Some Ideas on Time Travel

Free energy, gee some leading physists would like to know where you can find free energy for every type of energy has to be either created or harnessed somehow , which takes energy to do. Therefore nothing is totally "free".
I think this free energy is being recycled throught the universe but anyway it is used its being recycled and resused over and over again. This means the existent energy physically changes but in it really doesnt: Because the energy that was used up passed thru a cycle throught the universe and the 'used-up' energy became again the energy that it was before. This is just a thought. I havent yet studied time travel much in depth.
... or English.

Seriously though, everything "free energy" based will get you
bashed on this site, especially in the Math & Physics section.
Thanks for your suggestion. I was only trying to come up with a new theory. If I'll be banned for expressing a thought, so let it be.
Originally posted by PharaohNekhAten
Thanks for your suggestion. I was only trying to come up with a new theory. If I'll be banned for expressing a thought, so let it be.

Not banned, just laughed at.
Originally posted by PharaohNekhAten
We are all educated people. Anyone laughting at my opinion above feel free to let me know.

Educated and accepting are two different things. We maybe educated (Hahaha i am fooling you bastards......i am right?) but most of us aren't accepting of others opinions and views here.

So they will laugh at you and you'll know that they are.
Whos educated, or whos not, whos laughting at my opinions, or who isnt, arent things that matter to me. If I'm going to post an opinion, I'll do it, who likes it or not, its the same to me. Many famouse scientists were laughted at in the past for speaking their opinions. Im sure someone will value my opinion above.

Now, can we get back to the orginal topic?
Thank you. Ok, The reality is that time travel is not physically possible. We dont have the technology or knowledge to create a 'time machine'. All existing theories are most vague and most dependent on mathematics; mathematics have it limits. It seems the only place were time traveling will always take place are in cheap paper back novels or tv shows.
Free Energy?

Don't really believe in it myself but unless anybody here can tell me all the properties of 'dark energy' I'll try to keep an open mind.

You can't tell the man he's wrong till you have all the answers.
Dee Cee