Sovereign Citizens


Valued Senior Member
I suppose there may have been discussions on these folk here but I have only recently become aware of this interesting group of folk.

They claim rights that often seem to cut across what one could call "the law".

When pulled over for a traffic violation their standard line seems to be that they are not "driving" but they are "travelling" (which hints at their crazy ideas on the law) and that somehow they dont need a drivers licience or nor do they need that their car be registered.

The videos that I have watched sees them having their car window smashed and dragged out of the car and placed under arrest.

What I find curious is the time the police have to waste on these people which ultimately causes the costs of policing to go up as well as having the police taken away from other business.

Has anyone here experienced a situation involving these sovereign citizen types?

One thing I find curious is they often cite a legal dictionary for their law and I have yet to notice any policeman point out that the law comes from statutes passed by the Government not from a dictionary which obviously has absolutely no authority.

They seem to think they have various rights under the common law but no appreciation that the common law has pretty much all been replaced by statutes in a process we could loosly call codification of the common law.

For example no one is charged with murder under the common law but under a specific statute that has codified the common law.

They seem to think that they have rights given by god which suggests that they may be religious nutters but I dont know if its religion to blame or just their stupid ignorance of the law.

Here is a video that I am about to watch and presumably will cover these folk...I find these videos rather funny and almost as entertaining as a good funny cat video.

