
Registered Senior Member
Haha too funny

Anyone been following? Probably not, but here ya go

Bunch of people talking about this hit at alt.prophecies.nostradamus, as well as

A list was put out last year for major hurricanes and earthquakes

You can read that list here

The first name for the 2003 Hurricane season given in that list is


Isabel was a huge hurricane and one of the first category 5 hurricanes in years (5 years)

The next two hurricanes to WATCH FOR are JUAN AND ROSE

You all got that?

Those are on the list as potentials (dont necessarily mean they will occur this year, hurricane lists are recycled every 6 years)



Article about the recent Sollog CLEAR hit at

Sollog rules

sounds "interesting" ... i think it's dumb how he calls himself God in the forums though
IANA computer geek, but I notice that that prediction is a text document. What's to prevent him from simply editing it after the fact?

Also, this, from the 247 news net article---
last year Sollog issued an amazing warning about future Hurricanes. The first Hurricane named by Sollog for the 2003 season was Isabel. It went exactly where Sollog named in his warning.
--is not true. That's not what his prediction says. All his prediction is, is a list of hurricane names, and the "fact" that they will cause death and destruction. That's a no-brainer--just about ALL hurricanes cause death and destruction at some level.

And he doesn't SAY that Isabel will be the first destructive hurricane of the 2003 season. All he says is, "These are the names of the GREAT HURRICANES to strike the 17 CITIES I have named above". But he doesn't pin them down to a year, or even say which destructive hurricanes will occur in what year.

And, contrary to the article, he didn't SAY where Isabel would go. Cape Lookout is only one of many cities named, with no indication of which hurricane will hit which city.

And anyway, Isabel was not the first destructive hurricane for the 2003 season. That honor would go to Ana, last April, which caused two deaths. Or maybe Bill, or maybe Claudette...

So the article is wrong.
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