Specialized Hells


It is very dry in here today
Valued Senior Member
You would think that burning the souls of all hellbound sinners for an eternity is too generic. Surely there are some who deserve specialized treatment. For the hellbound....Let the punishment fit the crime I say, give them the things they hated the most in life or let them suffer cruel irony.

Yes I am appealing to your sense of humor and I hope we can have some fun also. Are there certain hellish scenarios most deserving of some people, alive or dead? Twilight Zone stuff like Hitler gets to become an Jew forever or Saddam an American for eternity. Surely someone can top those two examples.
Special homosexual hell for christians. The men get freaked up the ass for eternity, and the women learn the subtleties of cunnilingus until the cows come home.
Cottontop3000 said:
Special homosexual hell for christians. The men get freaked up the ass for eternity, and the women learn the subtleties of cunnilingus until the cows come home.

LOL....good start
Gluttons- fed twinkies until their bodies literally blow, then sewn back together, and done again, for eternity. :p

Smokers- wrapped in paper and smoked by the devil himself. :m:
