Spiritualism is big deception!


Registered Senior Member

You may ask, is it possible that in this case, just as in the UFO phenomena, that this is only a question of deceit? Many people who have been dealing with these matters do not take into consideration that it is a great mistake in their life.

We are going to look at this matter closely and mainly from the point of view that there is a spirit world which tries to lead people into separation from God.
First paragraph and topic title - eminent sense. Second paragraph, complete departure from sense.

There is a Christian Spiritualist Church (it's not a full-blown steepled church, more of a painted-up Nissen Hut) in the town where I live. I wasn't certain, looking at it from the outside whether "spritualist" meant the same in Christian terms, but on seeing that they were going to host a "clairvoyance evening" for charity, I realised that they were indeed a Religious, Christian Church sect that believes in mediums, psychics and spiritualism.

What I'm not quite sure of is how on earth the Christian Spiritualist Church even got started, given the (eminently sensible) proscription against all such contacting-the-dead activities as stated in the Bible (Deuteronomy 18:10-11).
I don't see the difference between believing in a spirit world, and believing in a heaven and hell where all the dead live.
spidergoat said:
I don't see the difference between believing in a spirit world, and believing in a heaven and hell where all the dead live.

the generally accepted "world view" of most new-age spiritualists eschews the traditional christian-muslim notions of heaven and hell.
The similarity is the spirit-world, a place reached after death where our personalities survive. It's not even that different from Egyptian beliefs.