So who is Sandy

Or a feltcher:eek:

Thanks Nick. I saw very few pictures and lots of comments. It would take too long to search the whole thread for certain pics.
You're the one that made the connection. Do Englishmen talk like hillbillies? Other than the pronunciation/ use of the odd word?
And it would surely be more likely the other way round, wouldn't it?
No, I like your idea, the Brits are the progeny of American Hillbillies.
I see your reasoning skills are up to scratch IAC.

Checkout some Beverly Hillbillies re-runs, many British sounds in that dialogue.
This from someone whose countrymen regularly mistake strine for cockney and vice-versa.
Can you show us a current pic of you smiling Oily?
I don't have any current pictures of me. Why would I?
And I don't smile for photos.
Most UK guys don't smile. For pictures or anything else.
That would be "in your experience"? Why am I not surprised. I assume that you have data on that?