Sorry, this isn't pseudoscience!It is FORENSIC PROOF OF ET RELATED HUMAN MUTILATION !

Mauro Porto

Registered Member
Whatever you believe, I think you will agree that a very strong proof of the presence of inimical aliens in the planet is important matter. So, what I have to say is:


Please visit ABOUT ETs.htm

(Being brazilian I've had direct access to the people involved in
the Guarapiranga Dam Human Mutilation case, S.Paulo, Brazil).

My very recent Internet Site about this case analyses important details of the shocking forensic color photographs, and of the autopsy report (also reproduced in the Site), that proves that the typical "cattle mutilation" type of wounds were inflicted while the victim was alive. Be advised that it is not recommended for sensitive people.
site a must for those who belive.

Thank you for the site. It was very disturbing... but eye opening. I would suggest to anyone wanting to know more about this sort of thing or belives in Ufo's to look at this site.

proof? ...nah

Why would exterrestrials want our cows? We MUST have some extremely good beef for the E.T.'s to travel millions of light years to steal our cows! hehe, The gov't conspiracy theory seems more logical too me. And also, I do believe in exterresterials...

"Radio Shack, You've got questions, we've got abusive remaks."
130 million plus! .....

Oh, grow up! just because you find some cows with holes in them doesn't mean aliens are mutilating them! If you think logically and do some experimentation, you find that (1) crows and such can attack a cow while living (like if it's sickly, tired, or old) and (2) usually aim for the head. Just because it looks gruesome doesn't mean something intelligently mauled it. Nature can be nasty too. A final point, when the cows have beenleft out in the heat and the sun, their skin stretches, therefore creating geometric looking circles.

The Queen of pop would be ashamed at your childishness.
That's what we like verbal abuse.

Maybe you ought to try reading up on cattle mutalations before you lash out irrationally?

hey all
yo piffi-
who is this queen of pop and does she have any good looking
congenial sisters?



groove on all :)
Celine Dion

Celine Dion is, always will be, and always has been, the QUEEN OF POP! She has sold 130 million albums all over the world and 'My Heart Will Go On' has sold 18 MILLION COPIES! She has won almost 20 Grammy awards and 3 Oscars.

And yes, Ripleofdeath, she has sisters.

9 of them!

"S'il Suffisait D'amier, Pour Que t'maimes encore."

"Ce N'etait Qu'un Reve"

Dear piffi

I am afraid the matter isn't as simple as you think.

Hundreds of similarly mutilated cattle have been examined by veterinarians that would easily recognize wounds caused by crows or other predators on sick animal.

The same applies to the body found in S.Paulo City shown in my site ETs.htm (I suggest a visit)

You 'll see It was autopsied by forensic MDs that would certainly differentiate natural from artificially produced wounds. Animals are certainly excluded. Try another explanation.
"trees would not grow around here anyway theres too much noise from that saw mill"!


how do we choose to think the way we do?

groove on all :)
Aliens are no explanation for cattle mutations. More likely a practical joke. It seems an awful lot of trouble to go light-years to steal a few cows or even people for that matter. Their technology just is not advanced enough. I would also think that the first explanation on that horrific site was correct. Humans can be brutal.
Think about it!

What do you mean it's not worth it!? I am sorry but if you want to another planet and saw creatures you have never seen ever before that maybe are a different element base than you.... You'd fuck with them too!(excuse the language.. I feel strongly) Come on!? Who knows maybe there is a planet where gold is to the aliens as dirt is to us! So Anything is possible and i think when people make the comment:
It seems an awful lot of trouble to go light-years to steal a few cows or even people for that matter.
It shows a little ignorence. It goes back to a saying... There is a little similarity here...
One persons trash is someone else's treasure.
.. maybe the aliens have giant gold bars that have legs(Ourageuos example but prooves a point) as cows and are worth less to them. But gold to us is valuable... And wouldn't you want to see what was making a gold bar walk? hence the slicing and dicing! Late. Tristan
Maybe I should have been a little more specific. Why steal selective cows and leave little to no evidence that you stole them. It matters not weather people see it or not. why not simply prick them in the rear and clone them, they must have that technology. Even if they did not have DNA they would still have the ability to replicate such things or have a technology that is close to it. That way they would not have to spend so many damn years taking a few cattle. The same goes for people. Usually stories of abduction make very little sense. Most have sexual connotations and the one that don't say they are trying to warn us of impending doom. Yea that's right, warn a few people through a method that no one will believe rather than simply fly there skinny ass down here and tell us so. They must be really smart aliens.
why not simply prick them in the rear and clone them, they must have that technology. Even if they did not have DNA they would still have the ability to replicate such things or have a technology that is close to it

Why "MUST THEY HAVE" to have that technology? Oh and......

Why steal selective cows and leave little to no evidence that you stole them.

Who knows? I don't? They must have mysterious ways. They aren't human! And your thinking with human logic. Maybe not purposely but most definitely subconsciously.

Yea that's right, warn a few people through a method that no one will believe rather than simply fly there skinny ass down here and tell us so. They must be really smart aliens.

Same thing.
Ya know how the aliens r rumored to be making human-alien hybrids for an invasion?

Well maybe they're making alien-human-cow hybrid's for reinforcements or something. If aliens really are screwing around with the testicles of our cows, god knows what crazy shit they're doing on their ships. I mean come on, just use the viable arguments posted by many other people, WHY WOULD SOMEONE, OR SOMETHING, WANT THE TESTICLES OF OUR COWS? WHY NOT HUMAN TESTICLES? IS THERE SOMETHING BETTER ABOUT COW TESTICLES? Why would aliens fly hundreds of light years to mutilate our cattle? There is NO REASON. It's just a huge colt of doctors and ER surgeons who moonlight as cow mutilators.

Maybe they take out their frustration on the cows because we're so much better than them. At least we're not the ones who'd rather mutilate cows than make first contact with a species on the planet they're 'investigating.' Anyone ever see that South Park episode with the cow mutilations (it's one of the early ones). It turned out the aliens spoke the cows language, and all the mutilations were 'bob's' fault. He was new to the team.

Where's that loser backslash777 when u need him?

We are backslash777. We observe all posts. Cows testicles are superior than human testicles. Human testicles are in a state of deterioration, the sperm count only half of samples studied during the second world conflict.
Why do you imagine the aliens seek out testicles specifically.
Obviously the aliens aren't getting enough mountain oysters! You know like going to the neighbors and borrowing a cup of sugar.
was just a joke, 777, sorry for calling you a loser you just hadn't replied to what I had said before and was gettin a bit ancy. okay, so now, seriously, step one of this cow mutilation is taking the testicles AND other parts of the cows body back to the spaceship, step two: blank, step three: profit (one way or another).
What is step two?
For some reason / I always think of you as spock and me as kirk. I dunno why, but whenever I seem to make I joke you take it serious. That's the first step of becoming more human (if you wanted to, personally I'd rather be a robot, you don't have to worry about these constant, raging hormones, how you look, etc), identifying jokes and saying: lol to them.
Heres on for ya, I've already used it a million times on my friends and family.
"How do you torture an idiot?"
"Put him in a round room and tell him to pee in the corner."
NOW WAIT 777, before you say to yourself: "hmm, there are no corners in a round room-" thats the whole point! The guy's an idiot, so he'll just keep turning around until he finds a corner. Jokes are usually a clever play on words or a simily or something like that, only you have to laugh at it.
See if you can get your "creators (if you know of any)" to install an emotion chip. Be careful, though, you might 'overload your positronic relay (star trek: generations) and begin laughing uncontrollably at every joke you hear or create.