Solar wind and absurdities of modern science


Registered Senior Member
Solar wind and absurdities of modern science

Sun and solar phenomena are extensively studied, but as is presented in the link, there is a lack of a common sense explanation for these phenomenons.
Related to the solar wind, actual science is not able to explain the generation of radial electric fields able to accelerate the particles of solar wind outwards. Even such electric fields are somehow generated, there should be a specific pattern of solar wind composition at the level of Earth orbit, depending on the orientation of these fields.
In some cases, the solar wind should be formed only from electrons, because positive charges are eliminated from solar wind by accelerated electric field. In other cases, the solar wind should be formed by protons and alfa particles because electrons are eliminated by accelerated electric field. In the latest case, as far the alfa particles present a smaller ratio charge/mass, there should be two pulses of particles at the level of earth orbit at different time intervals.
But nature is not taking into consideration the absurdities of actual physicists and all components of a solar eruption (electrons, protons, alfa particles), independent on charge or mass, arrive at the same time at the Earth orbit level. It is like a wave front of a liquid is moving as a whole, and there is no individual movement and individual acceleration of every particle of fluid.
In the new theory, as far the sun is boiling liquid, the explanation of solar wind is based on fluid mechanics and the paradox of time flight is eliminated.
Of course, in the new theory of magneticity (in working), a macroscopic magnetic field can exist in absence of a macroscopic electric field. As consequence, there is no accelerating electric field for the particles which form the solar wind.
More about subject (how is possible to have huge eruptions of X ray or radio waves at level of solar spots, even the Sun as a whole is a faint emitter of X Ray or radio wave) in the book.
Of course, no new experiments are necessary for a rational mind in order to conclude that actual science is a monument of absurdity … But who cares!?
Mainstream science is not preoccupied with truth in science. More important is to gain as much money for small ideas and after hat is very important to write science fiction reports….
The link:

Best regards,
Sorin Cosofret
Is there any reason, other than a possible amusement factor, that this imbecile is allowed to keep posting here???

I'll admit I got a very brief chuckle out of "alfa" particles but that was all. :shrug:
actual science is not able to explain the generation of radial electric fields able to accelerate the particles of solar wind outwards.

That's because it is primarily a magnetic phenomenon.

In some cases, the solar wind should be formed only from electrons, because positive charges are eliminated from solar wind by accelerated electric field.

You can't "accelerate" an electric field. It propagates at the speed of light.

In the new theory, as far the sun is boiling liquid, the explanation of solar wind is based on fluid mechanics and the paradox of time flight is eliminated.

The sun is not a "boiling liquid." It is a gas undergoing fusion.

More about subject (how is possible to have huge eruptions of X ray or radio waves at level of solar spots, even the Sun as a whole is a faint emitter of X Ray or radio wave) in the book.

Does it mention that even the Sun is a faint emitter of visible light, too?

Of course, no new experiments are necessary for a rational mind in order to conclude that actual science is a monument of absurdity … But who cares!?
Mainstream science is not preoccupied with truth in science. More important is to gain as much money for small ideas and after hat is very important to write science fiction reports…

I hear they faked the Moon landing too.
I hear they faked the Moon landing too.

That's what my grand dad kept saying. I remember everyone sitting around the living room watching on TV. We were all excited and just as Armstrong set foot on the moon my grand dad broke in saying it was all a Hollywood stunt. Never did believe it actually happened.

But then he had the excuse of having seen gunfights in the streets, cars replacing horse and buggy and a whole host of other incredible things in his lifetime. Going to the moon let alone walking on the moon was just too big a stretch.
Is there any reason, other than a possible amusement factor, that this imbecile is allowed to keep posting here???

I'll admit I got a very brief chuckle out of "alfa" particles but that was all. :shrug:

Agreed. I don't think he has ever responded to anyone who commented on his OP. He has no intention of discussing anything just 'drop turd' and leave.
Agreed. I don't think he has ever responded to anyone who commented on his OP. He has no intention of discussing anything just 'drop turd' and leave.

Yeah, that certainly seems to be the case. I guess I'll never understand people who have the insane drive to simply see their words and name in print somewhere. :shrug:

(Personal note: I was a beekeeper for years, THE most interesting and personally rewarding hobby I ever had. :) They are truly amazing little creatures!!)
“Every truth passes through three stages before it is recognized: in the first it is ridiculed, in the second it is opposed, in the third it is regarded as self-evident” Arthur Schopenhauer quotes

I do not see what is to be discussed here. There is a grammar error, instead of accelerated electric field there must be accelerating electric field.
As far my English is not excellent, I put only an abstract in English and now the main text is in Romanian, in order to avoid all kind of misinterpretations.

Every time a system is attacked there are a lot of people which, from different reasons, continue to sustain the old system.
“Every truth passes through three stages before it is recognized: in the first it is ridiculed, in the second it is opposed, in the third it is regarded as self-evident” Arthur Schopenhauer quotes

I do not see what is to be discussed here. There is a grammar error, instead of accelerated electric field there must be accelerating electric field.
As far my English is not excellent, I put only an abstract in English and now the main text is in Romanian, in order to avoid all kind of misinterpretations.

Every time a system is attacked there are a lot of people which, from different reasons, continue to sustain the old system.

Well, at least you've finally made ONE correct statement: "I do not see what is to be discussed here."

That's because you've introduced nothing here but a garbage, unsustainable idea - certainly not a "truth."

While on the other hand, the "old system" as you call it, has plenty of solid evidence behind it. In fact, we even have satellite images - taken outside the visible bandwidth - that clearly show the solar wind being deformed and deflected around the Earth's magnetosphere.
I do not see what is to be discussed here. There is a grammar error, instead of accelerated electric field there must be accelerating electric field.

That makes more sense. Yes, any inherent electric field (i.e. charge) that the sun has will accelerate some parts of the solar wind but will retard others. That provides an inherent mechanism to balance the charge of the Sun. If it becomes too negative (too many electrons in the plasma that makes up the sun) then electrons are accelerated more strongly, more escape (on average) and the sun becomes more positive overall.
Well, at least you've finally made ONE correct statement: "I do not see what is to be discussed here."

That's because you've introduced nothing here but a garbage, unsustainable idea - certainly not a "truth."

While on the other hand, the "old system" as you call it, has plenty of solid evidence behind it. In fact, we even have satellite images - taken outside the visible bandwidth - that clearly show the solar wind being deformed and deflected around the Earth's magnetosphere.

Read a little bit inside the history of modern astronomy and if it s necessary I can send you how much evidence was against Copernicus theory...
The epicycles theory repeats again, and as usual ,,there is a lot of evidence" in favour of actual theory, but this is false ...
The fact that Earth magnetic field deviate the solar wind it is an incontestable fact. But a magnetic field does not produce an acceleration of solar wind particles. I pointed that actual science is not able to explain how charged particles are accelerated in solar wind and in particular in solar eruptions, and why these particles travels with same speed up to Earth orbit.
There is nothing to be discusses because I am still working at this theory in order to have a complet form.
That makes more sense. Yes, any inherent electric field (i.e. charge) that the sun has will accelerate some parts of the solar wind but will retard others. That provides an inherent mechanism to balance the charge of the Sun. If it becomes too negative (too many electrons in the plasma that makes up the sun) then electrons are accelerated more strongly, more escape (on average) and the sun becomes more positive overall.

Finally a consecvent man...
You pointed right... but...
When you analyse the components of a specific and huge solar eruption, at the level of Earth orbit, protons, electrons and alfa particles arrive in the same time.
So, something is completely wrong inside the model ...
this person ( i am being nice here ) has not explained what "magniticity" is.
are going to clue us in this time or are you as clueless as we are about it?

that clearly show the solar wind being deformed and deflected around the Earth's magnetosphere.
misprint, that should be the magnetosphere being deformed.
this person ( i am being nice here ) has not explained what "magniticity" is.
are going to clue us in this time or are you as clueless as we are about it?

misprint, that should be the magnetosphere being deformed.

Magneticity encompasses all actual electric and magnetic phenomena.
Search in the internet and I am sure you will find enough cut off experiments able to be replicated in any low level laboratory and in direct contradiction with actual electromagnetism.
Other questions?
What the hell are "alfa" particles? I know what alpha particles are, but I can't find a damn thing about "alfa" particles. Perhaps my googlefu just isn't strong enough.
What the hell are "alfa" particles? I know what alpha particles are, but I can't find a damn thing about "alfa" particles. Perhaps my googlefu just isn't strong enough.

It doesn't really matter - honestly. The guy that started this thread is a recognized crank/kook/woo-woo and has several threads of his garbage here. :shrug:

(The only reason I dropped into this thread just now was because I noticed someone new had made a post. Otherwise, I just walk around it in the same fashion as I do when I see animal poop lying on the sidewalk.)
What the hell are "alfa" particles? I know what alpha particles are, but I can't find a damn thing about "alfa" particles. Perhaps my googlefu just isn't strong enough.

Unless said in some sort of jest, that's a little picky isn't?

I cannot be certain, but from some of the past posts it appears that there are some language barriers being crossed here.

Everyone, posting on this forum, well most of us anyway, make mistakes in spelling far worse than that. I am sure you understood the intent.

BTW I had to correct myself twice in this post and still there are almost certainly at least grammatical errors.
Unless said in some sort of jest, that's a little picky isn't?

I cannot be certain, but from some of the past posts it appears that there are some language barriers being crossed here.

Everyone, posting on this forum, well most of us anyway, make mistakes in spelling far worse than that. I am sure you understood the intent.

BTW I had to correct myself twice in this post and still there are almost certainly at least grammatical errors.

I don't doubt that there are language (and spelling) problems ALL over this site. I certainly make my share of misspellings and readily admit it.

This, however is a horse of a *very* different color. One of the hallmarks of cranks like sorincosofret (The OP) is that they quite frequently make up their own terms and definitions - generally in direct contradiction to good (accepted) science. But it still doesn't help them one bit in their efforts to sell their nonsense.
That's what my grand dad kept saying. I remember everyone sitting around the living room watching on TV. We were all excited and just as Armstrong set foot on the moon my grand dad broke in saying it was all a Hollywood stunt. Never did believe it actually happened.

But then he had the excuse of having seen gunfights in the streets, cars replacing horse and buggy and a whole host of other incredible things in his lifetime. Going to the moon let alone walking on the moon was just too big a stretch.

That is funny . Sounds like he had some stories you should have listened to real close . My Mom made us come in the house and watch . She was a school teacher and said Get in here and watch history unfold . We said But Mom and she said No butts get in here now . This is History and you need to be part of it . Now here we are 2 living souls that witnessed the event on T.V. at the same time . It is part of us you know . We share the same memories in this . Course you might be more aware den Me as We wanted to go do something else . No I watched it good so as to make my mother happy . I even thought to my self , This is History unfolding . It was my Evil Step Brother that was enticing us to go do something else
That's what my grand dad kept saying. I remember everyone sitting around the living room watching on TV. We were all excited and just as Armstrong set foot on the moon my grand dad broke in saying it was all a Hollywood stunt. Never did believe it actually happened.

But then he had the excuse of having seen gunfights in the streets, cars replacing horse and buggy and a whole host of other incredible things in his lifetime. Going to the moon let alone walking on the moon was just too big a stretch.
My great grandmother, who came to Texas in a covered wagon, had a portrait of the Apollo astronauts on her bedroom wall. It's mind-boggling the changes that occurred during that one human lifespan.