Spiritual Afterlife


Registered Senior Member
Hello. This is an interesting site.

My experience tells me there is a spiritual afterlife. That is, deceased individuals communicate with me. It's not a matter of me calling them. I don't. They just show up in my mind's eye and give me information about upcoming life events. Usually, I'm given warnings about impending dangers and deaths.

Such visits from dead people have happened to me sporadically over the last 30 years.

The accuracy of the information has me convinced that there is life after this one.

There is also one voice that communicates with me which remains faceless. My best guess is that it's most likely what we call God.

I hope you all have a wonderful day.

Elaborate more on these visions. What did they specifically tell you? and what did this "faceless" voice say?
Originally posted by Cronin
Hello. This is an interesting site.

My experience tells me there is a spiritual afterlife. That is, deceased individuals communicate with me. It's not a matter of me calling them. I don't. They just show up in my mind's eye and give me information about upcoming life events. Usually, I'm given warnings about impending dangers and deaths.

Such visits from dead people have happened to me sporadically over the last 30 years.

The accuracy of the information has me convinced that there is life after this one.

There is also one voice that communicates with me which remains faceless. My best guess is that it's most likely what we call God.

I hope you all have a wonderful day.

"I see dead people.":D :D :D

That is, deceased individuals communicate with me. It's not a matter of me calling them. I don't. They just show up in my mind's eye and give me information about upcoming life events. Usually, I'm given warnings about impending dangers and deaths.
What is the difference between your claim and an overactive imagination? I.e. how do you know you are not simply fantasizing?

But you can prove your claims very easily. Post here the details of an impending danger or death before it happens. It must be something we can verify independently. If the event is unlikely to occur and does occur then that will give some credibility to your claims.

However, without some form of verification you stand the danger of being considered and treated as if you are insane.

Hello Chosen.

When my son was 13, his best friend and our neighbor, Peter, had been hit by a car going less than thirty miles an hour. Except for a few scratches he seemed O.K. but was transported by ambulance to the hospital to be evaluated. The doctors who checked him out didn't find any significant injuries but wanted to keep him for observation. After being told that Peter had settled into his room comfortably for the night, we were all walking out of the hospital to go home when the "faceless" voice told me to go and comfort the child in his final hour. I was immediately overcome by a sense of overwhelming grief and compassion, the depths of which I had never felt so strongly before. I suggested to Peter's parents that they spend the night with him but since they were told that he was resting comfortably they decided to go home to get a good night's rest themselves and come back early the next morning. So as not to upset Peter's parents, I ran to the restroom to deal with my grief. Realizing that the child should not be left to die alone and afraid, I somehow managed to pull myself together within a few minutes so as not to come off as totally nuts when I approached my husband and the hospital staff about staying with Peter. Since I was not immediate family, I had to get special permission to stay with him. The nurse in charge sensed the urgency of my request and allowed me to stay with him. Shortly after I sat down in his room he started bleeding out. As the chaos of doctors, nurses, machines, needles, bags of fluid, tubes and blood swirled around the room, I tried to remain calm and comfort him as best I could by sharing stories about some of the happier times he spent with his friends and family during his short life. He chuckled, threw his head back slightly and smiled as he squeezed my hand and shook it gently it as if to say thanks. Then he took a long, deep breath and lost consciousness. As hard as the hospital staff worked, they could not stop the bleeding. Even though he was unconscious, I continued to talk to Peter as I watched the heart monitor in disbelief. His heart just beat slower and slower until it eventually stopped completely. Even though I had been given fair warning by the "faceless" voice, I stood there in shock as the hospital staff disconnected him. Everyone left the room quietly until all that remained was Peter, me and the head nurse. After turning off the last machine, she turned to me with tears streaming down her face and said that was it - he was gone. That was the child's final hour.

But, that's not the last time I heard from Peter.

Thanks for your interest. I'll elaborate more later.
Hello Ekimklaw.

Funny. I thought of opening with that line myself. "I see dead people." Not that anyone is taking me seriously now but I thought my post might have come off more like a joke if I had opened with that line.

It's not quite like The Sixth Sense, but close. Usually, it's just their face I see in my mind's eye when they speak to me.

Thanks for your reply.
Hello Cris.

The difference is that the information I am given is specific, accurate, very real and usually very urgent.

I understand that my mind must be considered somewhat abnormal in the psychological sense. But I think I'll run the risk of being considered insane because the real danger would lie in not acting on what I hear.

For example, One night I heard that a friend of ours, John, was trying to kill his wife, Mary. I jumped up from dinner and ran to their place. My husband followed with me explaining what I heard on the way. We got there just in time to surprise and tackle John who was holding a kitchen knife over Mary who was laying beaten and bloodied on the floor beneath him. Now, can you imagine the outcome had I stopped to log on and post what I heard before acting on it?

Thanks for your reply and your concern.
Hello (Q).

Thanks for your concern but I have what I consider to be the best help available. Being abnormal is not always a bad thing you know. My husband was told that he had an abnormal heart. He went through the trauma of an angiogram only to be told that the abnormality was that his heart was much stronger than normal. In my case, my abnormal condition has done much good for others.

Thanks for your reply.