Something that really gets on my nerves...


Hey there fellow atheists!

Check out this site...

Beware. The girl who wrote this has no idea about the common atheist...
Make sure you sign her guestbook, and tell her that she is plain wrong :D

Oh, and post your opinions about her site on this thread. Do you think any of her opinions about atheists are correct?
I submitted something,although i was fucking about i couldnt be assed to give a smart reply,she would take no notice anyway.

Probably get deleted.
This is from the website-

The purpose of this Web site is to exchange ideas with you on almost any subject—religious, political, cultural, scientific, historical, psychological, etc. Your opinion does matter to her. Simply sign her guest book—or view it—by clicking these buttons:

Yes your opinion does matter to her.........if you agree:rolleyes:

Oh by the way, I just thought I oughta mention to you, the dude whose handle is "DJG" that you've locked horns with on my board happens to be an internationally famous economic consultant and he's a philosophy professor at Wartburg University in Waverley Iowa (you've probably seen his real name on the news from time to time) and he's got two PHD's, one in philosophy and one in economics. Anyhow I've met him in person and his mind is Absolutely Awesome!


But seriously I cant go on to read any more of this, it makes me pretty frustrated. We can only hope that her type eventually get wiped out of the gene pool someday.....we can only hope:)
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Thank you

Thank you defskeptic and doom, for making the atheist voice heard. People who are easily sucked in will stumble across that sight, and have misconceptions about atheists. We need to make our voices heard, and show the fallacies of Abby's arguments, to defend our position.

I sent a lengthy reply to her guest book, rebutting some of her arguments. I doubt she will publish them, because, well, you know what theists are like!

I encourage any other atheists here to sign Abby's guest book, and tell her how wrong she is.

On her web site, she is accusing atheists of being drug using, immoral, irresponsible rapists. I hope you will take action against this ignorance and generalization.

This is what I wrote in her guest book, hope it wasnt too offensive, I know it wasnt a stroke of genius, but hey its a voice.

Name: Tim
Comments: The atheists I have talked to in the past are very intelligent people. You "little Miss Soapbox" are the type of person that continues to spread the meme or should I say disease of the mind on to our kids and unintelligent neighbors. Why dont you actually try to think about atheists in a objective manner then voice your opinion. You disgust me with your underdeveloped ideas and overgeneralizations. Thanks.
Here's what i left on her guestbook:

Hi. Just quickly I'd like to tell you the true beauty of humanity: The freedom to believe whatever you want to without insult, without condemnation. To the religious mind, God will judge us all at the end times. He has the right to do so- he is, after all, God. By stereotyping, and frankly insulting everyone who believes something other to you, you are going against man's God Given right to choose their own path. Jesus said not to judge, and unfortunately you seem not to have heard that message. I would ask why you are so 'resentful'? of athiests and non-believers. Do they give you something to fear, do they cause you harm somehow? Look within yourself and you will find an all loving, and open minded person desperate to get out. I'm starting to wonder if you have a black slave in your garden called Jim. Remember the following: Freedom of choice, freedom from condemnation, freedom from judgement. That is God's job, not yours.

If you'd like to debate the issue you can happily email me at

"Freedom of speech has merit- until it is used to attack the freedom of others." Snake 2003.
this women's a nut. i visited the ite and posted a reply. what a shiznitz. she disgusts me. what do the theists here have to say?
I think she makes good points, what she says is nothing new, mysterious, or antagonistic, but a basic and general description of the "atheist".


Jan Ardena.

but a basic and general description of the "atheist".

Maybe I just have a different experience/opinion of atheists. The ones I've conversed with are intelligent and compassionate people.
Originally posted by Jan Ardena
I think she makes good points, what she says is nothing new, mysterious, or antagonistic, but a basic and general description of the "atheist".


Jan Ardena.

As is consistent with the cult mindset, all other perspectives are marginalized. The cult (a resultant of a meme, and the meme is the tool of the cult) - to the purpose of its survival (and via the power of the meme), cannot relinquish control of the mind of its victim, lest that victim's freedom diminish the strength of the cult.
issue an atheist liquidation order to eliminate her for challenging the great atheist fundmentalism.. in name of atheism, we destroy the enimies of atheism.. *waves his AK-###*:D
Originally posted by Abby Aaron
The vast majority of atheists I have met on Internet message boards not only discredit Christianity, but are also hostile toward it. Some of them will tell you that they merely want "equality" between viewpoints, when what they really want is the removal of Christianity from public life and, eventually, have it drummed out of existence.
A lot of atheists will tell you outright that that is what they want. They see Christianity as the major cause of "evil" in the world, and believe that mankind will enjoy "peace" only when the last remnants of Christianity have been disintegrated. Under questioning, many of those who at first deny that this is their aim will concede that, if they could, they'd like to make it unlawful for parents to pass the "myth" of Jesus on to their children.
Does this sound like us here on SciForums?
Samuel Clemens, (Mark Twain), was, in my opinion, the most astounding author ever born. The most humorous athiest surely to ever have existed and without doubt extraordinarily gifted. If i could i would quote here one of his short stories but alas, it would be too long. Really, if you haven't, sit down and read some Mark Twain. Read 'the good little boy who did not prosper' it's an extremely funny look at religion.

"Thus perished the good little boy who did the best he could, but didn't come out according to the books. Every boy who ever did as he did prospered except him. His case is truly remarkable. It will probably never be accounted for." (Mark Twain).

I know it's completely off topic, i just got carried away- my sincere apologies
I guess "Little Miss Soapbox" forgot about this part of the bible:

"Judge not, that you be not judged. For with what judgment
you judge, you will be judged; and with the measure you use,
it will be measured back to you." -Matthew 7:1-2 (NKJV)

Here is a rebuttal to "Little Miss Soapbox"
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Originally posted by Abby Aaron
I'm just under five feet tall. Because I sometimes model, I never use my own computer to send and receive e-mail. Instead, I rely on close friends to relay your messages to me (sometimes throrugh non-computerized methods), and vice versa. Therefore, tracing IP addresses or encrypted file' watermarks will lead you to my friends, but not to me. (I'm not being paranoid; you should see some of the e-mails I receive!) This Web site was donated to me and is maintained by my friends. This allows me to spend a large portion of my time on the road.
A model that's under 5 ft? Hmmm?!
Originally posted by wesmorris
As is consistent with the cult mindset, all other perspectives are marginalized. The cult (a resultant of a meme, and the meme is the tool of the cult) - to the purpose of its survival (and via the power of the meme), cannot relinquish control of the mind of its victim, lest that victim's freedom diminish the strength of the cult.

Memes? Cult? Cult-mindset? Victims?

What kind of a response is this?

Please elaborate. :)


Jan Ardena.
Originally posted by wesmorris
As is consistent with the cult mindset, all other perspectives are marginalized. The cult (a resultant of a meme, and the meme is the tool of the cult) - to the purpose of its survival (and via the power of the meme), cannot relinquish control of the mind of its victim, lest that victim's freedom diminish the strength of the cult.

Sounds a lot like athiesm.
Originally posted by airavata
this women's a nut. i visited the ite and posted a reply. what a shiznitz. she disgusts me. what do the theists here have to say?

well as a theist here's my two-cents worth:

i couldnt finish it! there's just too much babble going on! I would agree with the atheists here that she is generalizing far too since I didnt read the whole thing I didn't see where she was totally judging athiests (tho from what I did read I could tell it would soon come to that), it seemed as tho she was trying to analyze why athiests choose the philosphy. But, we all know that can very easily lead to an holier-than-thou attitude and thats wrong (sinful, whatever you want to call it).

The athiests I've met here are all over the board! I've met many who seem to have thought out their beliefs (or lack thereof) very carefully, and others who just seem angry at christians and so choose to run away from God. I dont believe you can label athiests as all the same any more than you can label all christians one way.

I'm sorry for those christians who choose to judge and adopt the holier-than-thou attitude, it is wrong and disrespectful and totally opposite of what God commanded of us. (and yes, sometimes I fall into that trap too of judging and so my apology is for all christians including myself)