

Registered Member
Namaste everyone.

What r these spheres, banshee, and how to acces them?

Also, can anyone share your experiences with these Spheres?
Difficult to explain...

The Spheres are a 'place' in the Cosmos you can 'travel' to from out a Lucid Dream or OBE, in the easiest way. Guess everyone who can 'fly' in their Lucid Dreams or has an OBE can go there.:)

The Light Beings are 'living' in another part of the Cosmos which I call The Spheres. Most of them have been here on Earth and lived many lifetimes, before they became what they are now. They don't have a body as we humans know it and yet they can have any form they prefer.

The Light beings, you can see as a kind of Guides who show you the way. As well in life as in the Cosmos. I call them the Light Beings because they are surrounded by light. There are other humans who call them extraterrestrials, which is not so strange, for they are not terrestrial.

Communication with the Light Beings goes by Telepathy, not in verbal words, or a particular language, as humans are used to here on Earth. They can 'talk' to you in colors also, or in feelings of warmth you experience.

We, humans, can create different kinds of conciousness at the same time. Your physical body can be laying on your bed, while your dream conciousness 'travels' to far places. At the same time you can create a projection of yourself, which appears in the room of a friend. (for instance).:)

The Light Beings act like a kind of teachers and will appear to every human in a different way. Because all of us have a different view of reality. They make you more aware of your Inner Self, your Inner Senses. (if that is the correct word in English)

The way you look at your physical surroundings comes from your psychological view at reality. If you should rely your personal view more on Intuition than on your own Outer Self moving through time, your view of reality would change and you should be able to see and hear more than just the 3-dimensional reality you are used to.

Jesus, what a rotten 'thing' to explain. And than in English too.:)

Sometimes the Light Beings contact humans here on Earth if they have a message which is of great value to the Earth. They come in as a Precense and make sure you know it when they are there. You can't ignore them.

Some of them have 'travelled' back down to Earth to keep an eye on all that is happening on Earth. They do not interfere, just are here to make sure we don't fuck up all there is on Earth. The last 6 months there have been very disturbing messages from The Spheres about Earth and especially the Ecosphere. A lot of humans have seen 'the light' too, in the last 6 months and are aware that there has to be a big change of behaviour in our world. That is a good 'thing'.

The ones who are down here on Earth are called the Timekeepers. Just to keep it simple.;)

You know what...I guess this is enough for now. Give me some of your experiences with Light Beings or extraterrestrials, don't care how you call them. Give me some reply here please.

Thank you...:cool:

I guess these fellers take on a form that fits the individual.
My helpers first contacted me as insectoid elves.
Sounds dumb yes, but I could totally dig it. Very alien, but not in a e.t. kinda way. Nature linked and organic as only a wild forest can look.

Wrote about them when I met them the first time. The text is old and suffers from artistic freedom :)

The beings that surround me now are human. When meditating I often find myself in a secret underground chamber where they meet. They are all old men and give the impression of being a group of elder mystics.
The things they say are very confidential. The laws of reality construction works that way. That is also why mystics shroud their magic in rituals.
Rituals are mostly cover and mood enhancers.
I hope to join them once this incarnation I am now dies :D

Yes, sounding like a loon. But the magician is just one step from the fool :bugeye:
There you go MuliBoy...

You are totally right my friend.;) The Fool is one step up front of The Magician.:D Or he is nowhere, that Fool, just how you allow yourself to look at it...:)