Southern Baptists, Who are they?


Registered Senior Member
I know a lot of southern Baptists, and they seem to me to be the most indoctrinated sect in christianity.

Here's their official web page:

If you wish to meet their loving and caring church staff, visit: Please note that the white robes are being worn as heat resistant clothing and nothing else.

Please check their policy againest the unsaved...straight from the bible.

View their methods of spotting a terrorist and how to spot a middle eastern man

They have an office in the white house.
Landover Baptist Church, Betty Bowers, and are all parody sites. Quite convincing, aren't they?
Yep it's a shitty religion, yet they have never blown shit up like a certin other religion does all the time makes you think...
Originally posted by Ren
Yep it's a shitty religion, yet they have never blown shit up like a certin other religion does all the time makes you think...
You must not live in Ireland...
Bah Irland hasent had a attack in years and i dubt soutern baptist where behind them at the time
Originally posted by Ren
Bah Irland hasent had a attack in years and i dubt soutern baptist where behind them at the time
You appeared to be speaking about the religion of Christianity in general, and stating that Ireland has not had an attack in years negates your former assertion that they (Christians) have "never" blown things up.

If, however, you were referring specifically to Southern Baptists, then your previous point is accepted (as far as I know anyway).
Originally posted by Ren
Yep it's a shitty religion, yet they have never blown shit up like a certin other religion does all the time makes you think...

Perhaps it have nothing to do with religion, and that if we conducted a universal survey on humans, we'll find that men/women are more likely to act in violence as a last resort, or when they are desperate. For example, let's start in the United States by laying off most employees and reducing the wages of others by half. After that, let's increase the gas to $20.00 a gallon, triple all prices, raise taxes, kick people out of their houses who can't pay their ever increasing debts, and tell everyone that they'll go to jail for using any cheap foreign products. Let's also do what some arabic countries dictators does and top the opression with total control of the press, education, free speech, ect....To top it off, let's make it mandatory for all to become christians, visit the church twice a week for ceremonies and kill all non chrisitians. All the above have nothing to do with christianity of course, but can easily be used by a dictator to control and opress masses. After all that is done, let's start observing the number of violent incidents and bombings and compare it with what we currently see in the islamic world.

Ren, It's economics and politics period. Religion is just a tool that can be used wrongly by anyone to achieve their dirty goal. The motive is by far not religion, it's the greed. And what better way to break the spirit of the masses and divert them from looking at the real problem except by terrorising them with the thing dearest to them, which is their salvation.
Well this one isnt fake : Jack Van Impe and his lunatic assistante Rexala :

They have their own TV-show and seriously the indoctrination is more shocking than North Korea . There is not even the slightest coherency in the sentences , oh and you should hear them about world-events its just beyond any reason and logic , hilarious shocking and terrifying .

Flores I tell you , ours have absolutely nothing on these peoples , they are just beyond : You should hear the verse-attacks Jack throws out its like some lunatic alien-code :eek:

Check out their MUST-SEE TV :

Absolutely terrifying

Their site :
Xian terrorists

Originally posted by Ghassan Kanafani
Well this one isnt fake : Jack Van Impe and his lunatic assistante Rexala :

They have their own TV-show and seriously the indoctrination is more shocking than North Korea . There is not even the slightest coherency in the sentences , oh and you should hear them about world-events its just beyond any reason and logic , hilarious shocking and terrifying .

Flores I tell you , ours have absolutely nothing on these peoples , they are just beyond : You should hear the verse-attacks Jack throws out its like some lunatic alien-code :eek:

Check out their MUST-SEE TV :

Absolutely terrifying

Their site :

Hi Ghassan, this is the first time I've replied to one of your posts. There are other televangelists like this guy, but I'm afraid I flip the channel too quickly to hear them speak. Your post gave me an idea about these religious terrorists. I'd like to call them reli-tele-terrorists, if you will. That's what they are--religious terrorists on TV. And what's sad is, people send them money!!! Are we in the wrong business or what? You don't see too many atheist, agnostic, or even Muslim, Buddhist or Hare Krishna reliteleterrorists begging for money on TV! My question, why Xians only on TV? My answer, because that's the religion that cons those poor elderly people to send in all their money. Is that what God wants? Hell, no! It's all a sham--the TV thing, and the religion. Xianity needs to be shown for what it really is. The problem, its believers are already brainwashed and cannot see the truth, or the lies. I believe all these televangelists should be taken off TV, but then that's how the stations make their money. It's all based on the almighty dollar. You people are right. There is only one God, and I have no problem calling him Allah. Some things just do not change, right? I'm all for coordinating a group against Xian-terrorists and publicizing it as widely as possible. I'd like to hand the Xians back some of the terror they have done to the world through their lying Bible, witch hunts, inquisitions, pedophile priests, and myth of a false savior.
There are other televangelists like this guy, but I'm afraid I flip the channel too quickly to hear them speak.

I didnt know them other than when they speak in front of audiences , this entire 'news-media' direction shocked me completely . You should hold the channel for a second sometime and listen what they say , the incoherency is beyond such imagination that one might wonder weither they are actually speaking english language . The verse attacks are so fast Im completely stumbled by both the reason to mention them or the conclusion they present , mostly same thing : 0 .

And what's sad is, people send them money!!!

And they ask for you to buy those tapes of their own movies (!!!) and this amerikan-typical propaganda voice promotes it like its hllywood production amazing . But what amazes me more is that they dont ask you just to buy ,you should buy for everybody not just 1 they want you to order like 10 videos .

But what really scares me is theri happyness . You see it is completely independant of what they are doing or talking about , their overal joy is there weither nice things happen or nuclear bombs fall . I wonder since Bush is an evangelist , would he actually whatch this shit and say 'yea Jack thats right verse 1264451365 etc etc'

Xianity needs to be shown for what it really is.

My personal experiences with Christianity have been mostly Orthodox and I believe many elements that such tradion holds could have very good effects on other Christian sects .

There is only one God, and I have no problem calling him Allah. Some things just do not change, right

About all Muslims I know have little problem calling him God either .
For the record ....

The real Southern Baptist Convention. I tend to think of them as a parody as well.

Their Faith statements

On "Christians and the Social Order"
All Christians are under obligation to seek to make the will of Christ supreme in our own lives and in human society. Means and methods used for the improvement of society and the establishment of righteousness among men can be truly and permanently helpful only when they are rooted in the regeneration of the individual by the saving grace of God in Jesus Christ. In the spirit of Christ, Christians should oppose racism, every form of greed, selfishness, and vice, and all forms of sexual immorality, including adultery, homosexuality, and pornography. We should work to provide for the orphaned, the needy, the abused, the aged, the helpless, and the sick. We should speak on behalf of the unborn and contend for the sanctity of all human life from conception to natural death. Every Christian should seek to bring industry, government, and society as a whole under the sway of the principles of righteousness, truth, and brotherly love. In order to promote these ends Christians should be ready to work with all men of good will in any good cause, always being careful to act in the spirit of love without compromising their loyalty to Christ and His truth.

Exodus 20:3-17; Leviticus 6:2-5; Deuteronomy 10:12; 27:17; Psalm 101:5; Micah 6:8; Zechariah 8:16; Matthew 5:13-16,43-48; 22:36-40; 25:35; Mark 1:29-34; 2:3ff.; 10:21; Luke 4:18-21; 10:27-37; 20:25; John 15:12; 17:15; Romans 12–14; 1Corinthians 5:9-10; 6:1-7; 7:20-24; 10:23-11:1; Galatians 3:26-28; Ephesians 6:5-9; Colossians 3:12-17; 1 Thessalonians 3:12; Philemon; James 1:27; 2:8.
Xianity sells

Originally posted by Ghassan Kanafani
You should hold the channel for a second sometime and listen what they say, the incoherency is beyond such imagination that one might wonder weither they are actually speaking english language.
(Perhaps they were speaking in "tongues." That's some sort of self-induced jibberish that only God can understand. Psychiatrists have a name for it. It manifests in altered mental states requiring medication and rubber rooms. Well, in all honesty, I have actually turned on Jimmy Swaggert on a Sunday afternoon just to watch him thump his Bible and cry those fake tears!)
(One must remember when these televangelists sell their tapes, and books, and videos, they ask for a "donation," because they are "tax exempt!" This turns my stomach! Just think of all the people who could be helped around the world if they were taxed!)
And they ask for you to buy those tapes of their own movies (!!!) and this amerikan-typical propaganda voice promotes it like its hllywood production amazing . But what amazes me more is that they dont ask you just to buy, you should buy for everybody not just 1 they want you to order like 10 videos.
(They try to instill fear into their viewers. "Jesus wants you to spread the word." "God will send you blessings for giving this bunch of crap to your friends and family.)
But what really scares me is theri happyness. You see it is completely independant of what they are doing or talking about, their overal joy is there weither nice things happen or nuclear bombs fall.
(Joy sells. Everyone wants joy in their lives. The only happiness these 'snake-oil hawkers' have is when the donations come in.)
I wonder since Bush is an evangelist, would he actually whatch this shit and say 'yea Jack thats right verse 1264451365 etc etc
(I don't think Dubbya is an evangelist by any means. I also don't think he is a recovering alcoholic. Remember during football season when he "choked on a pretzel and fell down in the Oval Office and gashed his forehead?" The guy was drunk. I'm not stupid. Since he's supported by the religious right, the ultra-conservatives, he presents himself as a Xian believer. He was raised Presbyterian, so that's not that dogmatic of a religion. It's one of those 'middle-of-the-road' types. Any references Dubbya makes about "faith-based" shit is because he's getting financially supported by the religious right. It's all a tangled web woven by the spin doctors. It's all in the name of getting votes on election day. The Office of the President really doesn't wield that much power as they would have us to believe. The Office of the President is no more than a puppet show.)
My personal experiences with Christianity have been mostly Orthodox and I believe many elements that such tradion holds could have very good effects on other Christian sects. About all Muslims I know have little problem calling him God either.
(I believe in the Qur'an where it says that Jesus wasn't Xfied. THIS is the TRUTH! This is what I believed before I knew it was stated in the Qur'an. So, if the Qur'an states THIS truth, what other TRUTHS does the Qur'an state? I want to know. Therefore, the Qur'an is more truthful than the Bible. I have many Muslim friends with whom I can discuss forth-right about the Bible, Xianity and the Qur'an. They are always amazed to hear me, a white American, speak the truth about Xianity!)
Re: Xian terrorists

Originally posted by Medicine*Woman
Hi Ghassan, this is the first time I've replied to one of your posts. There are other televangelists like this guy, but I'm afraid I flip the channel too quickly to hear them speak. Your post gave me an idea about these religious terrorists. I'd like to call them reli-tele-terrorists, if you will. That's what they are--religious terrorists on TV.

What is it about asking for money that is terrorist in nature?

Originally posted by Medicine*Woman
And what's sad is, people send them money!!! Are we in the wrong business or what? You don't see too many atheist, agnostic, or even Muslim, Buddhist or Hare Krishna reliteleterrorists begging for money on TV!

Are there any secular humanist organizations that accept donations?

Originally posted by Medicine*Woman
My question, why Xians only on TV?

Because America is predominantly Christian, so a Buddhist or Muslim televangelist wouldn't be nearly as successful.

Originally posted by Medicine*Woman
My answer, because that's the religion that cons those poor elderly people to send in all their money.

No religion besides Christianity accepts donations?

Originally posted by Medicine*Woman
Is that what God wants? Hell, no!

How do you know?

Originally posted by Medicine*Woman
It's all a sham--the TV thing, and the religion. Xianity needs to be shown for what it really is.

And what is it? Probably a big falsehood, like every other religion except Discordianism.

Originally posted by Medicine*Woman
The problem, its believers are already brainwashed and cannot see the truth, or the lies.

So only Christians are "brainwashed" into thinking their faith true?

Originally posted by Medicine*Woman
I believe all these televangelists should be taken off TV, but then that's how the stations make their money. It's all based on the almighty dollar.

Taken off TV by the government or by the station management?

Originally posted by Medicine*Woman
You people are right. There is only one God, and I have no problem calling him Allah.

How do you know there is only one God, or that there is a God at all?

Originally posted by Medicine*Woman
I'm all for coordinating a group against Xian-terrorists and publicizing it as widely as possible. I'd like to hand the Xians back some of the terror they have done to the world through their lying Bible, witch hunts, inquisitions, pedophile priests, and myth of a false savior.

What makes the Bible any more of a lie than the Talmud or Koran, for example? What about all other religions that allow the abuse of children, persecute non-believers and preach the word of a false savior or prophet?

I was the one who introduced Jvim to Ghassan and yes I was in shock when I first watched it. He claims that there are only 5 arab states, also if u noticied Rexala loves the death cult of the messiahanic era. Of course this is translated into all of Christianity I will say this :

THIS IS NOT CHRISTANITY, at least for sane people.

This is the map of the death cult:


OHH SCARY!:rolleyes:
Re: Re: Xian terrorists

Originally posted by Galt
What is it about asking for money that is terrorist in nature?
(They prey on the sad, the lonely, the elderly, and beg for 'donations.' They terrorize these hopeless people with the myth of Xianity.)
Are there any secular humanist organizations that accept donations?
(Sure, there are.)
Because America is predominantly Christian, so a Buddhist or Muslim televangelist wouldn't be nearly as successful.
(Ah, the almightly dollar speaks again!)
No religion besides Christianity accepts donations?
(I'd venture to bet they all do.)
How do you know?
(Money talks.)
And what is it? Probably a big falsehood, like every other religion except Discordianism.
(I'm not familiar with Discordianism. What is it?)
So only Christians are "brainwashed" into thinking their faith true?
(No, its not only Xians, but I cannot speak for other religions.)
Taken off TV by the government or by the station management?
(Well, the government doesn't have that much influence on the media, but the media most definitely has tremendous influence on the government. So that tells you who's running things--the media. The media is only interested in programming ratings and making more money.
How do you know there is only one God, or that there is a God at all?
(I've answered this question before, please look at my previous posts. The One Spirit of God encompasses the entire universe. God is the universal energy in all creation, and we are the vessels to carry the One Spirit of God on the face of the Earth. There, I've said it again!)
What makes the Bible any more of a lie than the Talmud or Koran, for example?
(I cannot speak for the holy books of other faiths.)
What about all other religions that allow the abuse of children, persecute non-believers and preach the word of a false savior or prophet?
(I cannot speak for all other religions nor can I interpret their holy books. You should ask the followers of these other faiths this question.)
(Now, let me ask you a question. Why do you think America is predominantly Xian?)
Re: Re: Re: Xian terrorists

Originally posted by Medicine*Woman
(They prey on the sad, the lonely, the elderly, and beg for 'donations.' They terrorize these hopeless people with the myth of Xianity.)

I've seen televangelist programs. Nobody is being "terrorized".

Originally posted by Medicine*Woman
(I'd venture to bet they all do.)

So why are Christian donation-seekers portrayed as especially evil?

Originally posted by Medicine*Woman
(Money talks.)

That doesn't answer my question. You said the Bible is a lie and you claim to be unable to speak for the holy books of other faiths, so where did you get your ideas on what God wants?

Originally posted by Medicine*Woman
(I'm not familiar with Discordianism. What is it?)

The true faith.

Originally posted by Medicine*Woman
(No, its not only Xians, but I cannot speak for other religions.)

You spoke for other religions when you began your sentence with, "No, its not only Xians...".

Originally posted by Medicine*Woman
(Well, the government doesn't have that much influence on the media, but the media most definitely has tremendous influence on the government. So that tells you who's running things--the media. The media is only interested in programming ratings and making more money.

That doesn't answer my question. Should televangelists be taken off the air by order of the government or by free choice of like-minded television stations?

Originally posted by Medicine*Woman
(I've answered this question before, please look at my previous posts. The One Spirit of God encompasses the entire universe. God is the universal energy in all creation, and we are the vessels to carry the One Spirit of God on the face of the Earth. There, I've said it again!)

I don't feel like searching through hundreds of posts. If you can prove that God exists and that there is only one God, please do so, or at least point me to the right thread.

Originally posted by Medicine*Woman
(I cannot speak for the holy books of other faiths.)

In a previous post in this thread you said, "There is only one God, and I have no problem calling him Allah." Apparently you find Islam more appealing than Christianity, so what makes it any more true or less oppressive?

Originally posted by Medicine*Woman
(I cannot speak for all other religions nor can I interpret their holy books. You should ask the followers of these other faiths this question.)

I am not asking you to speak for other religions or interpret their holy books. I am asking you if other religions with a history of abuse and persecution should be subjected to the same "terror" you seem to believe Christians should be subjected to.

Originally posted by Medicine*Woman
(Now, let me ask you a question. Why do you think America is predominantly Xian?)

Because most people who have immigrated to America have come from predominantly Christian nations.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Xian terrorists

Originally posted by Galt
I've seen televangelist programs. Nobody is being "terrorized".
(They surely don't know they are being fed a guilt trip.)
So why are Christian donation-seekers portrayed as especially evil?
(Because they're the only ones I see on TV.)
That doesn't answer my question. You said the Bible is a lie and you claim to be unable to speak for the holy books of other faiths, so where did you get your ideas on what God wants?
(One does not need a religion or a holy book to know what God wants. That comes from having a personal relationship with God and the human family.)
You spoke for other religions when you began your sentence with, "No, its not only Xians...".
(Specifically, I was referring to Catholics taking up 'special' collections.)
That doesn't answer my question. Should televangelists be taken off the air by order of the government or by free choice of like-minded television stations?
(I personally don't think the government should get involved in this, because by doing so that would be discrimatory by denying Xians their constitutional rights to freedom of speech. I choose not to watch it, but that doesn't interfere with the rights of those who do want to watch it.)
I don't feel like searching through hundreds of posts. If you can prove that God exists and that there is only one God, please do so, or at least point me to the right thread.
(No one can prove that God exists or doesn't exist. This has been thoroughly discussed everywhere on sciforums. Surely, you didn't miss it? I choose to believe there is one God in the form of a pure universal spirit that lives in the entirety of creation. The Spirit of God is not something that one could see. It is not physical, yet, the vast human race is God's physical body on Earth. If you choose not to believe in God, that is your decision. I do not have to prove anything to you.)
In a previous post in this thread you said, "There is only one God, and I have no problem calling him Allah." Apparently you find Islam more appealing than Christianity, so what makes it any more true or less oppressive?
(My belief in only one Creator of the universe is called by many names. The name Allah is very close to the OT name of El or E-manu-el. I have no problem calling God Buddha or Joe Blow. God's name is not what's important. Specifically, to answer your question about my finding Islam more appealing than Xianity, I believe what the Qur'an says about Jesus being a prophet and that there was no Xifixion. If the Bible lied about this one thing, then Xianity shouldn't even exist. That's why I don't believe in Xianity.)
I am not asking you to speak for other religions or interpret their holy books. I am asking you if other religions with a history of abuse and persecution should be subjected to the same "terror" you seem to believe Christians should be subjected to.
(Xianity has a bloody history of child abuse, all kinds of persecution, and is the most terroristic religion ever invented by man! I believe Xianity to be the Anti-X. But, hey, if this is what you believe, go ahead.)
Because most people who have immigrated to America have come from predominantly Christian nations.
(This may have been true in the 1800s and early 1900s. Notwithstanding, the massive immigration from South of the border countries who are now in the majority. Generally, they are Xians, too. You don't say where you live, but we have many immigrants from China, Japan, the Phillipines, Middle East, Holy Land, Africa, India, Pakistan, Russia, to name a few, and let's not forget about the Islands in the Carribean. Thus, we have had an influx of atheists, Arabs, tribal religions, Hindu, Shinto, Buddhists, Orthodox, and even Voodoo and Santaria. America is not the white, anglo-saxon, protestant country it used to be. God is as diverse as the human race evolves to be!)
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Xian terrorists

Originally posted by Medicine*Woman
(They surely don't know they are being fed a guilt trip.)

I'd guess that they do. It's pretty obvious. But anyway, it's a self-inflicted guilt trip (since they choose to watch the shows), so it's nobody's business but their own.

Originally posted by Medicine*Woman
(Because they're the only ones I see on TV.)

So is your problem with these donation-seekers their Christian beliefs or just that you don't like religious people in general asking for money on television? In other words, would you have the same attitude about a Muslim, Buddhist or Jewish "televangelist"?

Originally posted by Medicine*Woman
(One does not need a religion or a holy book to know what God wants. That comes from having a personal relationship with God and the human family.)

I didn't say you needed a book.

Originally posted by Medicine*Woman
(Specifically, I was referring to Catholics taking up 'special' collections.)

Catholics are Christians. So once again, is your problem with Christian donation-seekers specifically or religious donation-seekers in general?

Originally posted by Medicine*Woman
(I personally don't think the government should get involved in this, because by doing so that would be discrimatory by denying Xians their constitutional rights to freedom of speech. I choose not to watch it, but that doesn't interfere with the rights of those who do want to watch it.)

I agree.

Originally posted by Medicine*Woman
(No one can prove that God exists or doesn't exist. This has been thoroughly discussed everywhere on sciforums. Surely, you didn't miss it? I choose to believe there is one God in the form of a pure universal spirit that lives in the entirety of creation. The Spirit of God is not something that one could see. It is not physical, yet, the vast human race is God's physical body on Earth. If you choose not to believe in God, that is your decision. I do not have to prove anything to you.)

I am very aware that the existance of God can't be proved or disproved. That is why I am an agnostic.

I asked for proof because most people who strongly believe something have some kind of justification or rationale for this belief, and I was curious to see what it was.

Originally posted by Medicine*Woman
Specifically, to answer your question about my finding Islam more appealing than Xianity, I believe what the Qur'an says about Jesus being a prophet and that there was no Xifixion. If the Bible lied about this one thing, then Xianity shouldn't even exist. That's why I don't believe in Xianity.)

So how do you know the Koran is any more or less accurate than the Bible?

Originally posted by Medicine*Woman
(Xianity has a bloody history of child abuse, all kinds of persecution, and is the most terroristic religion ever invented by man! I believe Xianity to be the Anti-X. But, hey, if this is what you believe, go ahead.)

I can think of at least one other religion with a history of persecution, oppression, terrorism and, at least recently, abuse of children. Whether or not Christianity is the worst of the bunch is debatable.

Anyway, you still didn't answer my question: Should other religions with a history of abuse and persecution be subjected to the same "terror" you seem to believe Christians should be subjected to?
Not to be anal, but...

Posted by Galt, directed at Medicine*Woman
In a previous post in this thread you said, "There is only one God, and I have no problem calling him Allah." Apparently you find Islam more appealing than Christianity, so what makes it any more true or less oppressive?

The issue of "God" versus "Allah" is an issue of language, not of religion. In the Arabic language, the equivalent word to the English "God" is "Allah". Most arab christians refer to God as Allah, and most American muslims refer to Him as God.