Soul Survivors, part I


free thinker
Registered Senior Member

i have given much time to thinking, thinking on several different subjects. the quest has taken me from conspiracies within our own governments, to spirituality origins from distant stars. i have been researching physical and metaphysical data, proven and un-proven theories, and much, much more.

the thought that is with me today is that of the SOUL.

the SOUL is the actual energy spirit that is encapsulated inside of the body.

it is not exactly your MIND, nor your PERSONALITY, yet something much Deeper, where the mind and mentality emerge FROM.

The soul is as mysterious as the mystical past of our planet, solar system, and universe. scientist have hard times trying to come to terms to calculate any of these. just when they think they've got the right formula, something comes along to shatter their hard work.
examples of this are the newly founded string theories floating around, which have given birth to NEW ideas of how the universe really is, how OUR universe was created, and why we might be heading towards another crucial time in planetary history. it is truly an exciting time, when you look at the brighter side of things !


but the Soul, the very essence of our WONDER of EVERYTHING- still escapes any and all scientists' pens and papers. it could be put on the same bookshelf as ghosts, aliens, and sci-fi, had you not a sense of it within your own self.

what does the Soul Contain that is SO SPECIAL ?

how is it that we can feel a unity with different things, such as other people, higher beliefs, Dieties, Religions, or something as simple as a Seashell, waiting on the shoreline for you?

I think the Soul is connected to Destiny.
They have a good handshake agreement with each other.

from where do our Inspirations emerge from? and what dictates what orientations these Inspirations shall have ? This most certainly must be the work of the Soul and Destiny...

I am here to say I strongly believe in reincarnation, and perhaps a handful of persons who glance across my words have had experiences they KNOW they had NEVER EXPERIENCED in their CURRENT LIVES. what else could these reoccurences mean, if not memories from past Lives (the Soul's previous Bodies) emerging to the surface ?

Reincarnation is what Drives Souls.

i stated this before, but i believe it is worth repeating:

the earth (and perhaps any planet) has a special purpose:

it is where spiritual souls can incarnate into physical forms.
and where physical forms can get their spirituality back.

it is an issue of Duality.

in the movie 'Troy' Archilles reveals a secret to a woman:
"The Gods envy US- because we are Mortal. Any moment may be our last..."
his point well-driven. We cherish our lives more if they arent eternal. We make the most out of it because we know our time is limited.

I dont mean to mock the Gods, but it would seem quite boring to live eternally, never dying- wouldnt you think ?

Hence this is why I STRONGLY believe in reincarnation-
first there had to have been INCARNATION, before REINCARNATION is possible, this much should be obvious.

The Gods Wondered How it would feel like to NOT BE A PERMANENT SPIRITUAL ENERGY, so they fractioned themselves to allow Pieces of their Spirit to become INCARNATED into physical Forms. These Pieces are what we know as SOUL.

the SOUL is our connection to our higher selves, our unity, and our origin. whether you consider God, Gods, Aliens, or NO ONE as the CREATOR of this world, you still cannot deny that there must be an ORIGIN.

I believe with self-reflection anyone can touch their SOUL. We have been driven AWAY from our spirituality in recent years, and this is WRONG. we should NOT let TECHNOLOGICAL EVOLUTION DETERIORATE SPIRITUAL EVOLUTION, THEY MUST GO HAND IN HAND, in order to achieve peace/balance/unity.

with that much said, i hope you all have a nice day.
zonabi said:
in the movie 'Troy' Archilles reveals a secret to a woman:
"The Gods envy US- because we are Mortal. Any moment may be our last..."
his point well-driven. We cherish our lives more if they arent eternal. We make the most out of it because we know our time is limited.

His point is also quite out of keeping with the Greek mode of thought - most of them would gladly have lived forever, as long as they stayed young and beautiful.

I dont mean to mock the Gods, but it would seem quite boring to live eternally, never dying- wouldnt you think?

The Gods won't do anything, but Zoney... I have to argue with you here. Not wanting to live forever betrays a serious lack of imagination.

Have you ever considered animal breeding? Trying to breed an animal for even a fairly simple trait takes not only careful and meticulous observations and records, but also years of your life; try to breed a teacup poodle that weighs one pound, and you'll get a better idea of how terribly short your life really is.

Think about it - recent estimates indicate it took twenty thousand years to turn a domestic grass into corn through selective breeding. Corn is pretty impressive, to be sure but - twenty thousand years? Our entire civilization can be measured by how long it took to develop a few seed crops to their present condition.

I would gladly take eternal life, although I would hope - like the Greeks said - that I got eternal youth in the bargain. (There was a story of a Sybill who got the first, but not the second, and supposedly never died, but just shrivelled into a teeny raisin.)
You mentioned people who remember things they couldn't possibly experience. Like I mentioned in another thread, I know of people who are able to recall an entire lifespan as another person due to the use of certain mind altering drugs. Mind altering=changing the physiology of the brain. This is not uncommon. A skilled enough psychologist could implant memories into an individual while giving them the impression that the memories are true and theirs alone. Memory as it is understood is a purely biological function. People aren't born with memories written into their brains, they are born with certain genetic predispositions to process and store the information they recieve in a certain way, but not with certain memories written in, waiting to be unlocked or otherwise. The idea of reincarnation conveys with it the assumption that memories are carried by the soul from one life to the next, and that one only needs to reach a certain level of awareness, or tap a certain level of consciousness to experience these memories. But the memories one forms throughout it's life are written in the form of synaptic connections in it's brain, and being a physical function, the memories die with the individual. By a belief in reincarnation are we to assume that the soul carries with it the blueprint of the brain it left and the ability to format the brain of the body it enters in order for it to be able to experience these memories?
The Gods won't do anything, but Zoney... I have to argue with you here. Not wanting to live forever betrays a serious lack of imagination.

well, living forever can imply two things: the first being literally LIVING forever in the same body, eternity- this would cause some serious reprocussions, like u said about the raisin man, or Death Becomes Her.

the second is my choice, Living forever thru Reincarnation. this in a sense is living forever, except the only drawback on this option is that you WILL NOT carry YOUR MEMORY over to next lives.

and that brings me to the next point:
"By a belief in reincarnation are we to assume that the soul carries with it the blueprint of the brain it left and the ability to format the brain of the body it enters in order for it to be able to experience these memories? "

absolutely NOT. it is a SAFETY MECHANISM in the reincarnational cycles of planets that the Soul shall not remember its past lives, or else this would create a BIAS before the new PERSON has even taken a breath of Life.

what i was saying is that by seemingly miraculous intervention (or perhaps something else) some people are able to tap into past memories , or the memories somehow emerge (perhaps a similar event or visual may trigger something within the Soul) and the person recalls these 'past lives'

i am also saying that, although we are not to remember any past lives as a defense mechanism, the Soul still carries with it a FEELING of inspiration or orientation, even if the actual memories and details are hidden.

Yes, some are able to tap into higher levels thru many mediums, some use drugs (me included) and some do not use anything but pure meditation (i respect these people alot!) and what i would like to say here is that, although i do not doubt any of the two categories befoermentioned, perhaps SOME of these occurences werent actually past lives, but could also be merely Other Lives, other people, other Souls they are visiting, be it thru astral projection or meditation. in other words, space brothers, not always past lives- can meet.

its pretty complex but you guys have a sense of what im trying to talk about.