Snake Eyes


Registered Senior Member
I submit this image (taken from PIA04995) of what I beleive to be 3 snakes.
Understand this-

1) Big blue (my coloring) only notice the hilighted eye (by me)as well as forked tongue. I originally thought forked tongue belonged to snake in hole.

2) Snake in hole was color altered as one piece i did not hi- light the eye that I believe most can see.(partially covered by other snakes(big blue)painted out forked tongue

3) Small snake notice rings I only captured snake parts that weren't painted out.


un-Hilighted or edited



Now I realize that all the tracks from the infamous mud patch came from the 50 or so snakes that live under and around spirits landing site. This also could possible be verified by looking for snake tracks crossing rovers tracks(If they ever release them.

Though many of these snakes have been either totally painted over or broken into parts as to make them indistinguishable from rocks.


1) NASA Lied Temperature and conditions on mars.

2) Nasa is totally on fundraiser not scientific mission. (Dog and Pony Show)

3) Scientist are either on the ride with them. Or their completely incompetent.(like many who respond to my posts)

How to make a mudpatch.

If any members speak Russian I would really appreciate if they could listen to above video and relay temperature and atmospheric readings.
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NASA would be getting more money if they found life on mars, that makes thier job about a billion times more important. Making space boring does not help NASA secure funding, why do you think it would?

You made 3 claims and gave 0 supporting evedence. I recomend 2 things for you

1) a class in logic at a local community college. It will teach you why you are not able to convince anyone of your claims.

2) a class in figure drawing at a local community college. It will help you fabricate martians.
Amazing how you lack what you sell


Will this be a battle of wits ?

As I tire of battling the unarmed :D

I couldn't help noticing your excellent spelling skills, which you no doubt received at Harvard
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Fluid these pictures don't show a god damned thing except the little highlighted blobs you added to them, which do a fair job of obscuring anything that is under them.

Tell me Fluid, what is it you're trying to cover up? Why are you hiding things, are you afraid that people will learn the truth?

The moose had some good suggestions for you there, and I'd like to add a few of my own:

1.) Take a fucking Photoshop class, I wasn't going to say anything earlier, but the processes you suggested that NASA might have used to cover up bits of terrain are the Photoshop equivalent of a 17 year old on prom-night jittering and sweating as he tries to unhook his first bra.

2.) Address people's comments about flaws in your theory. Yes, I just said to address their arguments; I realize that this may be a bit difficult and unfamiliar to you, but I assure you that even an unskilled person doing this is better off then a belligerent nut job spouting random incoherent insults toward his detractors. You are never going to win an argument if you insist on continuing to do this.

3.) This one is probably the most important: CHILL OUT! quit pouring over these amazingly interesting pictures of rocks all damn day and go find yourself a job, or better yet, a girlfriend, she'll straighten you out, get you a hair-cut, make you buy some snappier clothes, and hopefully mellow you out some. NASA isn't trying to screw you over, and wouldn't try to cover up life or evidence of life on Mars, we all know how apeshit they went when they found microscopic deposits on a single rock that could possibly have been made by alien bacteria, and you can be sure they'd make a big deal if they found anything remotely life-related on Mars. You said it yourself, they're on a fundraising PR drive, I don't doubt that that's part of their intended mission, but one thing I think we all know is that if NASA did find life on Mars the entire nation, hell the entire world, would be climbing over themselves to throw money at them so that they could study it.
Fluid, again...what evidence do you have to prove this? Even these images could be forgiven if you provided at least a comparative analysis of the images (as in side by side, point for point). Yet you can not even give us that. As remarkable as your highlighting skills are, where is data spread? The pixel breakdown, color count and frequency of anomalies, contrast map, or rendered-topography (before you try, these can not be done in Photoshop).

You give us nothing...besides your frequent insults to our intelligence; not that you are showing your own by these posts.

There was an article in Discover magazine, not too long ago, discussing how SCIENTISTS go about testing for alterations to photos. If I can find it online, I will post the article or link here. My suggestion would be for you to read it.
Well at this point in time I'm fairly certain that all fluid has left are "yo mamma" jokes, and frankly that's just a bit sad. Is this where you wanted the thread to go, Fluid?
The ironic thing is this...Even though many of us can barely stomach such claims, we are still giving you (Fluid) the opportunity to provide us some form of evidence or explanation. Why that has proved so difficult to do is beyond me. There either is, or there isn't. Which is it?
I'm looking and looking and looking and all I see is weathered rocks and airbag scrapped dirt. I am now fully convinced that fluid is someone that just has too much time on his hands to play games with us because noone can be this stupid. Snakes? Fucking snakes? I mean he could have come up with something at least a little more believable.
Look, this is all that is there, an imprint of the balloons, and then they were dragged, pulling rocks and soil along with them. This caused shadows... whoa, shadows. That is all that is there. Drawing in green snakes doesn't make them real, you know.

Dude, just show me a picture the dirts from your backyard and I will show you where all the snakes or whatever are hiding.
A serious question here for Fluid, that I would like a non-insulting answer on. These snakes that you are reportedly "finding" in the "edited" NASA photos; would they be the living or dead variety? Obviously you must think them to be living if their movement created the soil pattern known as the "magic carpet"...

Anyway, if they are indeed living, then why haven't these "snakes" moved at all...ever...since the MER arrived and started taking photos? In every image, that includes these locations, the "snakes" haven't moved one inch. Is this supposed to be some kind of petrified hibernative state, or are they just rocks?

I think the snake almost looked more like a cat as it looks to be ears.., albeit green ears.

Fluid, if there is life on mars it will be

a: Insect size at the largest down to a more probable microscopic lifeform.

b: A planet covered with "insulation" due to all the meteors wacking it, or perhaps due to climate changes. About 100 feet down there are actually beaches, strip malls, you name it!!!

c: An advanced civilization which moved to another planet, but uses Mars as a base.

I say keep looking at those pics and keep us informed, Fluid. I don't have the time to scour through the photos, and I kinda think NASA would edit them if there was anything suggesting life apparent.
and I kinda think NASA would edit them if there was anything suggesting life apparent.

Why would they do that when they stand to gain so much from the discovery of life on mars, or even anything vuagly extraordinary there? They would go nuts for solid evedence of past liquid water alone..
SpyMoose said:
Why would they do that when they stand to gain so much from the discovery of life on mars, or even anything vuagly extraordinary there? They would go nuts for solid evedence of past liquid water alone..

I agree. You kooks seemingly compare the whole group of Mars scientists to that of Russian spies. Science is about discovery, not conspiracy. Why would we care if there was life on Mars? I'm saying that would be cool as hell but it doesn't have that much impact on humanity other than "Hey, guess we're not alone....sweet. I wonder where else life could be now?" And hence, more scientific discoveries down the road.
blackholesun said:
I agree. You kooks seemingly compare the whole group of Mars scientists to that of Russian spies. Science is about discovery, not conspiracy. Why would we care if there was life on Mars? I'm saying that would be cool as hell but it doesn't have that much impact on humanity other than "Hey, guess we're not alone....sweet. I wonder where else life could be now?" And hence, more scientific discoveries down the road.

Yeah, that is what NASA is going to do. Show the world on the spot what life the US has discovered. Then, we are going to send a copy of this info to every other country ASAP.

I agree that it would eventually come out, but I think we wouldn't see something of that significance until NASA had plenty of time to digest the information.
Ok User, and why WOULDN'T NASA release that fact that they would find life on Mars? Most likely it would be small and unintelligent anyhow (not that it takes away from the discovery). Granted, you're right that they would look through all the data first but WHY HIDE IT?

Edit: Might I add as of why anyone would care that other countries would know? The Rover is an international effort to begin with.
blackholesun said:
Ok User, and why WOULDN'T NASA release that fact that they would find life on Mars? Most likely it would be small and unintelligent anyhow (not that it takes away from the discovery). Granted, you're right that they would look through all the data first but WHY HIDE IT?

Edit: Might I add as of why anyone would care that other countries would know? The Rover is an international effort to begin with.

They would hide any knowledge of life to give proper time to fully understand the discovery. The implications of what a discovery like this would mean obviously is up there in the chain of events for us humans. After all, the smaller size it is, the easier it would be to study the once-mars evolutionary process.