spiritual or psychological crisis?


Registered Member
recent emotional excavations have brought to light an experience from when i was younger which, although i accepted it at the time, i now simply cannot assimilate with any way i have of making sense of the world. so i'm asking, i suppose, if anyone here has been through a similar situation or has anything at all, really, to remark. bear in mind that i was 16 at the time, so not only are details rather sketchy in my memory, but you should forgive any apparent foolishness.

i knew a young man when i was in my teens who was severely troubled, let's call him Joey. He was talented and intelligent but inescapably drawn to all things "dark," and his normal easy humor was replaced sometimes by episodes of deep melancholy or anger. Now, I know what you're thinking, or what you'll eventually begin to think as you read on, but let me add here that over the couple of years I was close to Joey, he saw more mental health professionals than i cared to count, and was never diagnosed with anything other than learning disabilities.

when he was twenty or twenty-one, Joey started to "lose" chunks of time - he'd just have no idea what had happened for the last half hour to afternoon. he cheated on his girlfriend, whom he loved very much, and was unable to remember it afterwards. and yes, he was high at the time, but marijuana does not generally have the effect in experienced users of causing complete blackouts. he'd taunt friends about horrible things he'd done and then, again, not remember and seem to feel horrible when he was told. eventually the other "state" named itself and identified itself as a separate psychic entity - essentially, what one might call a demon. let me repeat that tens of mental health professional couldn't find anything wrong with this boy. also, typical multiple personality syndrome is rather static - in Joey's case, the initial "other" hung around for a while and disappeared, then was replaced in a few weeks' time with a different "other," which behaved differently, though still maliciously, and had a different name; this then splintered into two distinct characters. a detailed explanation of the progression - it was really a whole drama over this man's mind - would take almost as much space as the rest of the volume i've written here, so i'll skip it.

once that initial identification was made, joey was aware of and even spoke of interacting with these others; this, too, is anomalous to the usual multiple personality syndrome. this was, to him, and to those around him because we had no idea how to respond, a spiritual crisis rather than a mental one. it may also be relevant to note that his mother was one of a long familial line of witches, and to comment upon his environment at the time. the house he was living in was one of the oldest in the city and had, to anyone with any sort of sensitivity, psychic or otherwise, a constant, palpable feeling of pain, negativity, and fear. the garage on the lot, in which joey lived at the onset of his difficulties, was a million times worse. i myself could not go in there without crying and becoming hysterical; my recollection is one of absolute panic, the certainty that not only did every dark corner hold a monster but that the friends behind you were going to sneak up and murder you. god knows what must have happened in that place at some point in its history. the upstairs of the house, which joey moved into at the urging of his girlfriend, who also couldn't stand the garage, was known to have a troubled history and i can say that i myself encountered at least one of its less-corporeal inhabitants upon occasion.

now that i've written all of that, i'm not even sure if it makes any sense. i guess that, barring mental illness, what i'm talking of could only be termed "possession," but that seems such a ridiculous word that even i have a hard time taking myself seriously using it. yet treatment failed to unearth any diagnosable problem, and the whole experience ran quite counter to the specifics of the diseases it initially resembled. i don't know what became of joey, but i can offer a few more specifics if anyone is at all interested. i'd like to lay these memories to rest, but i need to understand them to do so.
Hi Defenestrated, welcome to Sciforums. :)

Reading your post I have to say that I get the idea your friend actually had another identity(s) with him. It happens more, these 'posessions', if you want to call it that.

Some places carry the 'evil' things that happened there over a time period with them. Sometimes dark 'spirits' keep hanging around there. If there is someone in the neighbourhood who is vulnerable and emotional easy to catch, this indentity(s) will do so. Not much is heard about it, because the humans now-a-days prefer to think it is all in the mind, thus fantasy and they just tell you to go see a shrink. Even if there are no significant signs someone is mentally ill, they assume it will be so anyway. Guess that is easier to do then to deal with unknown forces.

You say you had the feeling of being 'haunted' in that place also. I guess you were never classified as a mental case? What did you feel when you saw your friend struggle with this? If your feelings tell you deep inside, it is truth, then don't reconsider it any longer. Too much mistakes are made according to this particular subject of which you give an excellent example here.

How is your friend doing now? I should want to hear about it please. If you don't mind.

Good thread you started here. Lets see who else comes in on this subject...
banshee -

that's correct, i have never been diagnosed with any psychological illnesses. please bear in mind that all of this happened years ago, and i think my memory has buried some elements of the story that are especially nonsensical to it. however, my recollection is one mainly of fear, both of what this guy was dealing with and for his sake. i think i may have been one of the only people that his "possessors" were "out" to, for lack of a better term - i simply knew the guy too well to be fooled by some evil-ass dude pretending to be my friend's voice.

one thing i specifically remember was the apparent birth of one of these spirits; this occured in that garage on halloween - joey began speaking with an unfamiliar voice and set of mannerisms. this was the only "good" other, and he stuck around as long as any of the others eventually. so i believe it was that and two "bad guys."

i have since moved across the country and pretty much lost touch with joey. last time i saw him he seemed to have put all of this behind him, but i have no idea as to the specifics of what happened to him towards the end.
Jees, Defenestrated, I am late with my reply, didn't know what to say. I was so surprised by what you are telling. Really feel sad for your friend. What you tell me here sounds like an acctual initiation of other identities. I only witnessed that once, with a friend of mine, way back, when I was 14 years old. Everybody tought he was just crazy. He was not, oh no. I too saw it happen. And he was so scared to death. It fills me still with sadness if I think of him. He had 4 initiations and ended up killing himself because he couldn't bare it any more.

He lived in a house that's been empty ever since he died. His parents heard all kind of weird things there, in the house as well as around the house. I've been there often, it felt as dark as can be and my hairs stood up whenever I visited there. It was an uneasy place to be and we always went away from there as soon as we could. There were things moving by itself in the house and sometimes there were footsteps, in broad daylight. The footsteps came close to your feet and all of a sudden they were gone. When it happened there was a coldness feelable, so strong, it was really frightening.

The house is never been sold or rented after they mooved out. Guess the place still carries its dark 'spirits'.

I have difficulties talking about my friend and what happened to him. It brings back so much hurt and tears. I hope your friend is ok.

Thank you for your post...:)
good timing, though, i got the 'reply' email right when i got done checking the rest of my messages.

do you know of anywhere - any websites or books or anything - where i could read more about this sort of thing?
Well, I did a little search on the internet, got nothing out of it that really fits to this subject. I have a book about it, only it is written in Dutch, by a Dutch author.

I will ask a friend of mine if she knows something for you where you can find more information. My knowledge goes as far as my Dutch book and my own experiences with these initiations.

I'll get back to you...:)
I got off the phone with my sister about an hour ago; she still lives in the same town and works at the restaurant where i had my first job, around the time when all of this was going on.

she told me this guy kevin came into the restaurant last night, looking for me and asking when i'd be in town next. kevin was joey's best friend during the time described above, and i haven't spoken with him in over two and a half years.
posting here was the most honest, if vague, account i've given of any of this since it all happened.
Now that makes you think...

You talk about something you haven't talked about for years and then somebody from that time shows up. Makes me wonder...

Coincidence does not exist. I got cold all over by reading this. If you want, tell me what happened in your meeting with Kevin. It interests me very much...:)
Coincidence does not exist. I got cold all over by reading this. If you want, tell me what happened in your meeting with Kevin. It interests me very much...
you' re not the only one Banshee. smth like an x-file situation here:eek:. a bit weird, a bit frightening, but definitely interesting.

please update if have smthing defenestrated

Cheers and good luck!
well...see, the great part of the story was that it was my *sister* he talked to, quite possibly the least reliable person on this earth, so last i heard she was going to call me back once she finds the email address he gave her all of two nights ago. she said he's leaving the country soon, hope it turns up before then...i'll keep you posted.
ok, now i'm getting creeped out too.
i just heard from a very dear friend for the first time in several months, as he called to see if he could visit me this summer

- not only is his name joey, but he dated (the other) joey's ex-girlfriend (the one mentioned in the original post) just after she found out about his unfaithfulness.

i don't quite know what to make of this. no word yet from my sister.
There's obviously something going on here. Keep us posted please. Info about books and/or websites are on its way.

For your information, the name of my son is Joel, also known as Joey...