Solomon Between The Mirrors


Registered Member
Solomon Between The Mirrors
WGA Registration Number: 1180132

Written By: Giorgio Martoni

Chapter 1

Solving the endless puzzles of life, Infinite times. The universe has all of Eternity
Thus makes the inevitable life, A thing Of definite, Possibility

(A Fighting chance)

Solomon entered life, A month too Soon
On the 30th day, In the month of June
Having been, A little to sick. To care For
His parents, Did not want, Him Anymore
Three years pass, With a tube he is Fed
Looking through the tent, Around his Bed
Familiar Faces, A slight, Blur
And a toy, In the distance, For his hands to Lure
Trying to reach, A little gray Car
Elizabeth reminds him, That he can't move that Far
He cried, To get his Way
But it landed, On deaf ears, As they Say
His Strength, He must, Renew
Because there are, Still things, He must Do

(Solomon Versus Russ Jr. The Bully)

Time went by, Until one Day
A bully imagined, A trick to Play
He dug a hole, A few feet, Below
A spot just for, Solomon to Go
Making it a game, To stand in the Pit
Buried up to the neck, Solomon would Sit
Time progressed, All Alone
Until a fantasy Creature, Was Shown

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Friendship he Reserved, For the 4 year old Lad
Until he was exhumed, By Russ Jr's Dad
What goes around, Comes around. Is what they Say
So now it's Russ Jr's turn, To Pay
As he walks home, To his Dismay
He spots, The bully Russ Jr, Along the Way
Solomon try's to avoid him, But gets chased, Across the Street
Making it ahead, Of a car, By just, A few Feet
Unfortunately for Russ Jr, He did not make it Past
Sitting home, All alone, He wears a silly Cast

(First Day of School)

Off to school, For the very first Day
Solomon's mind starts, To wander off, & Stray
The teacher tries, To grab his Awareness
But nothing she asserts, Is of any Interest
After he provides the carpet, Bubble gum. To Taste
The teacher sends him home, With a paper sad Face


Days pass by, Until one Night
Solomon awakes, To see a terrible Sight
It's Frankenstein, At his bedroom Door
Too terrified, To stay conscious, He rolls over onto the Floor

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(See-Through Santa Claus)

December arrives, & gifts will soon be Here
A snow man is built, To capture the holiday Cheer
A fine top hat, With a carrot Nose
Two sticks for arms, & eyes made from Oreos
Awakened by, A stir in the Night
Solomon becomes an observer, To a bizarre Sight
A translucent Santa, Shifting gifts About
In his mind, There was little Doubt
After being noticed, The jolly man hops into his Sleigh
Outside the window, He's seen flying Away

(String Strung Room)

A knot tied here, Another one over There
A web of string, Solomon ties Everywhere
It's his favorite thing, To do
Hours go by, & new patterns Ensue

(Tit For Tat)

The light creeps in, As the sun starts to Rise
Solomon notices makeup, All over himself, As he opens his Eyes
When he slept, His step sister Clara had colored his Face
For payback he acquires a mousetrap, From it's usual Place
Picking up the trap, With the mouse that was Dead
He hurls it onto, His step sisters Bed

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Chapter 2

Energy is forever. Mixed with matter, It becomes a thing of Time
Constantly being transferred, Expanding the room, From Behind
Moving it efficiently, Keeps the singularity Away
Giving life, A little bit longer to Play

(A New Town)

They move to a new town, With many Hills
Far away from jersey, & the snow that Chills
At 6 years old, Solomon becomes a more creative Thinker
Lots of new ideas, For his hands to Tinker
With a skateboard, & some scraps of Wood
Solomon fashions an airplane, The best that he Could
Hopping on board, Down the hill, He Goes
Enjoying himself, As he reaps, What he Sows

(A New Friend)

Venturing out, From the desert castle of Show
He meets a new friend, Named Shelco
One day as they play, With a golf club & Ball
One would swing, & the other would Fall

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A whoosh & a smack, To the forehead it Struck
He tries to stop the bleeding, With not very much Luck
They run to Shelco's father, To get FirstAid
Solomon is told, To clean up the blood, Before he can have a Bandaid
The boys played, Outside a grocery Store
A Lamborghini Countach drove by, With a load Roar
Being Such a neat sight, Solomon knew, He'd have one Someday
But all Shelco noticed, Was how the paint, Had faded Away

(The Desert)

Playing in the desert alone, Solomon loved to Choose
So much so, That he did not need any Shoes
He would make things, Out of the Desert Land
So much to do, In a place, With mostly Sand

(Lambo Dream)

One day, Solomon had a lucid Dream
Which looked more like, A movie Scene
The countach, Moved into the Sunset real Slow
As the picture zoomed out of the desert, To end the dream Show
The credits rolled, With Names Fictitious
As music played to the lyrics, Life can be so Superstitious
Solomon awoke, From his long Nap
to see a transparent, Brown dog, On his Lap

(Show & Tell)

The next day, for show & Tell
A popcorn popper, Bolted to a helmet Shell

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Wearing it in front, Of the 2nd Grade
All the kids laughed, At what Solomon had Made
Except for one girl, Who thought it looked Cool
They became best of friends, Solomon & Nicole

(Solomon Meets His Father)

After meeting his Father, For the first Time
Joseph says, They'll set up a tent at Nine
A backyard camp, Just father & Son
But he didn't come back, He had to Run
Away back east, & a bottle to escape Life
He wanders into a empty building, Alone in Strife
Drunk & cold, He tries to keep Warm
Inside & away, From the Storm
Sirens he hears, Off in the Distance
So he douses the fire, Because of paranoia's Insistence
Joseph leaves the Abandoned building, To take a nap on some Tracks
The train hits, & his skull Cracks

Chapter 3

When energy becomes, Directed
By the mind, With a goal Accepted
Only necessary tasks, Stand in the Way
To hinder the less determined, From enjoying the fruits some Day
Anything asked for is Given
& Nothing desired is Withheld

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(Summer Camp)

At 8 years old, Solomon begins to think, Outside the Box
Seeing patterns & possibilities, The keys to life's Locks
He takes apart everything, To see what makes it Tick
Gadgets & gizmos, So many to choose from & Pick
In the summer, Solomon arrives at Camp
Walking into the forest alone, Where it's dark & Damp
Hours pass, As he makes his way, Through the Trees
There's something, Frightening up ahead, That he See's
A black panther, Only ten feet Away
After Glancing into his eyes, Solomon decides not to Stay
Solomon runs & hops over a Fence
Surviving without a scratch, & just a little bit Tense

(Playing On The Swings)

Before school, Solomon plays on the Swings
To see how high he can jump, Without having Wings
They all swing, To & Fro
Making comments, As the Go
Get out of my toilet bowl, One States
Quit riding my coat tails, Solomon Relates

(Solomon & his Step Father)

Solomon liked, To ask questions A Lot
But there was very little, That he was Taught
He asks his step father questions, & Hopes for Better
But all he declares is that, Why is a crooked Letter

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(School Ends For Good)

4th is the last grade, Solomon Completes
The need for school, His mind Defeats
The bell rings, & it's time to Leave
A million thoughts that day, But nothing he did Achieve
Summer begins, With the promise of much fun, To be Unfurled
But for Solomon, There is a debt to paid, For wanting the World

(Electrocuted by A Paint Compressor)

Shocked & paralyzed, To Solomon's Dismay
The 3rd time, Before 9, Solomon must be taken Away
Now he'll live, On the streets & In the Shelters
A better place, Says the government Helpers

Chapter 4

An infinite interpretations, To be Tried
Experiences in life, Cannot be Denied
In the end, Life is Truth
& all the answers, Are there as Proof

(Street Lessons)

A few years go by, & to the streets, Solomon has Turned
For a few of life's lessons, To be Learned
Having been, Jumped into a gang, Solomon must earn Respect
Causing mischief & mayhem, Is what You would Expect
Graffiti & Fighting, A daily Routine
Just necessary steps, So variety, Can be Seen
Back to the shelters, Solomon Goes
To waste more time, As he Grows
So much useful knowledge, Could have been Gained
But then again, The system, Could have kept him Chained

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(Apache Reservation)

Carlos, Wanted to get back Home
He needed some help, So he would not just Roam
They head out on the highway, That runs through the desert Terrain
Days go by, Without a single dropp of Rain
Lips dry, Cracked & Bleeding
Stomach aches, Composure Fleeting
Walking just as far, As they Could
No car to stop, They wished one Would
Sitting under, The desert Sun
They want to cry, But no tears Run
Out of nowhere, A vehicle pulls to the Side
A nice women with water, Takes them for a Ride
Dropped off a short distance, From their Destination
Time for rest, & Relaxation
Then they go, The rest of the Way
To the reservation home, They Stay
Treated like family, For being a good Friend
Anything he needed, They would gladly Lend
Popovers turn into, Solomon's favorite Treat
A flaky crust, With honey that's Sweet
Many days spent, At the Lake
A place to swim, & take A Break
But like all good things, It came to an End
The system wanted them back, & to that they would not Bend
Picked up, While having Fun
Their sent back, to the place, They ran From

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(City Streets)

Time goes by, & Solomon gets moved Around
Another occasion, To the streets He is Bound
Solomon & Ricardo, From the shelter they run Away
To live where they want, & go where they May

Chapter 5

How much more is the mind, From the knowledge it Created
Ones own impressions, & beliefs, Can easily be Debated

(Back Home)

Turning 16, Solomon calls Elizabeth, on the Phone
& She says, He can now come Home
With a roof over his head, To the books Solomon Goes
Because science is the life, That he has Chose

(Patterns From Possibilities)

Solomon lays on his bed, With fixed eyes, At the Ceiling
His favorite pastime, contented he is Feeling
Projecting images, With his Thoughts
Solomon connects the Dots
A room full of faces, But nobodies There
Just walls & a ceiling, With people that Stare

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Patterns from Possibilities, His natural Ability
He passes the G.E.D test, In the school Facility
A 4th grade education, It takes him, Only one Try
Solomon figured out, The math symbols, On the Fly

(First Marketable Product)

A new way, To take the top, Off a Can
So the lid, Would not cut the Hand
Opening from, The top side Around
It was brought, To a company in Town
Patent & Market, They would do for Cash
Solomon had no money, So it went in the Trash
Years later, He would see the product, On TV
& wonder if those people, Had profited from Dishonesty

(16 & First Genuine Job)

Solomon's first job, Is at a Grocery Store
He does Menial tasks, Such as Mop the Floor
He gets paid enough, To wet his Beak
Unfortunately, It only lasts a Week
Just one out of 42, That Solomon would lose, Before 25
A Fitting tribute, To the mind, That was so Alive
He'd try to Concentrate, On the tasks, That were Given
But his mind would race, With possibilities, That would not let Him
Imagining, The best way, To start or Finish
The hopes of completing, With perfection, Would Diminish

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(Desert Adventure)

Solomon at 17, Fills a backpack with Gear
And goes out to the desert, Without Fear
To live on the land, & get rid of Thought
But there's nowhere to go, A lesson Solomon is Taught
Because all, Of the land, Is now Owned
& only short durations, To the pieces, That are Loaned

(Missouri Wilderness)

The birds, & The Bees, Become a Chorus
As Solomon sets up camp, In the Forest
Bringing no food or Water & only a Tent
Solomon's happy, To just waste away, While his life is Spent
Thoughts of possibilities, Fade quickly & Fall
A peace Solomon hasn't felt, Since before, He asked for it All

(Back To The City)

Solomon gets a job, At a big department Store
After paying his bills, He's left, With a scantily Score
Tesla coils, Vandegraafs & Pulse motors, Decorate his Home
Just a few, Of the many projects, Solomon builds while Alone

Chapter 6

Variety & Complexity, Makes life, Interesting & Fun
It would be so dull, If based on, The measured beliefs & Impressions, Of just One

(Back In Arizona)

A new apartment,2nd from the Top
& a new job, At a electronic Shop
Needing transportation, Solomon builds a Motorbike
In which, There is none other Like

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(Solomon Could Fix Anything)

Everything he touched, Turned to gold, As it Were
His employer commented, & in that he was Sure
From cars to computers & electronics to machines Mechanical
Solomon could repair anything, That was MalFunctional

(Mountain Park)

Solomon would go hiking, Almost Everyday
To clear his mind, & get Away

(Home Made Motorized Bicycles)

Eventually he built, More than 12 motorbikes. In many different configurations & Styles
Even one with a solar powered hydrogen generator, That would travel.5 Miles

(Solomon Studies Science)

Wanting to do, So much More
Solomon researched Theories to Equations & Science Galore
Quantum mechanics, Special relativity & String Theory, To name a Few
Would all be necessary, For later projects, Solomon would Do

(Electrolyzer Type Hydrogen Generator, With Reverse Polarity Timer Circuit)

A Canadian company wanted his design, & asked Solomon to a conference
Instead he simply, Sent them the schematics free, With no need to Recompense

(Energy Efficiency)

Energy efficiency to Solomon, Had much Appeal
So he built, Stirling engines & A Minto Wheel

(Toyota Car With A Pulse Motor)

Solomon pulled a engine, Out of, A 89 Toyota Tercel
In it's place He fashioned, A pulse motor, That worked Well
All night the rotors, Would build up Insistence
& In the morning. The car would move, About a miles Distance

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(Project Hz In The Gamma Ray Region)

A long copper pipe, With a freely moving magnet, At its Interior
& 100 Trifiler wound electromagnets, Spaced 4 per Sector

Chapter 7

Life is made, From stardust. As a result, They act Similar
Acquiring to Accumulate & Dividing to, Achieve it much Further

(Genetic Engineering)

Genetic engineering, Becomes his new Passion
To modify life & Change it's Fashion
Solomon studies everything, He can find. On Microbiology
& Sets up, A fine Laboratory

(Invented 30 Things In 2 weeks & A Provisional Patent For One)

After a search, Solomon found that most, Had been Patented Prior
Except for one, Called the HydroMassager
A suction cup, Attached to a single water jet, Connected to a diverter Hub
Makes a Jacuzzi, Out of a Bathtub

(Solomon Converts A Bus Into A Motorhome)

Solomon converted a bus, Into a Motorhome
In it he would live, For a little while & Roam
Solomon found that, There was nowhere, To Park
When he got tired, At Dark
Solomon buys a motorcycle & Gets rid of the bus Headache
Cheaper on gas & A lot less to Take

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(A Desert National Forest)

Solomon walks deep into, The desert Terrain
With A growl, In his stomach, He cannot Tame
Water he collects, Through Transpiration
Not nearly enough, For a long Duration

(Motorcycle Trip)

Solomon drives up, California's Coast
Where the road, Is not much to Boast
A gap here, A Crack There
Solomon's bike Swerves, Everywhere

(Apartment Maintenance Man)

Solomon sells his Motorcycle & Gets a apartment, To live Inside
Nowhere to go, & Nothing to Ride
There Solomon becomes, A maintenance Man
Until he makes a Motorhome, Out of a Van

(Road Trip To Florida)

On a summer morning, Solomon flips a Quarter
Either the Florida keys, Or across the Border
Getting the same side, For the 3rd Time
He takes it, As a Sign
Solomon arrives there, During hurricane Season
& doesn't stick around, For that Reason
Down the Florida coast, Trees had fallen Everywhere
Even the buildings & Homes Got their Share
The earth needed, To cool itself. From all the extra Heat
A billion inefficient Combustion engines, To accomplish that Feat
Down the coast Solomon goes, To stop at the Beach
While playing, His guitar at night, he is Beseeched

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Five people without a ride, Walked Near
They needed, To get to a party with Beer
Loud music & Alcoholic Drinks
An attractive women Winks
Curious about, The western looking Solomon, Dressed out of Place
Conversation ensues, Then each others lips they Taste
In the morning, Solomon heads down, To the Keys
& There's nowhere to park, He Sees
So it's back to Arizona, To live in the Van
A year goes by, As he becomes a Man

Chapter 8

To those that have Much, To them a great deal is given & A lot they must Pay
They that have little, What little they have, Is taken Away

(Keep Moving)

The van rocks, Forth & Back
Solomon awakes to almost, Have a heart Attack
A light meant, For his eyes to Sear
The officers tell him, To get away from Here
Every night, Solomon has to find, A new spot to Park
After a year, There's not many places Left, For him at Dark

(Desert Mountains)

Solomon goes on a camping trip, That's adventures & Bold
40 miles he'll walk, In search of Gold
Dressed in khaki Levi jeans, A cowboy hat & A dark brown duck Jacket
Any unnecessary gear, Solomon did not pack It
All he brought, Was a Tesoro lobo & Some Water
On that day, It couldn't have gotten, Any Hotter
Arriving at the mountain. As the sun, Starts to Set
Solomon lost half of his water. Not having been there, A day Yet

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In the distance, He sees a group of Sheep
Down below a canyon, That is Steep
Almost at the top, Solomon finds a place, To camp for the Night
3 boulders, That make a cave. It was just Right
Across the Mountain, Shadows get cast, From the full Moon
To reveal Rocks that look like, Ancient Ruins
Inside the cave, He builds a Fire
It burns up to quick. So to get more wood, Becomes his Desire
Outside he sees a mountain lion, Across the Expanse
Looking transversely, Almost in a Trance
While gathering wood, The lion starts, To head his Way
So Solomon hurried back into, The cave to Stay
The reflection of the fire, Inhibits his vision, Out of the Cave
Solomon runs out of wood again, So he must be Brave
The lion is back far away, Resting on a Rock
Then it moves closer, As Solomon builds, His wood pile Stock
Heading back into, The cave Again
Solomon waits as long, As he Can
With no sleep & Skin smoked Black
Solomon decides, To head Back
On his way down, Solomon twists his Leg
Now whether he will make it, Or not. Becomes Vague
He gets up & Keeps on Walking
Every step, A hurt quite Shocking
Solomon makes it back, To his van. In terrible Pain
Underneath his boots, Reveals socks, With a blood Stain
Trying to sleep, But the hurt. Won't go Away
Healing & Resting, In his van. Solomon will Stay

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(Road Trip To California)

Driving west, Solomon catches a Flu
And there's nowhere to park, In this place that he is New
Solomon purchases some supplies, In the Afternoon
While putting things away, In his van. He plans on leaving Soon
Not 5 minutes later & There's a knock, At his Door
A belligerent security officer, Does not want Solomon, There Anymore

(Uncle Hawkeye)

Solomon's phone rings & His uncle invites him, Up North
A place to stay, Where he won't, Have to move, Back & Forth
A small home & 2 dogs, Hawkeye is content & Free
Solomon arrived & Each other, They were happy to See
They explore the desert, Enjoying mother Nature
An eye to the ground, They search for Treasure
Invited to dinner. His marine uncle, Has a cooking Mission
As he prepares he sings, Momma's in the Kitchen
A lip smacking, Tastetastic Meal
To them all, It had much Appeal
Like most good things, It came to an End
A small vacation, To heal & Mend

(Florida Keys Mangroves)

Solomon sells his van, To go live in, The Mangroves
So he hops on a bus & Away he Goes
After buying some beer, At a convenience Store
He walks down to a boat ramp, Near the Shore
He meets a new friend named Lueboca, Who plays a guitar & Sings
They talk for awhile, About many Things
Seeing that Solomon, Has a good Heart
Lueboca invites him to his house boat, Just after Dark

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As they sing, To the guitar & Drink Beer
Hours go by, As the dawn, Draws Near
Fighter jets, Cross the crystal blue sky, In the Morning
The Boat sits in translucent turquoise water, Tied up to a Mooring
Goodbye's are said as Solomon leaves, To live in the Mangroves
& Then it's back to Arizona. He Goes

Chapter 9

A curiously acquired target. Gives parameters. To random Chaos & Confusion
Possibilities calculated & instructions defined, Under Delusion
With an energy efficient, Path Desired
A demonstration of probability, Is Admired

(Desert Oasis)

Walking in the desert. Lips dry & The mind Fleeting
Because of the sun, Burning & Badly Treating
Asking himself, If this is it. After all that He, Has been Through
Not having seen half of it, There is more, Solomon must Do
On the road Solomon is picked up. By two lesbian Women
Who were on their way, To go tubing & Swimming
Later on that day, They watch a Movie
& That's when things, Start to get Groovy
In the morning, Solomon gets dropped off, In the City
Happy as can be, He sings a little Ditty

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(Mustang Road Trip)

While renting a room, Solomon buys a black 85 mustang. & makes it mean, As can Be
Brushed house paint, Louvers, & limo tint. It was a sight to See
After taking a road trip, To Mexico
Solomon drives back & Sells the car, For some Dinero

(Native American Spirit)

One night, Solomon has a strange Dream
Traveling back in time. Or so it, Would Seem
As he's climbing a mountain, During the Night
2 people from behind. Give him a direction that's more Right
They drive him, To a bus stop & He gets out, To walk along a River
With a full moon, To shine light. Down Hither
Solomon stumbles on a ancient town. With huts made, Of petrified Wood
Out in the water, A canoe drifts. Flouting rather Good
In it sits a long dead Indian spirit. With x taped Eyes
He says the city built on lantern oil, As his finger starts to Rise
Solomon tells the spirit, That he is a good Man
The spirit agrees & Sends Solomon, Across the Land
He meets friends that have an infinity symbol, On the palm of their Hand
They have a mission to live forever & Protect all life the best that they Can
Solomon enters a hollowed out, Mountain Laboratory
Lightning like discharges, A sight Extraordinary
The occupant was an inventor. & Also the Leader of a desolated Planet
After awaking Solomon realizes, That he just dream It

(New Mexico)

Solomon starts to research all religions. So he could try, To be Perfect
Looking at available blueprints, As he decides, On one to be Picked
After fasting 5 days, Solomon heads out in the desert. Far Away
While praying for answers, He decides, Not to Stay

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Running out of water, Solomon makes it to the road & Walks towards Town
Not much later, A truck pulls back Around
A ride to a bus stop & Solomon heads back Home
To prepare for, His next adventure. Waiting to be Shown

Chapter 10

Answers to reveal, More questions Unknown
The more that one knows, The less to be Shown

(14 Day Fast In Florida)

After fasting ten days & Doing much Praying
Solomon gets on a bus, To the keys & Stops Shaving
Throwing out, Everything he had. Including his Shoes
Trying to be perfect, As hunger Ensues
Solomon spends a night, Sleeping under a large door mat. To keep Warm
A place on top of which, people walk. When there's not a Storm
On the 14th day, Not having had anything, To Eat
A religious teacher, Solomon does Meet
Hoping to get an excuse, So he could eat & Get Fat
The religious man, Gave him just That
he said the willingness, To give up everything, Is the Request
& A 3 day fast, At Best

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Solomon was sent, On his way. To get something to Eat
& 40 dollars, To get back, On his Feet
Solomon heads south & Works Construction, To make Cash
2 weeks go by & He has a, Nice little Stash
Enough to buy a ship hull, To live In
His old friend Lueboca, Makes the deal Happen
Getting a better job, With better Pay
For a man named Alan, Who had much to Say
Talking about things, Of science & Intellect
They worked on boats, That had been Wrecked
Solomon worked as a cook, At Night
The locals say, He make the chicken. Just Right
After work, Solomon would fish. Mostly all Day
Right there, On his boat. He'd Stay
Now with, Nothing left. To Do
The next adventure, Solomon must be Onto
Solomon sells everything, He has & fly's away, From There
To buy a motorcycle & Ride, With the wind. In his Hair

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(Oregan Wilderness)

Up to Oregon Solomon goes, With a guitar on his back. He makes the long Trip
Without, A fall. Or a Slip
Wandering the forest, All day. To search for food, To Eat
Solomon picks, Just enough to survive. As he walks, In his bare Feet
At night, Solomon dreams. About the simple things. He did, During the Day
He was so very happy there, But it was too boring to Stay

Chapter 11

Man does not have to suffer, It's not for which he was Meant
He has permission to be himself, Until his life is Spent

(Solomon Forgot Himself)

After selling his motorcycle, Solomon rents a Studio apartment, In Town
With no adventures, To go on at 24. He decides to, Settle Down
A buddy of his, Invites him over. To try a pot Brownie
Not having any, Self control. He ate a lot to Many
Solomon's life, Becomes a memory now. He's forgotten, Who he Was
The lesson, lasts one night. As Solomon becomes, A wandering Buzz
The full moon, Puts his shadow, On the Ground
But the mind, Only knows. To walking he is Bound
Could this last, An eternity. Trying to accept it, As he Go
Only a few hours, But it feels. Very much, More Slow

Page 23

Regrets of past imperfection, A destination through the City
Praying for it all to end, But his mind shows no Pity
The sun starts to rise & Solomon vaguely, Remembers his Home
To a fleeting image, Goes the Gnome
After a long nap, His mind gets itself. To Pace
Solomon Swears, Never again. Not even a Taste

(Caffeine Allergy)

Two months pass & Its time to, Suffer something. Even Worse,
5 caffeine pills, To stay awake. Becomes a 6 month Curse
A feeling Solomon has not, Felt in awhile. Energy to get up, & Go
Solomon rides his bicycle, As fast as he can. Until, He starts to Slow
Solomon's heart starts to, Make a irregular Beat
To scared to stay still, He's got to be, On his Feet
Solomon goes to wait, Outside the emergency room, Just incase. He has a heart Attack
An hour goes by, With nothing, So he decides, To head Back
While trying, To go to sleep. Solomon's body gets cold, & Muscles start to Twitch
He stops feeling his body & His heart, Turns off like, A Switch
Solomon thought how, He failed to be perfect. & He much wanted, To do what, Was Right
If he only knew, What it was. He'd do it, With all his Might
Life goes back, Into his body. As perfection, His delusional mind. Thinks it Knows
Jumping up from his bed, Solomon throws off, All his Clothes
Running out into the city night. Solomon shouts, Christ has the tree of Life
& those that eat of it. Will have eternal Life
The thunder seems to flow, With his Speech
Beckoning him, Into the city further, As far as he can Reach

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Solomon's sent, To the emergency Room
Where they give him, A drug of Doom
In the morning, They send him Home
To heal & endure, On his Own
Lock jaw sets in & his muscles, He can't Control
For a week, On his bed. Solomon does toss & Roll
For a month, Solomon suffers. Panic anxiety attacks. Trying to figure out, What was Wrong
Eventually, He'd come to know. It had been, Caffeine all Along
Eating right & keeping busy, All Day
The symptoms, Finally went Away

(Alaska Adventure)

The last adventure that, Solomon will do for Sometime
The Alaskan Arctic, To see the aurora Shine
Solomon closes His eyes, As the sun Sets
Again alone in torment, This time He Won't survive. He Bets
The chill begins, With no relief in Sight
A painful experience, That will last, An entire Night
A relentless wind, Takes away his Thought
Solomon wishes he could, Cry. As another lesson, He Is Taught
Finally having had enough, Solomon heads back, To the lower 48
To write (The Origin & Future Of Intelligence) ,
A Poem, A Movie Script, & A Song, In the Eureka State

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View Poem (SoloMon Between The Mirrors) :
M*W: Long poem. Usually the poems about one's personal life are too long for the rest of us. I'm sure it has symbolic meaning to you, but would be posted more aptly in the Art & Culture Forum.
Solomons had trouble and strife
But Solomons had a great big life

Solomon keep flying on your way
One day you may find the peace to stay.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days