Sniffer Dogs on Patrol


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Sydney sniffer dog ban call rejected
I had no idea sniffer dogs were patrolling the streets(Sydney). And yet if I was to say "Get ready for the Police State", I'd likely be labeled a conspiracy nut:rolleyes:
These mutts serve no purpose other than getting people used to the idea of random searches and constant goverment intervention into peoples private lives.
The link is dead at the moment, so I'm not sure what these dogs are sniffing for exactly, but I presume it's drugs.

If the drugs are illegal, and they help law enforcement bust dealers, what's the problem? The courts will decide whether the amount of any given substance was Ok for possession, or not.

I regularly walk past sniffer dogs, checking for firearms, and explosives on my daily commute. Is that an invasion of my private life too? No, carrying firearms and explosives would be illegal, just like carrying drugs would be here.

btw, if you get sniffed out by a sniffer dog, the search isn't random, it's with just cause, so get your terminology correct please. They use the dogs to target offenders, so law abiding citizens don't get randomly searched. As a law abiding citizen, I don't have a problem with that.
btw, if you get sniffed out by a sniffer dog, the search isn't random, it's with just cause, so get your terminology correct please
WTF? If I'm randomly chosen from a group of pedestrians and sniffed up and down, then what else am I supposed to call it? How about you get your terminology correct!
They use the dogs to target offenders,
If they already knew you were an offender then why would they need sniffer dogs?
Sydney Lord Mayor Clover Moore, who is also the Independent state MP for the inner-Sydney seat of Bligh, wants a city-wide ban on police use of sniffer dogs, saying pedestrians and commuters often are searched unnecessarily.

She said one man was searched and humiliated because he was wearing somebody else's jacket.

Sniffer dogs have been allowed on public transport since 2001 and this year their presence was stepped up on the north shore line and in south-west NSW, Mr Watkins said.
how is the dog sniffing you an invasion of your privacy? besides, you aren't transporting drugs or incendiary devices, what do you care? just be sure not to carry mutton in your pockets. :D
Er Kazakhan, sniffer dogs can smell their target from a fair distance, you are't pulled over and sniffed by one, that's not how it works. Usually, a couple of dogs are sationed either side of an exit or entrance, and sniff everybody who walks through. Only if the handler gets a a response from the dog, is someone pulled over and searched. So how about you actually find out how it works, rather than talking through your hat (which I presume smells of ganja if you are concerned about this?).

What is humiliating about being searched because a guy borrowed some stoner friend's jacket? What if there had been an illegal substance in the pocket? The courts would decide if the defense of borrowing the jacket was good enough. If the jacket just reeked of ganja, it's unfortunate to get searched, but what else are the police to do?
Er Kazakhan, sniffer dogs can smell their target from a fair distance, you are't pulled over and sniffed by one,
Why dont you read the fucking link? They are not stationed!
So how about you actually find out how it works, rather than talking through your hat
Why don't you do a bit of research before talking through your arse? The mayor of all people has a problem with it too!
I was looking for opinions on the issue of the new ways these dogs are being used, not an education in the standard sniffer dog procedures:rolleyes:
If the jacket just reeked of ganja, it's unfortunate to get searched, but what else are the police to do?
Get a life:D Cruising public transport on the off chance your going to catch someone that may or may not have been in contact with narcotics is not a way to endear yourself to the commuters. Oh hang on, I forgot, that's where all the Big Time dealers hang out:rolleyes:
The ones I pass frequently are stationed, but so what if the dogs in that article roam? What's the difference, people move past the dogs, dogs move past the people, so?

Are you saying that the Police shouldn't use a valid method to apprehend lawbreakers?

Citing one example of a citizens getting stopped when he wasn't a user/dealer doesn't invalidate the method, no sysyem is 100% perfect. If the dogs had savaged him, maybe he'd have cause for complaint. The dogs smelled drugs, and reacted. Tough on him if borrows clothes from stoners.

The mayor doesn't like it? So what, he's just one guy.He should however, be more supportive of the Police and their methods. Perhaps he should resign if he can't be.