so few threads

I guess the reason for the limited threads is probably the hostility that some are met with for their pet conspiracy theories. Some conspiracies might have some truth to them however others are just complete rubbish and people make they fully known.

Also there is only so many times you can discuss Bigfoot, Ufo's, Aliens, The Lochness Monster, The Illuminati, Spontaneous Human Combustion, Ghosts, Demons and Chupacobra's.
why so few threads in this section?

We've already debunked everything.

Man, I miss crazymikey. Now that Porf is gone, maybe we can lift his ban. I'm tempted to post in one of his threads (if any are still open) just to see if it sends him an email notification :)
Also there is only so many times you can discuss Bigfoot, Ufo's, Aliens, The Lochness Monster, The Illuminati, Spontaneous Human Combustion, Ghosts, Demons and Chupacobra's.

I tend to think of it like a song. You can't listen to the same song over and over, and expect to not lose interest in it at some point. That doesn't mean you won't listen to it ever again, though.
Hypothetically: If all physical, textual and verbal channels of communication were to stop - would humanity evolve to develop ESP?
Well fuck you very much, Norval. :) It's always nice hear from my favorite woo-woo now and then. Hope life's treating you well (sincerely). I don't suppose Gale has any nice words for me as well, eh? Tell her that a "distasteful thing" says hello.