Some think F-16s chased UFO over Washington ...


Registered Senior Member
This story of a UFO over Washington D.C. has gotten a lot farther than the first one, which occured in 1952, when UFO's buzzed Washington D.C. for about 8 hours. Maybe ET's on a fishing expedition to see who's paying attention... :)

Some think F-16s chased UFO over Washington
The Washington Post
WASHINGTON -- For Renny Rogers, it was strange enough that military jets were flying low over his home in Waldorf, Md., in the middle of the night. It was what he thinks he saw when he headed outside to look early Friday that floored him.
"It was this object, this light-blue object, traveling at a phenomenal rate of speed," Rogers said. "This Air Force jet was right behind it, chasing it, but the object was just leaving him in the dust. I told my neighbor, 'I think those jets are chasing a UFO.' "

Military officials confirm that two F-16 jets from Andrews Air Force Base were scrambled early Friday after radar detected an unknown aircraft in Washington area airspace. But they scoff at the idea that the jets were chasing a strange and speedy blue, unidentified flying object.

"We had a track of interest, so we sent up some aircraft," said Maj. Douglas Martin, a spokesman for the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) in Colorado, which has responsibility for defending U.S. airspace. "Everything was fine in the sky, so they returned home."
At the same time, military officials say they do not know just what the jets were chasing, because whatever it was disappeared. "There are any number of scenarios, but we don't know what it was," said Maj. Barry Venable, another spokesman for NORAD.

Radar detected a low, slow-flying aircraft about 1 a.m. Friday, according to a military official. Controllers were unable to establish radio communications with the unidentified aircraft, and NORAD was notified. When the F-16s carrying air-to-air missiles were launched from Andrews, the unidentified aircraft's track faded from the radar, the military official said, speaking on condition that he not be identified.

Pilots with the D.C. Air National Guard's 113th Air Wing, which flew the F-16s from Andrews, reported nothing out of the ordinary, NORAD officials said.

"It was a routine launch," said Lt. Col. Steve Chase, a senior officer with the wing, which keeps pilots and armed jets on 24-hour alert at Andrews to respond to incidents as part of an air defense system protecting Washington after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.

Rogers remains convinced that what he saw was not routine.
"It looked like a shooting star with no trailing mist," he said. "I've never seen anything like it."


US government Vs Rogers...

I'll take Rogers.

The F-16s were not on a scenic flight, not armed at 1am over populated areas.

When O when will the disception end?:rolleyes:
There is only two possibilities:

1. It was a small plane that was going somewhere and landed before the jets took off. With highten security in all airports, they could easily find out who that was and publicized.

2. It was an UFO period. Too bad, we do not have enough info for wild speculation. It would have been fun....
some just WANT to believe in UFO's:rolleyes:

but in this case I see a possibility of an Alien aircraft.
I have no reason to believe in the US military.
it's very suspicious and I think that it's 50-50


*yes, it is I, who created Pollux's avatar
Anyone consider the fact that maybe it was simply a foreign nation's aircraft? Could another's money have propelled them past us in the race for air supremacy?

How do we know if anything we are told or shown by the Governments is actually true? Aren't they all just siblings and brethren of the 'Dallas Police'?
Did they actually admit that? LOL!

A true Unidentified Flying Object... :p
Yes they did. Given enough time, they will come up with a simple answer that such and such person was flying a single engine plane, jet or whatever and that his radio was down so he could not answer and that he landed before the fighters had a good look as to what it was. But the guy told somebody, who told to the investigators.

Case closed.