Some questions for muslims

Mr. Hamtastic

Registered Senior Member
1. What is all this hoopla about jihad?

2. What are the main tenets of the religion?

3. This one is a bit more complicated, so bear with me. Around(so not precise) 1000 ad, the christians started going on crusades, to "Free the Holy Land", It's been about 12-1400 years since Islam took off, so aren't you guys kind of due for some religious violence and whatnot?

4. What does Joe(or Jill) Average Muslim say to Muslim extremists?

5. If I want to be a friend to a muslim, without changing religion, can I?

6. What is all this stuff about the "moon god"?
3. This one is a bit more complicated, so bear with me. Around(so not precise) 1000 ad, the christians started going on crusades, to "Free the Holy Land", It's been about 12-1400 years since Islam took off, so aren't you guys kind of due for some religious violence and whatnot?

lol, yeah its comming don't worry. oh wait, I mean its been here for hundreds of years.

no really. I want to know. If Osama bin Laden wants to tell me, that's fine. If a sane muslim wants to tell me, that would be better.
1. What is all this hoopla about jihad?

No idea. As far as I know, most Muslims were not even overly familiar with the term before the media told us Muslims were performing jihad.

If you look it up, jihad is the Arabic word for struggle.
According to scholar John Esposito, Jihad requires Muslims to "struggle in the way of God" or "to struggle to improve one's self and/or society."[3][4] Jihad is directed against Satan's inducements, aspects of one's own self, or against a visible enemy.[1][5] The four major categories of jihad that are recognized are Jihad against one's own self (Jihad al-Nafs), Jihad of the tongue (Jihad al-lisan), Jihad of the hand (Jihad al-yad), and Jihad of the sword (Jihad as-sayf)

2. What are the main tenets of the religion?

There is one God, Mohammed is the messenger. Thats called the shahada [witness] and is the first pillar of Islam. The remaining four pillars are fasting, prayer, charity [zakat] and performing pilgrimage to Mecca if you can afford it.
3. This one is a bit more complicated, so bear with me. Around(so not precise) 1000 ad, the christians started going on crusades, to "Free the Holy Land", It's been about 12-1400 years since Islam took off, so aren't you guys kind of due for some religious violence and whatnot?

I suppose you could consider the Palestinian Liberation movement, the "liberation" of Iraq and the "liberation" of Afghanistan as adequate surrogates.
4. What does Joe(or Jill) Average Muslim say to Muslim extremists?

Hi, are you a Muslim extremist?
5. If I want to be a friend to a muslim, without changing religion, can I?

Hmm, you might have to sign several blank documents first.
6. What is all this stuff about the "moon god"?

Some propaganda by jealous [or is it zealous] Xians.
So Islam is a pretty straightforward religion? Is there any truth to the claims that Muslims were told by Mohammed to demand people become Islamic at swordpoint? SAM, why does Osama bin Laden want to kill me? I've been told it's a religious thing, is he misguided, or did I shit on his cat or something?
So Islam is a pretty straightforward religion?

Yeah, one God, all messengers have an equal status. Religion is basically your own business.
Is there any truth to the claims that Muslims were told by Mohammed to demand people become Islamic at swordpoint?

In the 100 years that Arabs moved from Mecca to Spain, only the Arabs were Muslims. That basically answers your question. After they "established" an empire, they installed schools [madrassas] teaching their language and religion to other people.
SAM, why does Osama bin Laden want to kill me? I've been told it's a religious thing, is he misguided, or did I shit on his cat or something?

How do you know he wants to kill you?

Osama is what one may term tentatively as a rebel [or an anti-traditionalist]. Traditionally, clerics do not have a role in governance. As a rich young man, he was influenced by the teachings of Ibn Tamiyya and Syed Qutb. Ibn Tamiyya was an Islamic scholar who protested against clerical torpor in the face of Mongal invasion and occupation of Arab lands. According to him [Ibn Tamiyya] all Muslims must practice ijtehad and speak out against corrupt authority:

a rational and analytical approach, based on the Quran and on the teachings of the Sunnah, for interpreting religious matters. Time and again the Quran says that its verses are for thinkers. It stresses the exercise of the rational mind. In Sura The Heifer the Quran says: “Do not treat Allah’s signs as a jest, but solemnly rehearse Allah’s favors to you, and the fact that He sent down to you the Book and wisdom, for your instruction.” (2:231). This verse shows that Book and wisdom are prerequisites to keep society on track and a progressive and right path.

Syed Qutb was the founder of the Egyptian Brotherhood, who was imprisoned and tortured by a pro-western government, who found his anti-western rantings very embarassing. He promoted resistance against western elements in Islamic societies.

Osama was, or is of the opinion that western elements have supported corrupt elements in his society [Saudi Arabia] and other Muslim states and are responsible for their oppression. Hence, his initial communication to the US was to remove their military bases from Saudi Arabia.
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So we can say 'there is a god' and leave it at that. Or we can say there is no god and leave it at that.

everyone agree? great. Now STFU.
Why can't they just tell us this stuff? So he thinks he's being a patriot, not a religious leader? I'm an American, and I only know what I've been told. Thus, I've been told that Osama wants to kill me. I've often wondered why he used such silly methods as flying some planes into buildings. I mean, an EMP bomb isn't that hard to make, stick it in a small plane, climb to max altitude, set it off. His guys could even have survived. Why all the suicide bombs? A mortar is more effective, and some are nice and compact. Then there's the deliberate attacks on civilians. Why? If he wants to attack the military, fine, but why civilians?
Why can't they just tell us this stuff? So he thinks he's being a patriot, not a religious leader? I'm an American, and I only know what I've been told. Thus, I've been told that Osama wants to kill me. I've often wondered why he used such silly methods as flying some planes into buildings. I mean, an EMP bomb isn't that hard to make, stick it in a small plane, climb to max altitude, set it off. His guys could even have survived. Why all the suicide bombs? A mortar is more effective, and some are nice and compact. Then there's the deliberate attacks on civilians. Why? If he wants to attack the military, fine, but why civilians?

Perhaps you should question everything that your government tells you. Its second nature to us Indians, we suspect all government communication as propaganda.

e.g. it may interest you to know that Osama is NOT wanted for 9/11 because there is no "hard" evidence of his involvement.

On June 5, 2006, the Muckraker Report contacted the FBI Headquarters, (202) 324-3000, to learn why Bin Laden’s Most Wanted poster did not indicate that Usama was also wanted in connection with 9/11. The Muckraker Report spoke with Rex Tomb, Chief of Investigative Publicity for the FBI. When asked why there is no mention of 9/11 on Bin Laden’s Most Wanted web page, Tomb said, “The reason why 9/11 is not mentioned on Usama Bin Laden’s Most Wanted page is because the FBI has no hard evidence connecting Bin Laden to 9/11.”

I don't know whether he is involved or not. However going by the simple facts that the hijackers were all "westernised" alcohol drinking club hopping young men and Osama is a religious guy who considers himself as a right living Muslim, it seems rather odd to me that they are considered to be his men. However, he did claim responsibility for blowing up several US embassies in different places around the globe and he is wanted for that. Personally I think he is long dead.
So. Is he viewed as a good guy or a bad guy by muslims? How about other 'shadowy' 'muslim extremist' organizations? The US is full of weirdos and crackpots, muslim, christian, even atheist(google anarchist atheist). Is he just a crackpot, then? Or a martyr to a greater cause?
Thanks for the info. I had been wondering whether to fear arabs with headresses. I guess this all means 'no'.
So. Is he viewed as a good guy or a bad guy by muslims? How about other 'shadowy' 'muslim extremist' organizations? The US is full of weirdos and crackpots, muslim, christian, even atheist(google anarchist atheist). Is he just a crackpot, then? Or a martyr to a greater cause?

Mr ham man

all extremnists are a bunch of CUNTS, being a muslim, i find Muslims extremists even more cuntish as they put me and my famiyl in more unnecessary trouble!!! Through prejudice and racism etc and also you ahve to remeber that a fucking dickhead terrorist kills people at random, ie they arent going to say oh shit i best not let off my bomb on this train cos Zak or Zak's son who happen to muslim are on it!!!!