping coaches off the cheerleaders . What you doing done here my friend. Looking for work if I can get it , if you put Me on coach you won't regret it .

Love that song Spidey , Love that song