Snake once never crawled ?


Valued Senior Member
Gen 3:14 And the Lord God said to the snake, Because you have done this you are cursed more than all cattle and every beast of the field; you will go flat on the earth, and dust will be your food all the days of your life:

Before the curse, did snake crawl on the earth as now? Could snake have legs before that? And its legs were taken away after the curse?
A snake is not a snake unless it "crawls" or "slithers" or whatever the hell it's called.
Snakes began to appear about 90 million years ago, but their origins are still in doubt. Most evolutionists believe that they are descendants of lizards that burrowed, lost their limbs in so doing and adapted their vision, and then re-emerged somehow into broad daylight without legs or eyelids. The tiny girdles found at the rear of pythons and boas are often considered to be vestigial remnants of limbs. On the other hand, the long-held belief that the monitor lizards (Varanidae) were a link to the putative lizard ancestors of snakes has recently been questioned.

- see WHAT ARE SNAKES? - emphasis added