Speed of thought.


Objectivist Mind
Registered Senior Member
Since I was a child, still a theist. I pondered what would be faster than the speed of light. My conclusion was that the speed of thought is faster than the speed of light.

What do you all think?. :confused:

When we say speed, energy and/or matter are transfered from one place to another at a certain rate. But how is a thought transferred and what is meant by the speed of a thought?

Perhaps a thought is neither bounded by space or time. Thus, we have stories of thoughts of the deceased being channeled by a medium.
???? thought is electrical impulses throughout the brain.

electricity is not faster than light.

Logically Unsound said:
???? thought is electrical impulses throughout the brain.

electricity is not faster than light.


I think that thought is more than electrical impulses, just as this forum is more than a harddrive containing sequences of 1's and 0's.
what if our heads do something on a quantum level. you know, like when two photons can directly affect each other even when they're on other sides of the country? what if our neruons do that internally somehow and we just don't understand how it works yet? that'd explain why some people fell something's happened to a loved one the instant it occurs. far-fetched, but hey, maybe thought is infinate in speed
melodicbard said:
I think that thought is more than electrical impulses, just as this forum is more than a harddrive containing sequences of 1's and 0's.

do you want to explain.
i find that hard to believe.
are you a theist, or just arrogant.
sorry if that sounds harsh.


I believe that Unsound is right.

wohoo. logically unsound 1
sciforums 0
(starting as of now.)
Logically Unsound said:
do you want to explain.
i find that hard to believe.
are you a theist, or just arrogant.

My humble idea is that human being (or living things) as merely a collection of atoms is incomplete. Sometimes collective is more than the sum of individuals.

Our thought is guided by something within, the "ourselves", (even when you read this sentence, you reflect and make up your own ideas and thoughts), call it "soul" if you like.

Logically Unsound said:
sorry if that sounds harsh.

I have seen much harsher response in this forum.
:D Cheers.
Godless said:
Since I was a child, still a theist. I pondered what would be faster than the speed of light. My conclusion was that the speed of thought is faster than the speed of light.

What do you all think?. :confused:


The speed of thought is the result of chemical and electrical interactions
in the brain. A 'thought' would be bound to the speed of such interactions
which are much slower than photons.
It depends on how you mean by 'thought'.

If you think of story or something then the thought isn't as fast as light, however the speed at which some cells react can be as fast. Especially in regards to the Optics Nerve, unless of course I've grown acustom to synchronousy
I think that the brain speed is sort of imposible to measure, however think of this:

You are aware of your enviorenment, you are reading this sentence, your ears hear the noice around you, and the noice is recongnized, your skin can feel the key boards, all of this sensations are going through your brain, and yet with little effort you can comprehend the letters of this small paragraph.

Thought is the passing of information, the brain is multi-tasking all the sensations, and at the same time is processing, analysing, and thinking what you are going to post next, that takes speed. To process the information of all your senses, and still comprehend all these letters piled up together.

Further, if one were (sci-fi) able to travel by the speed of thought, a planet or star light years from earth would be reached at mere thoght. Were it would take light years to reach.

Now you can see why I posted this in pseudoscience forum. ;)

Don't get me wrong I don't believe that we would be able to travel at the speed thought, to suddenly re-appear, elsewere at mere thought. But the "thought" did come to me when I was a child. I find it amusing now that I'm a lot older, and try to comprehend how our minds work.

Godless said:
Further, if one were (sci-fi) able to travel by the speed of thought, a planet or star light years from earth would be reached at mere thoght. Were it would take light years to reach.

This line seems to indicate an incoherency in the understanding of velocity.
Thought can only move as fast as it's chemical and electrical components.
These components move far slower than photons (which is pretty much
known max veloticy in the universe).
Crunch: (This line seems to indicate an incoherency in the understanding of velocity.
Thought can only move as fast as it's chemical and electrical components.)

true, however this is why I placed this thread on science fiction, the above came from a mind of a child. mainly me. When I was a child that is. ;).

Tis also an episode on Star-Treck were the young Hanson the child of Bev. The doc, on (next generation) that he was able to manipulate time, with his mind, and travel as well. It was probably a re-run that I didn't see earlier since the show has been canseled but it rekindled my memories. :)

When we sleep and we go into REM we apparently have 5-10 minutes worth of dreams at a time,it might total 30 minutes in an 8 hour nap.

Well it seems to me our thought process manages to pack in an incredible amount of information in that half an hour by thought alone,where is the info coming from? well i would assume it comes from memory or the brains hard drive.

Not only that,it mimicks normal memory,you only remember parts of the dream that stand out,that mirrors life,i mean if you asked me to remember all of the 24 hours of yesterday,id recall bits of it but not the whole thing,so essentially dreams could be reguarded as equally real to real life they just end up in the tempory folder :) like windows they dont get all deleted properly.

As to speed of information,thats another issue,the faster you process information the slower events appear to be.

Example: if a car is about to hit you,your brain goes into a trauma and processes information much faster,so things slow down (appear to) and the brain may sometimes shut down your ability to see colour,who needs to process colour information when your arse is on the line.

If your brain processed information SLOWER events from your perspective would appear to speed up.

A common house fly processes lots of information,hence it is able to avoid you swatting it,cos to the fly that big newspaper is moving in slow motion.

Your brain appears to act like those processors in laptops that change thier MHZ according to what applications its running.

Thats why i believe time,psychological time can be controlled,a day can go fast or slow according to mental states,in fact you have probably experienced this.

But thats where there's a conflict,when youre busy doing something intense time goes faster,if your brain isnt occupied with much it goes
slow,this seems contradictory to information processing.

By rights,time should appear to speed up when your mind is less active,well my common sense tells me it should.

I think the difference in speeds is dependent on being either thought OR sensory information.
when youre busy doing something intense time goes faster,if your brain isnt occupied with much it goes slow

Boy you ain't kidding.

When I'm at home, and have to get to work in the morning, the night goes real fast, it seems the alarm rings and a few minutes laters is off to work. If work is slow, it takes hours, and hours of boredom to finally finish the day, if work is real busy, it seems there's not enough time to get it all done but it goes twice as fast.

Time perception can be warped by drugs, as well. For instance your reaction may be a lot slower, if you are drunk at the weel, and you may be real quick to react to danger or any obstacle if you are on speed "uppers".
