Someone else can FLY!!!


ascetic, sage, diogenes, bum?
Valued Senior Member
I asked about Criss Angel mainly because he could levitate(and walk through glass), and now I watched someone else do it. So...Does anyone know anything about David Blaine or how he does his levitation trick? Everything else he does isn't really all that amazing, mostly card tricks. Although, he does do a pretty crazy trick with a quarter, where he bites it and spits it out. Anyway, I'm mostly interested in the levitation trick, can anyone help me?

-Thank you

I happen to know how this trick works.

It is a matter of perspective.

With a light source infront of you, you move so your back is to the audience at a 225 degree angle, hence, you ought to be slanted by the perception of the person. Then, after extending your arms outwards, and other preperation - and making sure the shadows behind you are just right - you lift one foot slowly off the ground, and the other one you stand on your toes with. The shadow and the foot placement (the toe-support should be, I believe, further forward than the other leg) will fool the audience into thinking you're levitating.

I've heard it could take months of repeated practice to get it -just- right. It is, however, the most impressive magic trick a layman can learn to perform, as it requires nothing but old school deception, rather than ornate tricks needing likely a crew of people to set up.
Prince_James said:
I've heard it could take months of repeated practice to get it -just- right. It is, however, the most impressive magic trick a layman can learn to perform, as it requires nothing but old school deception, rather than ornate tricks needing likely a crew of people to set up.
it took me about 10 minutes of practice to perfect.

i was subsequently chided by my southern baptist friends for engaging in "forbidden practices", until i showed them how i did it.
The Devil Inside:

Can you do it in multiple different situations? And in different lighting? How about infront of a large crowd?

Also, what resources did you use specifically? As I'd love to learn this trick.
PJ, David Blane performs his tricks in front of people without lighting or any other special effects on the street. I think he is very spiritual therfore he can think of doing things beyond the physical laws that bind other people.

It is mostly a matter of shadows and perspective, Sgal. The foot that is simply moving up is not seen as moving up from the perspective. I can show you a video that shows you -precisely- how to do it.

Moreover, David Blaine is a crappy street magician, but an awesome endurance guy. I was upset that he lost his "drowned alive" thing.
Why does everyone have to take magic and dissect it into a mundane explanation? Especially one that often isnt correct? (Like in this case). Why not allow yourself to feel amazed? Why not allow yourself to return to that child-like state, in which we do not pretend to understand the exact behavior and science of everything in the universe? Give up at least some of your stupid pride, its a sacrifice worth making.
Someone wanted to know how the trick worked? What is wrong with that? You should understand considering you recently started a thread with this question - "Does anyone know how a Ouija board works?"

If James' explanation is wrong then what is the correct one? Would you rather not say?
Prince_James said:
The Devil Inside:

Can you do it in multiple different situations? And in different lighting? How about infront of a large crowd?

Also, what resources did you use specifically? As I'd love to learn this trick.
yeah, that trick is really nothing special.

i used my shoes, and the floor.
He lifts other people in the air as well, how do you explain that? PJ
I see your point, shaman_. The reason i posted the question about the ouija board was because knowing the science of it would further help me with psychophysiological muscle reading, something i've been working on for a while. I guess anyone reading this probably wants to know how the levitation works, so here it is.

Blaine's levitation is not the balducci (stand so that toe-end of farther shoe is obscured by closer shoe and stand on the toes of the farther foot). It is similar, however. The Farther foot is rotated 90 degrees, after being removed from the shoe inconspicuously. The shoe stays in place, next to the closer foot. Magician then stands on toes of far foot, so that both shoes are seen to lift off the ground completely. He then falls down and acts tires, covering up the movement in which he places his foot back in the shoe.

There ya have it. Dunno the name of that one.
Well that is interesting.

I do see your point as well Rantaak. I think we have all wanted to know how a trick works before - only to regret it later when we find out. Our curiosity is not always in our best interests.

I am not sure how group levitation tricks work.

Anyone else interested in illusionism know how to do this?


You sure about him using "the rising king"? As his seems to simply be the Baladucci.
prince_james: I think I've seen him use both. Anyway, the non-balducci one is cooler so I thought I'd share it.