So you want evidence?


As a mother, I am telling you
Valued Senior Member
Jurors cry as they watch the video of the guy torturing and raping 9 year old boy:

"BOISE, Idaho (AP) — Jurors cringed, cried and some desperately looked away as they were shown a series of deeply disturbing and graphic videos taken by a convicted child killer as he tortured, sexually abused and nearly killed a 9-year-old boy."

I want to hear some arguments why this dude should stay alive (unless we want to torture him for good), specially that he can not be allowed with the general prison population because he would be killed.....
The dude is basicly going to be in solitude for the rest of his life. When Jeffrey Dahmer was in the same situation, he requested more human contact after a year or so, and that got him killed swiftly....
there is clearly something wrong with this guy, he needs to be studied and rehabilitated not imprisoned or killed.
there is clearly something wrong with this guy, he needs to be studied and rehabilitated not imprisoned or killed.

This is the first time I've read one of your posts. And it's the first time someone has earned my ignore option.
He's a child rapist and a murderer. Rehab doesn't work on these "people".

Sick animals need to be put down.
There is no reason to keep this scumbag alive. Hang 'im high!

I'm sick and tired of leftist idiots who call for "human rights". Hey, I love human rights as much as the next guy, but criminals do NOT deserve human rights.

Death penalty!
The killer has a blog:

According to lore, in addition to the four nails used to pierce the body of Jesus Christ as he was hung upon the cross, there was a fifth nail that was taken away and hidden by Roma. Duncan adopted the name for his own website and blog. The website depicted Duncan's day-to-day life as a sex offender. Together with his many years of incarceration, Duncan expressed his feelings of persecution.

Let him rot in prison for the rest of his life. Let psychologists study him and learn why he became this way. Killing him is just revenge. It solves nothing and lets him escape.
Let him rot in prison for the rest of his life. Let psychologists study him and learn why he became this way. Killing him is just revenge. It solves nothing and lets him escape.

Revenge and justice, there is little difference.

"Solve?"; prison won't help his victim. Prison won't solve a damn thing.

His organs and body can be valuable for medical and scientific studies.
there is clearly something wrong with this guy, he needs to be studied and rehabilitated not imprisoned or killed.

I don't mind the study part, but I doubt the rehabilitation part. here is the problem:

A person like him most likely can not be changed, or atleast most people believe he can not, which is the same thing. Now let's say after 20 years you would say he is OK, rehabilitated, no danger to society. WOULD YOU take the chance to let him out? Not to mention he might get killed anyway, 20 years from now.

The point is that he will be in solitude and closed quarters for the rest of his life, be it a prison or a mental institution. And even if we understand why one would do such a thing, that won't PREVENT the next guy. So I don't really see too much value studying him, unless we could find a sick gene in him and that gene could be altered later on in other people, but then we are talking here genemanipulation and making perfect people....

On the other hand if his public execution stops just one similar guy in the future who might seek HELP before doing something similar, than it was already worthy...
Revenge and justice, there is little difference.

"Solve?"; prison won't help his victim. Prison won't solve a damn thing.

His organs and body can be valuable for medical and scientific studies.

His organs aren't what we want to know about. It's his brain, his childhood, his experiences. The FBI routinely interviews people like this to find out what make them tic and to help solve crimes. There is no reason to kill him.
His organs aren't what we want to know about. It's his brain, his childhood, his experiences. The FBI routinely interviews people like this to find out what make them tic and to help solve crimes. There is no reason to kill him.

He can be interviewed, and then executed, then.

No reason? He's a fucking criminal. That's reason enough.
He's a child rapist and a murderer. Rehab doesn't work on these "people".

Sick animals need to be put down.

Wow isn’t this lumping him with the rest of the trash as if you know he personally cannot be rehabilitated unless it is tried, but I would probably agree on this particular case with the facts that are present, I just didn’t like how you blanket all child molesters as not being able to be rehabilitated.
Although I disagree with the death penalty I do agree this man should never be let out of prison or to be free in society again, he lost that right with the first murder. The argument of why not just kill him if he is going to die in prison with a life sentence without parole is a good question.

On this particular case he is a very smart but troubled man who defiantly will never be able to be put into regular population. I think he should be placed in solitary confinement for the remainder of his life with a computer where he can blog all he wants, this will then allow researchers to be able to get inside his mind a little more if for no other reason to see if there is a pattern of psychosis to be able to see early warning signs and possibly preventing another mental patient form getting out of control. I would not want him to have any correspondence with anyone in the outside world other than to be able to blog his thoughts about his life so the world can see them and study them. I would also cut off all his mail to prevent women who are into relationships with such guys the opportunity to become pen pals and even marry him through some kind of correspondence romance.

Killing him wouldn’t do anything but make us as a society as bad as him with the exception we didn’t screw a 9 year old in the course of a murder, but we as a society would be just as guilty of murdering someone with our own justification. Didn’t he murder the boy with his own justification that after the boy was accidently shot he wasn’t going to make it so he put him out of his misery? My point is murder is murder either way you look at it.
I'm a criminal too. I don't know anyone who hasn't violated some law or other. Anyway, he could have killed other people we don't know about and only admit to it later, maybe to get better treatment, a cell with a view... It's stupid to waste such a resource that could help other victims and families of victims. Why kill him? In jail, he is no threat to anyone, and that makes killing him not justified under the excuse of self-defense. Isn't that a sin?
Killing him wouldn’t do anything but make us as a society as bad as him with the exception we didn’t screw a 9 year old in the course of a murder, but we as a society would be just as guilty of murdering someone with our own justification. Didn’t he murder the boy with his own justification that after the boy was accidently shot he wasn’t going to make it so he put him out of his misery? My point is murder is murder either way you look at it.
More left wing ignorance. Either we have the right to punish criminals or we don't. There is no degree.

If we can imprison people for life, we most certainly can and will execute them.

I'm a criminal too. I don't know anyone who hasn't violated some law or other. Anyway, he could have killed other people we don't know about and only admit to it later, maybe to get better treatment, a cell with a view... It's stupid to waste such a resource that could help other victims and families of victims. Why kill him? In jail, he is no threat to anyone, and that makes killing him not justified under the excuse of self-defense. Isn't that a sin?

I'm speaking of heinous and serious crimes like this. Why give him better treatement? Enough with the defending criminals! Everyone is becoming too damn soft. The only way to get rid of his kind is to GET RID of them, not treat them to a paid vacation and more care and sympathy than you give his victim.

Why kill him?

Life in prison is worse than getting killed. It's boring. There's no afterlife anyway, so this is the only chance to make him think about his crimes. That's justice, to rob him of freedom until he dies an old man. There's nothing soft about this.

I don't care if you were in the finest hotel room, if I told you that you could never, ever leave, it would become hell.
Life in prison is worse than getting killed. It's boring. There's no afterlife anyway, so this is the only chance to make him think about his crimes. That's justice, to rob him of freedom until he dies an old man. There's nothing soft about this.
Ha, and you know for a fact there is no afterlife or reincarnatin? Anyways, off topic, but go to my "afterlife" thread in pseduoscience

Why not just execute him? There is no good reason why not.

I don't care if you were in the finest hotel room, if I told you that you could never, ever leave, it would become hell.

So let's torture THEN execute the bastard. And I don't mean silly CIA torture; I mean mukhabarat style. I mean Israel style. I mean PAIN.
Because I don't want to enable our government to do such things. Personally, if I knew what he had done (for sure), like if he killed my son, I would have no trouble killing him. the problem is, do you want the same entity that gives you a driver's licence to be able to torture? Or kill? I don't. I know they make mistakes. I know they cannot be trusted. It's too easy to give up your principles just because there is a momentary advantage. Utility is always the justification for tyranny and misuse of power. I know he deserves worse, but we aren't the ones to do it. Put the fucker in a cell for 50-60 years, that's bad enough.
Life in prison is worse than getting killed. It's boring. There's no afterlife anyway, so this is the only chance to make him think about his crimes. That's justice, to rob him of freedom until he dies an old man. There's nothing soft about this.

I don't care if you were in the finest hotel room, if I told you that you could never, ever leave, it would become hell.

I'm not paying for that. I'm not paying for his food, his heat, his water, his bed, his blanket, electricity for his TV, etc. He either gets death or he takes up a collection to pay for his expenses in jail.
I'm not gonna try and find a silver lining to that scums cloud.