So we reach heaven, now what?


In search of Immortality
Valued Senior Member
Let's assume that God (Christian style) exists and we are now in heaven.

Let's further assume that we are bathed in perfect love for eternity and we want for nothing.

Then what?

What would we do with this perfect existence? What would be our purpose in living this perfect life?

I have the feeling here that even if God does exist and we achieve heaven then we still won't have an answer to the meaning of life.

BTW - where IS heaven ?

It would nice to know where one might be in order to comment.

i've read religious interpreatations of heaven as being closer proximity to the presence of God... and hell is bein farther away from the presence of God... and the goal is to try and get closer to God cuz that's where true happiness lies... and that would be an eternal goal...

and the entire meaning of life is to strive to be closer to God... and we're put on this planet to decide right from wrong from the smorgasbord of options on how to live a worthy life deemed in the eyes of God...

you're askin a good question and i agree with your last sentence....

an entire life spent to strive towards somethin that we donno exists for sure... i find it to be quite superfluous and simplistic... too bad we dont have any accounts from dead ppl... would solve all this right now... :p
exactly! now what?
another reason why christians should convert to islam.
in islamic heaven, one has:

1 - fresh fruit!
2 - Wine!
3 - Wealth!
4 - young boys!
5 - hot virgins!

sex sells

BTW - where IS heaven ?

It would nice to know where one might be in order to comment.
Silly question. This is religion, use your own imagination like everyone else. :rolleyes:
There is always work to be done, even after we die. Heaven will be wonderful but somehow I doubt it will all be wine and cheese.

I have a feeling the exultation has more to do with the atmosphere of returning to live with God than it does with existing forever in some sort of pleasure chamber. We're not talking about the play boy mansion here!

Imagine a place free of dispair and temptation. A place of continual peace and joy like you've never been able to capture here on earth.

I believe one of the main reasons we were put on this earth was to learn. Experience things and gain practical and academic understanding (such as languages) that we never could have in our pre-mortal existence.

Have no fear there would be much work to do once we return home again. Helping those still on earth, building a new universe, teaching... etc.
We're not talking about the play boy mansion here!


Oh well, back to the post. Doesn't this statement:

A place of continual peace and joy like you've never been able to capture here on earth.

...contradict this statement:

I believe one of the main reasons we were put on this earth was to learn. Experience things and gain practical and academic understanding

What is your definition of this term:

pre-mortal existence.
Originally posted by beth
Have no fear there would be much work to do once we return home again. Helping those still on earth, building a new universe, teaching... etc.
What do you mean by "once we return home again" are you referring to re-incarnation?

And what do you think the duties would be for those who return home?
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Hi, I have not seen you post here before, welcome to the forum.

Heaven will be wonderful but somehow I doubt it will all be wine and cheese.
Fair enough, I'm not a big wine drinker anyway.

I have a feeling the exultation has more to do with the atmosphere of returning to live with God than it does with existing forever in some sort of pleasure chamber. We're not talking about the play boy mansion here!
Perhaps that is a pity, but OK I know what you mean. But I'm not clear what the attraction is for living with such a being.

Imagine a place free of despair and temptation. A place of continual peace and joy like you've never been able to capture here on earth.
Yes OK, but those feelings of despair and temptation are what many find as the real challenges to life, and trying to overcome such problems is what makes life so rewarding. Some would say it is the experience and recognition of the "not so good" that allows one to appreciate and seek the good. If everything is perfect then boredom sounds like a real potential, although I would assume such a perfect God would resolve that somehow. But isn't it the fear of failure that makes one strive harder to succeed? If you have ever tried something seemingly insurmountable and have succeeded then you might understand the superb satisfaction of such an event. If all the obstacles are removed then what challenges remain that would make eternal life worthwhile.

I believe one of the main reasons we were put on this earth was to learn. Experience things and gain practical and academic understanding (such as languages) that we never could have in our pre-mortal existence.
Ok, although one could argue that an omnipotent god could have found easier methods to achieve that. However, that is not the point of this thread. The issue is perhaps the length of time given. If you are lucky enough to live to 100 you would have still only experienced and learnt a microscopic fraction of the total knowledge available. Now compare that time to your life in eternity. A short lifespan on Earth does not seem to be anywhere near long enough preparation for a life in eternity.

Have no fear there would be much work to do once we return home again. Helping those still on earth, building a new universe, teaching... etc.
This is where Qs question is relevant. One suggestion is that heaven is a supernatural place where our souls would reside and where we go at the moment of death. And this suggestion would meet your idea that heavenly souls could help the living. However the bible doesn't seem to support this concept if I correctly understand what other Christians have said.

The bible seems to say that Hell is the grave, i.e. permanent death, and that Heaven is the Earth made perfect. Access to heaven, or death (Hell) is not determined until judgment day when everyone worthy would be resurrected physically and allowed to inherit an Earth made perfect. The opportunity for spirit souls to help the living would simply not arise. This scenario would also be consistent with the difficulty we have in currently trying to locate souls. An omnipotent God would have little trouble placing souls in a holding pattern until final judgment, although the concept of time here would probably have little meaning.

So in this perspective we would be back on earth where nothing could go wrong, for eternity. So the question remains, what do we do with eternity where nothing could go wrong and there are no real challenges?
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What do you mean by "once we return home again" are you referring to re-incarnation?
I think the idea here is that we were once with god before we sinned.

The 'we' here must refer to humanity, and I guess initially only Adam and Eve. So from the moment of that first sin until judgment day we have been away from God. Returning to God will be like returning home.

Remember God's punishment of Adam and Eve were to all their descendents as well.
Heaven can wait!

Happiness all around us, no tiredness, no sickness, no crimes, lots of sex. Eventually we all probably get tired of perfectionisms. Why that person is happier than me, or why she is more attractive then me, etc. And decide that we missed our mortal lives.
So…we begin with a democratic process by searching our selves a “president”.
….and we back to square zero so that we could dream on what’s the heaven all about.

The meaning of Life is Life itself. Life has no meaning on its own, it is us that ssign a meaning to it. The meaningfullness of Life is its own meaninglessness. :)

On Heaven, all things are possible. You can do whatever you want, whatever you can imagine and even those things that you never imagined before. There are INFINITE possibilities for creation (mainly when you are all-knowing, and this all-knowing is limitless). :)

This means that even if you have infinite possibilities through infinitge time you can spend the whole eternity with NEVER repeating a single action or creation...!!!:)

Remember God's punishment of Adam and Eve were to all their descendents as well.
God didn't punish them. They have simply chosen not to be in God's presence, not having a relationship with God. When Jesus came, God gave us another chance of having a relationship with Him. Now, you can restore your relationship with God. :)
I'll try to reply to your comments all in one. You guys are so witty!


What is your definition of this term:

pre-mortal existence.

I believe that before we came to this earth that we were all spiritual beings created in the image of our Heavenly Father. We chose to follow the plan Jesus Christ presented to us where we would come down to earth with free agency (free will) and learn things that would not have been possible in heaven with out first coming down to earth because we wouldn't understand them. Like languages. We would have all spoke the same lauguage in heaven. We were an undivided people. This is what I mean by pre-existence.

What do you mean by "once we return home again" are you referring to re-incarnation?

When I refered to "returning home again" I ment when we die, because we have been there before. Logically, there would have to be a heaven before if there is to be a heaven after.

“Some would say it is the experience and recognition of the "not so good" that allows one to appreciate and seek the good.

I believe that as well but I feel once we return to heaven we will have gained that knowledge of the difference between good and evil (thank you Adam and Eve) carry it with us and still be able to apply it. We've experienced the bad(earth) therefore Heaven will be that much better.

And this suggestion would meet your idea that heavenly souls could help the living. However the bible doesn't seem to support this concept if I correctly understand what other Christians have said.

Angles and Heavenly messengers are mentioned quite frequently in the Bible. (Matthew 3:11 or Zechariah 1:9) for example

So the question remains, what do we do with eternity where nothing could go wrong and there are no real challenges?

Good Question!

But to expand on questions raised about the afterlife and judgement day... as I understand it...

A person dies and is sent either to paradise or a type of spirit prision depending upon your actions here on earth. When Judgment day comes all those that came to earth will be resurrected meaning they will recieve a perfect body. The sprirts of those who have died will reunite with theor bodies from the grave but they will be in a perfect and immortal form. All will have thier Judgement before Jesus and we will place oursleves in the "heaven" or degree of glory most suited to our comfort level. All our guilt from our time on earth will be recalled into our memories and we will choose to live eternally with people we would like to be around.

The three degrees are Celestial, telestial, and terestrial then of course outer darkness when Satan resides. Celestial can be likened unto the Sun where God would live. Telestial like the moon where good people with a few set backs would go. Terestial is likened unto the stars and would be a lot like earth as it is today, with murderers n'such in it.

The thousand years of peace on earth after judgement day is not the same as heaven. It would simply be a time where Jesus acted as a world government leader or 1000 yrs. and all would be peaceful. I think but I'm not sure that those people who are still living on earth at this time get to stay and live on earthin those 1000 years. The world will be cleansed of all sin in the Second Coming. Whenever that might be?

I hope I have made clear my opinion to some of your comments/replys.