Slow UFO activity


Registered Senior Member
Hi everyone. It's me again, kinda glad to be back. So what's the deal here? I was wondering if there's just a lot of people giving false reports or something. It's really slow in the area of UFOs here in Colorado. Im just wondering what's going on
Hey! Welcome back! Look for Mana's posts. There's usually some interesting links. As far as UFO activity, it does feel kind of slow. Mostly, we seem to be sitting around speculating. I haven't seen anything interesting in the skies of the SF Bay Area, but we haven't had much wind to blow the smog away, so the viewing is pretty dim. But I have hope, as illustrated by the following quote from Jhonen Vasquez, alias Johnny the Homicidal Maniac:
"It's Tuesday, and you know what that means...UFOs!!!" -Squee's Big Giant Book of Unspeakable Horrors

If you've never seen this guy's work, look for a Johnny the Homicidal Maniac website (he's also known as JTHM). This stuff is, shall we say, not for the weak-willed. It's funny as hell, though.

[This message has been edited by Oxygen (edited May 30, 2000).]
Well you know. I just have certain feelings about certain things. For instance, I feel that sometimes when I step outside there's more than what meets the eye but it frustrates me that I can't see them. And it makes me wonder what the heck is going on around here. But I know something is but I can't see it. Colorado should be full of activity. I mean really, with all the nuclear facities.. the army bases.. NORAD... I mean comon.. Colorado should be a prime place for them.
Maybe the quietness surrounding all of it is a token that something is really busy and dont have time to show of in the night skies anymore.

BTW - I live 40 miles from Area 51, and just a few days ago i saw a streak of light shoot up from the base.. a giant light-blue/turquoise fireball of light went straight up in a speed that i have never seen before.

.Religion is for those who fear hell, Spirituality is for those who have been there.
Wow, that must have been sweet to see! If I lived close to Area-51, photography and videography would become my favorite pastimes. Since Clinton is giving away our missile defense systems to Putin, I wonder if it isn't because we've developed something better, and you just got a good look at it? Although it wouldn't make sense to perform tippy-top secret work at the world's best-known secret military installation. (Can we say 'decoy'? ;))
Oxygen...dont you find these technology 'transfers' interesting? Whether done 'legitimately' (the Tactical High Energy Laser (THEL) system was just 'given' to Israel recently) or 'covertly' (China and the nukes). And now we have Billy offering to 'share' our NMD technology with the rest of the world. Curious. Methinks there are things going on behind the scenes.
Well, talking with gov officials i can tell you this.

Something is about to happen with our technology, that is for sure :)

I got a good look at the fireball, but the "sighting" only lasted for a second.
consideriong there isnt very much ufo activity in northern california, it has been slower on the board, and i ahvent herd anything from friends.... so i geuss it is slower

when christianity ruled the world, it was called the dark ages.

-dexter (nimrod242 :aol sn)
Big C, This is not as far off the subject as it may seem. Have you been to the new Denver Airport ? Have you seen the CAP STONE, with the Masonic Symbol and the reference to the NEW WORLD ORDER ? Have you seen the strange paintings in "The Great Hall"?

I like to hear different opinions from different people that have seen it.
