Somthing about home


Registered Member
After reading the posts in this forum, I got to wondering about where the pariticipants are from.

If you have no objections, please reply with a little somthing about your home. It will give us all a little better understanding of each other.

I'm from a small town in Eastern Oregon, USA. It is a farming community with a population of about 10,000. A nice little town away from the hustle of the big city.
The Netherlands

I was born in Den Haag (The Hague), then lived in Gouda (the cheese-city) and now I live in a village of about 40.000 inhabitants near Amsterdam. The village is a bit too quiet for me.
My house is too small for me and has a low ceiling (and I am quite long). In all, I do not really feel at home here :(
I hope to get a PhD position in Amsterdam or Utrecht and then move to the city.
Well, Merlijn told you already about the Netherlands.

I lived in the place I mention just by my avatar, Apeldoorn, a pretty big city, but a little boring. A lot of different churches, all calling 'Bim Bam' at Sunday.

There is even an Islamitic 'church', with an Islamic on top 'singing' to his companions to come to do their prayers...

Good Coffee-shops, really a lot of them, with great Marijuana.;)
just refer to my post here for all your Acerbus info needs:) banshee seems to like it at least:D
I currently live in South Texas, the USA. I have lived most of my life in Phoenix, AZ, but have visited every state west of Texas. I have also spent 4 years of fun in the sun at Hickam, AFB Hawaii.

South Texas is warm and humid, a lot different than Phoenix, which was hot and dry.

By the way, if you ever hear the phrase "but it's a dry heat" it is a bunch of bull. After the temperature climbs above 105, the humidity really doesn't matter...its just frickin hot.
In general, the Netherlands are not very exciting to live in. But, indeed Banshee, there is a detail a forgot to mention which makes this a lot less dull. :D. It seems nearly every village and town in the Netherlands has a coffeeshop. Quality of products varies though.
Small town outside Oslo, Norway called "Strømmen".

7000 people and ghetto like :)
Merlijn, do come to Apeldoorn, great Marijuana, great quality also. Really good...

If you ever come in the neighboorhood of Apeldoorn, look for a coffee-shop called 'Uprising'. ;) Man, great weed, no garbage, cheap and real good.

Into town, look for McDonalds and then just around the corner.

I can smell it when writing this post...delicious!!:p

Acerbus, I still am waiting on more stories about your life in Alaska. You really do a great job in telling it...:)

Well, what can I say. The leaves are still on the trees even though it is December. Folks are kind of clanish depending on where you go. In the country people still wave at strangers to say HI! as they go by. There's the usual stuff to do, spittin' contests, hog b-b-queing contests, ect. Swimmin' holes to go to, complete with the swing, trails to walk, streams to canoe with inviting sandbars to camp on (white sand kind). National forests to go to. An occasional get together with music, a fire, and the like. Just the usual stuff, except that there is usually a green christmas and I wouldn't have it any other way. Hey, even the snow birds know better than to stay up north.
Well, the Netherlands do have green christmasses too most of the time.

But then very wet from all the Rain coming down. And cold it is. :)

Snow doesn't fall down there so often now a days...a real pity, for it is nice to be in the Snow and have a good Snow fight with the younger ones.

Guess it is real hot with you in Mississippi...
.location scan complete.

I live in Latvia, It is one of the three Baltic states by the Baltic sea. Now I live in the capital city-Riga(~900 000 citiz.)
But most of my childhood I have spent by the sea. And in future I intend to live there too. I have a forgotten[in ruins:)] family house there. My plans are to build a new one. And since tht paradise is only 30-40 min from Riga I'll be able to work in the city as well. Wery important here, because it is very hard to find a good job(almost impossible) outside capital city.
Well, I forgot to mention that the green in the christmasses at the Netherlands, is mostly situated inside the houses, the chrismas tree's that is. :p

And some hedges and Spines stay green. Further more there is not much green left during that time of the year in the Netherlands, just cold and rainy and foggy...

Avatar, wish I lived near the Sea...Great. Really, doesn't matter what time of year it is. Love the Sea when there is a big Storm raging over it...and then walk on the beach trying to keep on your feet and not to be blown away...wonderful weather.;)