Small Pox


Registered Senior Member
Does anyone know why the Government is using a less virulent strain in the small pox family to vaccinate vs. using the usual method of blending and innoculating w/ surface antigens (attenuated viral components)? Why don't we do the same thing w/ the Small Pox virus itself?
Maybe because smallpox is a highly polymorphic virus that can change it's surface (or roque states will do that) to render vaccines ineffective. Therefor the very "Core" of smallpox must be used?
hi, i am interested in what you are asking..but, could you please rephrase your question just a tad...i am not sure if i understood it properly. thanks. :)
I think hes trying to say that why not be more general with the innoculation instead of being as specific as they are. I would have to agree with Vortexx. If small pox has changed its 'state' many times then using a vaccination against the 'primitive' virus may mean that as well as the resistance being built up against this virus, any furhter resistance will build up again numerous 'later' viruses. (if you follow my meaning)
to: pumpkins..etc

In most cases innoculation of a vaccine consists of attenuated virus antigens, so memory B etc can bind and create immunity, but for Small Pox, they are using;
1. live virus
2. a different virus from the same family (vaccine or something like that)

Question is why? why dont they just use attenuated (dead) virus antigens from the Small Pox like they have done in all the other cases of vaccination?

hope this clears things up a bit..
to Vortexx

isn't the influenza virus the most polymorphic virus around, and dont we create a vaccine every year? I just remember it changes around its H, A surface antigens so the vaccine is not able be used a second year. Maybe Small Pox is more polymorphic? (Ill try to check)
i have one more question before i feel i can answer this. how did you find out..or, rather..where did you find your information on which type (live, attenuated, etc) of vaccine they are administering? i am curious where you found this information. i find it hard to believe that the govt. is letting joe public know which strain/type of virus/innoculation they are using. know what i mean?

since i don't have all the facts, right off the top of my head, i'd say that they shouldn't use the attenuated form of this virus.
I refuse to get the innoculation. One, you can have very serious side effects from it, two you might die, and three..if you know anything about viruses, they change all the time..genetically that is. So, can't make an efficient vacine, because it's always changing or people may be chaning it....same reason the flu vaccine is not 100% might catch a new strain etc.
to pumpkins..

It was on the news, CNN, etc, why would you not think it is available to the public, they are innoculating us w/ it, shouldn't we know what is going on? Dont mean to get into this, but isn't this the exact kind of thing that is inherent in the constitution? Under 1st A and etc.

Vaccinations are attenuated virus particles, this has always been the case, as far as I know, I was just wondering why this is not the case w/ Small Pox. Maybe you are right in that its mutation rate makes this not the case, but if that is the case why would they use a less virulent strain (different surface antigens) as opposed to the actual virus you are vaccinating against.

I am not clear on the mutation rate comments, I dont see how that has any relevance, I may be missing the point..........can you clear up for me?
:eek: do you believe everything the govt. prints??

here's what they should be working on in regards to delivering the small pox vaccine(personally, i favor the DNA Vector method):

Progress in Vaccine Development

Recombinant DNA technology: No pathogens involved (Salk vaccine reversion). Engineering can determine immunodominant epitopes, enhance antigen processing or enhance stability. Production costs can be reduced with better quality control.
DNA Vector vaccines: Live viruses or bacteria that don't cause disease coupled with protein from pathogen. Short-term intramuscular infection releases antigen without adjuvant-related side-effects.
Synthetic peptide vaccines: Fully engineered synthetic proteins, with both T and B cell epitopes. Delivery in liposomes without adjuvant. Liposomes may fuse with cell membrane and deliver antigens to endogenous pathway (MHC Class I), rather than exogenous (MHC Class II).
New vehicles: Research has developed new small latex beads that can hold many more antigen molecules of various types. These can be "shot" into the skin, avoiding the use of mutliple injections and unnecessary needles.

lets not make this a conspiracy issue......the new progress in vaccine development are nice, but that still does not answer my question. I will always favor using the actual attenuated virus itself, than any recombinant method, why put anything to chance, even though so slight? It does not make sense, unless the burdens outweigh the benefits so greatly. I still ask why?
btw...i think point # 2 could explain why they don't want to use a live virus.

" This is a live virus vaccine. Nearly all the side-effects are a result of infection by this virus. Even though it only causes mild infections in most people, in some the infection causes disfiguring skin disorders, blindness, neurological impairments and death. No one knows what percentage of recipients will suffer these complications. "