Southern California on Fire

I don't get it then here is an opportunity to add more regulations, a process that gets local govt salivating. Why ain't it banned frag?

bah developer hm own assc clout
It's the timber industry. Composition shingles would be made in different factories owned by different companies. Timber is a mighty big and powerful lobby in California; it's the biggest industry in our county. They have so much power that there's quite a damper on information. Most homeowners honestly don't know there is an alternative.

There's no opposition from homeowner's associations because the composition shingles look just about identical, and none from developers because they cost more and the markup would increase their profits.
count me in as one of the ignorant.
pardon the hm assc/blah wasnt seriously proposed.not logical. would have got to industry. not to timber

excellent frag
you rock :)
cant sleep huh frag?


As they fled through smoke and ash to escape the flames, the couple from Poway were optimistic that their new multimillion-dollar home would survive. It had been built to the highest fire standards, with a slate roof and tempered windows. And the Bedells were careful to keep brush cleared to 150 feet.

About 5 a.m., the fire roared up to their property, blew past and moved on, leaving the home intact. But eight hours later, with the wildfire burning miles away, their house caught fire -- the victim of smoldering embers that wafted through the dog door.

Fire officials believe that embers driven by raging winds through small openings or against exposed wood were responsible for igniting a majority of the 1,125 homes leveled by the Witch fire, the most destructive in California this year. In many cases the embers smoldered for hours before causing homes to burn.