Special Lessons for Christians


Fancy Virtual Reality Monkey
Valued Senior Member
While I'm getting along with my other thread on Philosophy... :)
I would like to show some little hints for Christians :)

I will begin by this one:

The Nature of God - Part 1

I got this revelation. I'm still not sure if there will be a continuation, but it's possible.

A little graphic... :D

The three aspects of God and Devil

awareness..........omnipresence........lack os awareness


Ephesians 5:13-14

"13But everything exposed by the light becomes visible, 14for it is light that makes everything visible. This is why it is said:
"Wake up, O sleeper,
rise from the dead,
and Christ will shine on you." "

It's all about awareness. You perceive light or darkness. Light and darkness is everywhere. We usually see darkness everywhere because we are sleeping, we are not aware of the Truth. God is everywhere. Walk in Love is to perceive only light. The ligth will make the darkness visible, you will become aware of the darkness. I will talk more about that later.

Matthew 7:13-14

The Narrow and Wide Gates
"13"Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. 14But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it."

The narrow gate is the Truth. The wide gate is the Lies. That's because there's only one Truth, but many are the Lies. "...narrow the road that leads to life..." God is Love, God is Life, God is Truth. There's only one God, a narrow gate leads to Him.

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awareness..........omnipresence........lack os awareness

Fear is awaress, Seeker. It's so simple. Try to be one alone in a dark forest @ 2Am with wolves hauling. I promise you a high level of awarness. and that light and darkness thing is BS. Most of my inspiration (webdesign) and thoughtful thoiughts I have @ nights and when sitting alone in the night by the sea.


heart is just an blood pumping organ ,Seeker. That what you call heart is just a part of your own mind
doubt is the most powerful of all. Doubts and questions have made us what we are. They are the key factors for our evolution.
*Wolves howl in the background*

Why fear darkness, Nelson? Night can be a great friend and comforter, if you let it. Embrace darkness.

*Xev wanders off to rub the wolves' bellies' and feed them doggie treats*
I like spending my time @ nights, but apparently Seeker fears nights, darkness. THat means only tht he has a lack of awarness;)

*wolves are cool Xev*
Metaphos, metaphors, metaphors...
Btw... that's for Christians... you two don't understand it. It's like another language...

Light- you see everything around- associated with awareness
darkness- you don't see anything- associated with lack of awareness

Nothing about good and bad so far...
Originally posted by TruthSeeker
you two don't understand it. It's like another language...
christians are aliens:rolleyes:
Metaphos, metaphors, metaphors...
and do not like straight language. circles circles all around
darkness- you don't see anything- associated with lack of awareness
I quess you need to learn how to look. btw, I can buy nightvision:D
Nothing about good and bad so far...
and I got tht awarness was good:p
"christians are aliens"

I think you've got somthing there, Avatar.

You guys have lots to learn... :D

The way evil attacks

The only way you can be "attacked" is by your free will. That's your only part that is susceptible to evil.

You have a body.
You have a soul.
You are a Spirit.

In this sense, the only way you can fail is by your soul. Your soul is composed by your rational mind and your emotions. Everything that the mind inteprets causes an specific emotion. For example, if you judge yourself you may feel guilty.

As usual... a diagram to make it easier (hopefully...):


This diagram means that everything is created in the mind. There's only Truth, but we are in the middle of thousands of lies, that we create daily, to "help" ourselves, to feel safe. We need to justify things to be safe. Even if it's not true, it's ok, because you feel safe. This human habit causes many problems...

In this sense, if we have the awareness that we lie to ourselves, we are set free, we get to the Truth.

Simple. The knowledge of the mind is limited by the consciousness of the senses. What we don't "get" through our senses we just make up.

Three demons of the mind

The main function of the mind is to judge. We are always judging everything we see, listen, etc. We need to justufy things in order to feel safe. That's when the Judge is created and the awareness of the present that we had when we were friends is lost (as you see in the last lesson, awareness of the present is Love. Talk more about it later...). The Judge will also judge you and others. And everyone (including you) will always be found guilty or injusted. Just an illusion. If you do a mistake, forgive yourself. If someone does a mistake, forgive this person. Anyone is perfect. The Judge attacks your omnipresence.

The Judge creates the Complainer and the Victim.

The Complainer is created within a person with hight self-esteem, proud and arrogant. "It's not fair," says the Compaliner. The Complainer closes yourself into yourself (selfishness) and destroys your gratitude - the fastest way to Love, acceptance, compassion, altruism, humility, etc. The Complainer attacks your omniscience.

The Victim is created within a person with low self-esteem, sad and self-hated. "I'm a loser," says the Victim. The Victim destroys your power of Love and Faith. It sucks up your power. The Victim attacks your omnipotence.

All of them create Fear, Lies and Doubts; the oposites of Love, Truth and Faith. As you see (Christians...), it's all related.

Silence your mind and find the Omniscient Truth (Father), Omnipotent Faith (Son) and Omnipresent Love (Holy Spirit) in your Heart, in your Spirit, and you will be set free.

"You guys have lots to learn... "

No, you do Nelson. God is dead.

Zarathustra, however, remained standing, and just beside him fell
the body, badly injured and disfigured, but not yet dead. After a
while consciousness returned to the shattered man, and he saw
Zarathustra kneeling beside him. "What art thou doing there?" said
he at last, "I knew long ago that the devil would trip me up. Now he
draggeth me to hell: wilt thou prevent him?"
"On mine honour, my friend," answered Zarathustra, "there is nothing
of all that whereof thou speakest: there is no devil and no hell.
Thy soul will be dead even sooner than thy body; fear, therefore,
nothing any more!"
The man looked up distrustfully. "If thou speakest the truth,"
said he, "I lose nothing when I lose my life. I am not much more
than an animal which hath been taught to dance by blows and scanty
"Not at all," said Zarathustra, "thou hast made danger thy
calling; therein there is nothing contemptible. Now thou perishest
by thy calling: therefore will I bury thee with mine own hands."
When Zarathustra had said this the dying one did not reply
further; but he moved his hand as if he sought the hand of Zarathustra in gratitude.

Nelson, all three are one.
You have a body.
You have a soul.
You are a Spirit.

Avatar: Wolves are not "cool" - they eat people!

Xev: Nietzsche is dead, you athiestic slut!

Truthseeker: No, you do not see - demons are real, and "They" are among us! They are not metaphorical, but physical.

Yes, demons do sap your strength - that is what they do - but true Christians who are wearing the Amore of God can resist and fight such demons!
I make it a point to have sex with demons at least twice a week. Keeps me in good shape.
"Xev: Nietzsche is dead, you athiestic slut!"

Gee, you think so Foxy? I never woulda realized that - I thought he might actually have lived for the past 120 years or so. :rolleyes:

"They are not metaphorical, but physical."

You've mentioned.

"Yes, demons do sap your strength - that is what they do -"

Demonic bondage does tire one out so, dosen't it, Foxy?

"but true Christians who are wearing the Amore of God"

'Wearing the love of God'? Great Gretzkyson, man, that's perverted!

"can resist and fight such demons!"

Not if you're all tied up. :p

I make it a point to have sex with demons at least twice a week. Keeps me in good shape.

"Demon chicks" burn with the FIRE OF HELL!

Demonic bondage does tire one out so, dosen't it, Foxy?

I wouldn't know anything about that, you demon-boinking athiestic slut!

'Wearing the love of God'? Great Gretzkyson, man, that's perverted!

So you believe in the Great Gretzkyson now? What of Cthulhu?

Not if you're all tied up.

TRUE CHRISTIANS are never "all tied up" by demons!

wouldn't know anything about that, you demon-boinking athiestic slut!

Now now, theirs no need for words like "slut". We can all be civil here.

However, go on with the demon-boinking! Heh


Holy bat-quano(sp?) batman! Foxmulder has solved the debate. He, and only he, knows what a TRUE CHRISTIAN IS!


are never "all tied up" by demons!

I'm sure the Catholics would have sometihng to say about that reguarding their Protestant cousins. And possibly vice versa
This thread has the soul of a Louis Bunel film!

"Did you catch an STD from Zoe?"

I think, Adamski, that he is saying that Zoe is hot.

"I wouldn't know anything about that, you demon-boinking athiestic slut!"

Now just what kind of athiestic slut do you think I am?

"So you believe in the Great Gretzkyson now? What of Cthulhu?"


Cthulhu wanted me to sacrifice a vigin in exchange for a Wings victory. Do you know how hard it is to find on on such short notice? Damned near impossible! I mean, it is not as if there is a 24-hour "Sacrificial Victims R' Us" store!

The Great Gretzkyson promised to help for free. Nice guy.

"TRUE CHRISTIANS are never "all tied up" by demons!"

Bully for them.
You all amuse me... :p

Now... seriously...

Xev... where is that passage you cited?
Where it's said that they are all one?

Fox, where in the Bible it's said that demons are physical...?
Xev... where is that passage you cited?
Where it's said that they are all one?

That's not a passage. You said:

"You have a body.
You have a soul.
You are a Spirit."

And I said:

"Nelson, all three are one."

Fox, where in the Bible it's said that demons are physical...?

Foxy's probably out being seduced by demon chicks or somthing, so I'll answer:

Ephasians 4:27
Neither give place to the devil.

John 10:10
The thief (Satan - Xev) cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.

1 Peter 5:8
Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:

Ephasians 6:11
Put on the whole armour of God, (And Fox, shut the fuck up about the armor of God or I will smite you with the Mackrel of Athiesm) that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers,
against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

1 Corinthians 2:11
Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices.

Mark 3:15
And to have power to heal sicknesses, and to cast out devils:

That's enough for the NT.

Job 1:7
And the LORD said unto Satan, Whence comest thou? Then Satan answered the LORD, and said, From going to and fro in the earth, and from walking up and down in it.

Job 1:12
And the LORD said unto Satan, Behold, all that he hath is in thy power; only upon himself put not forth thine hand. So Satan went forth from the presence of the LORD.

There's more of this crap, but I can't be bothered. God, what a compendium of perversity!

Oh, and Foxy will appreciate these words of wisdom on demons being bound (perverted son of a bitch :p )

Jude 1:6
"And the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day."

Edit to add:

Now Foxy, I am not even fucking kidding about the Holy Mackrel of Athiesm. Start posting things that make logical sense or I will hit you with it!

As for darkness vs. light:

"To be sure, I am a forest, and a night of dark trees: but he who
is not afraid of my darkness, will find banks full of roses under my
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Setting aside the fact that TruthSeeker's charts and graphs never make any sense to me whatsoever (did your God hand you the instruction booklet for life on Earth or something?) I just felt the need to point out my views on this little piece here:
Originally posted by TruthSeeker
You guys have lots to learn... :D

The way evil attacks

The only way you can be "attacked" is by your free will. That's your only part that is susceptible to evil.

You have a body.
You have a soul.
You are a Spirit.

In this sense, the only way you can fail is by your soul....
Now, according to you, "your free will ... is susceptible to evil". In that case, why do you think that your are the "good" while people of other faiths are "evil". (probably not ALL other faiths, but people with different beliefs) From my perspective, I am "good" and you are the "evil" one trying to infect others with your religious beliefs. I'm sure it's not even your fault because you probably had religion forced upon you by your parents or friends when you were younger and you've just come to accept that "the Bible in the word of God" and you believe it and therefore you are "good" and that's all there is to it.