

Modern Realist
Registered Senior Member
Marvelous, just marvelous! Anyone read his ethics? How about the meditations of Marcus Aurelius?
I haven't read Spinoza but I have been tempted to check
it out from the library. Judging from your comment I take it
is good reading? :)

I have read The Meditations of Marcus Aurelius but not for
quite some time. He was a Stoic philosopher wasn't he?
pick it up and read it. I personally enjoy reading any sort of philosophy, no matter the view. It gives me more incite to other peoples perceptions, and helps me to better form my own. The true nature of an eclectic. :D

Yes, Aurelius was a Stoic. A good read as well.
Cool, I will pick up Spinoza the next time I am
at the library. My copy of meditations is some-
where around here. As soon as I find it I think
I will give it another read. Like I said, it has
been quite some time - no telling where it's
gotten to by now. ;)

[incite = insight?] If so - I agree and hold
the same POV. That goes for most reading
that I do not just philosophy. I just thought
of this, how does this sound:

eclectic bibliophile
I once started reading Spinoza's Ethica. it's quite hard to read, so after a while, when my holiday finished, I stopped reading it. I have enjoyed it though. check it out. :)
A reply

pick it up and read it. I personally enjoy reading any sort of philosophy, no matter the view. It gives me more incite to other peoples perceptions, and helps me to better form my own. The true nature of an eclectic.

Hey, you have the idea. You get it.