something to think about...
Then you may explain that reason completely, Pumpkinsaren'torange.

And I am talking you in specific here.

I await your reply. May it be a good one...
ah it'll be so because the other science is actually supported only by scientists and highly educated people, and this is believed especially by the less gifted?
here i am to save the day!!

ah, thanks for awaiting my return....:D the thing is the word "pseudo" means: fake, false, etc. etc....(now, don't go getting all techincal on me....just look up the meaning in the dictionary...:eek:D) anyways.... pseudo or "false" science is just that.....false. not based on theorems or actualities or experimentation.... or....*gasp* proofs....good, solid, logical proofs. so, how on earth can that be considered science?? it can't... so, it is only apt and fitting that it be labeled "pseudo" science....cause, it's all a bunch of hooey. IMHO. bye bye... :D
Very good, pumpkinsaren'torange. I am glad you can look something up in the dictionary. :rolleyes:

And now, what was exactly your point that you started this thread..?
I too can look stuff up in the dictionary :)

sci·ence Pronunciation Key (sns)

The observation, identification, description, experimental investigation, and theoretical explanation of phenomena.

It can be considered science because we are formulating theories to understand and explain this particular phenomena. Not everything was given to us right away. Back in the days we never knew what atoms were or what chemicals react with what chemicals. What the heck is an electron? Scientiest merely formulate hypothesis and gather data and information in order to put the puzzle together. And even some sciences that you may think are "solid" are not so, except maybe mathematics. And also keep in mind that what you may believe to be science, something with truth and actuality, may not be at all. The world was once thought to be flat and the center of the universe remember?

I am not sure what psuedoscience is. I run an research organization composed of scientists and aviation professionals including current and former NASA scientists and administrators who have a strong interest in unidentified aerial phenomena or UAP. This team includes the chief of the Aviation Safety Program at NASA/Ames, Brian Smith - for quotes go to our website . The director of the NASA administrated Aviation Safety Reporting System, Linda Connell, is on record acknowledging UFO reports in her confidential reporting system. I have been to one location in the US where unidentified aerial phenomena or UAP seem to occur frequently, this place is similar to nearly a dozen sites around the world where UAP repeatedly manifest. I met Dr. Erling Strand there in May and we videotaped several examples, go to for info on the phenomena and current research efforts. Technical Reports may be found at . Granted, not all UAP are ET. I would suggest that any one who is certain that no UAP are ET familiarize themselves with our technical reports and those of the French (JJ-Valesco is a contributer to the COMETA- he is the director of SEPRA at CNES) and the Chileans, Gustavo Rodrigues - CEFAA. I could go on but I won't. The point is that leading edge knowledge about any topic is probably the hardest information to locate and understand. Whether it is astronomy, physics, behavioural research, animal behavior, the problem is the same. Knowledge moves slowly and requires curiosity to be of value. There are some great thinkers who are on record - - Bernie Haisch is a great example. The scientific community has tremendous biases regarding this information-the primary one being that there is no hope of a career studying this topic - but I can assure you that changes are taking place. For example, I will be speaking at George Washington University along with a host of other experts on UAP and interstellar travel/civilizations next month. There are legitimate forums for credible information. It just requires curiosity and descrimination to find those sources.
If anyone is curious feel free to contact me.