Southern Poverty Law Center wins case against the Imperial Klans of America


Kiss my dark side
Valued Senior Member
im hoping tiassa can help me out on this one in finding the BBC link. On the way home from the shops i was on ABC news radio which was playing the BBC's world service (99% sure it was the world service) and they were talking about a case that the Southern Poverty Law Center had just won against the KKK, specifically the Imperial Klans of America and its leader. The jury ordered $2 million in damages, 1 million i THINK of which has to come directly out of its leaders pocket.

The case was in relation to a young boy of native american decent who was set upon by a group of these fuck wits. His physical injuries were bad enough but acording to the medical evidence given in the case the PTSD could permidently disable this poor kid.

Its nice to see however that the US justice system can work, they have bankrupted not only the organisation but its leader personally as well. The fact that these incidents happen at all or that statements such as "its ok to hate in the US.." (the interviewee from Southern Poverty Law Center) are actually made, it would be nice to see people come out against the ATITUDES as well as the actions but one step at a time i guess.

Well, let's try this:

Bannister, Matthew. "Racist Beating In the USA". Outlook. BBC World Service. December 2, 2008.

O'Neill, Ann. "Jury awards $2.5 million to teen beaten by Klan members". November 17, 2008.

The decision came down last month, on the fourteenth. The BBC link is the audio link, and should launch a media player; while I usually have faith in the Beeb's page URLs, this one contained the word "new" so I expect it will break. The media link should remain stable.

The CNN link is for anyone who feels they can't afford ten minutes to listen to the esteemed Mr. Bannister. (Okay, okay, that's not fair. I came across it during the search. The Outlook link was harder to find than I would have expected.)