Something I Do


Registered Senior Member
OK, this is weird but I have found that I can walk through a crowd without being noticed. I cut in line with my friends, all of them get yelled at but I remain unnoticed (this has happened on at least nine occasions). I can sit in class and if I try, the teacher doesn't even know I'm in class. I talk all the time and sit in the middle of the room... some times the people around me get told to shut up but I go unnoticed. Hell, I did no work in art class (did it all at home), talked all period every day. At the end of the year my marks for time use was perfect and all the people I talked to failed that part. The teacher hated my guts!!! :D

At school they have questioned me on unexplained absences a few times (once on a test day... I wrote the test!?).
I have made one or two attempts at other tele- powers but all I ended up with were bright red palms (I 1st degree burned my palms at an attempt at phy-balls)

What can be done to develop powers?
How can I learn to control my ability to blend in?
Help me!? :bugeye:
Welcome to sciforums Q_Who

I would think the "power to blend in" would be a curse, unless you wanted to be a secret agent or something like that.
My best friend and I just find it uncannily strange. He noticed the fact that I can never be seen in a crowd.
I guess it is cool, I mean I have no problems with blending in because it is just what I do (when I try for it).
I looked all over the Internet and the best 'explanation' was that I produce very few disturbances mentally and physically.

I wonder if I should go into espionage (nah, I like to breath).

Does anyone here know how to develop the ability to blend, I have heard of eastern masters of mind and meditation who can almost vanish. I don't want to show it off (not like I could :D) I was just wondering if any of you have any gifts and how to develop them.
