

Registered Senior Member
I would like a reaction to this nothing else.

I dont know if this is in charecter or not?. I have made a few comments on this before but none with this type of explanation.

How do I put this in the simplest terms.

Every once in awile when as I am about to fall asleep I get a feeling like my body is being, for lack of a better word shocked.

I have heard about some types of sleep disorders where the aflected cant move and cant breathe along with some other crap about feelings of being traped. But not in this case.

My case is that I have had some odd things happen while I was in this state.

Example: I have had a waking dream, Paralasis, Feelings of floating, Nightmares and just plain odd shit.

Well last night I heard something that I did not like..

I heard someone screaming and people talking??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Who hasnt talked to themselves? I have done it on sevral occasions, mostly on drugs or drunk, Mushrooms are good for that..

Now do people know when ther about to go mad or does it hit them and they know nothing else but the madness???????

once it almost caught me and now it comes again........

Any thoughts?

The mind is the only place where we can become lost................
There is a condition common in dogs, I can't remember it's name sorry, but it onvolves sort of a build-up of charge which releases suddenly and causes the legs or lower body to spasm. I do this too sometimes, when I'm sleepy.
Every once in awile when as I am about to fall asleep I get a feeling like my body is being, for lack of a better word shocked.


During the first stage of sleep (while you are losing consciousness) your muscles start relaxing. For some people during this process of relaxation, a reflex muscle contraction may be triggered throughout the body. It’s called a “hypnic jerk.” Happens to lots of people and isn’t considered abnormal.

Example: I have had a waking dream, Paralasis, Feelings of floating, Nightmares and just plain odd shit.

Well last night I heard something that I did not like..

I heard someone screaming and people talking????????

Stage 4 sleep is when “night terrors” take place. These are different from “nightmares.” A nightmare is just a bad dream. During night terrors one can experience total panic and wild hallucinations.

During REM sleep the body can be quite still even though this is also a highly “emotional” time. The pulse is irregular and blood pressure and breathing aren’t steady. REM sleep keeps us from acting out the things we’re dreaming about because we are, in a sense, naturally paralysed. When (for whatever reasons) REM paralysis doesn’t take place, a “sleeping” person can move suddenly and as though they were awake; jump out of bed; even attack others without knowing it. Called “REM behavior disorder.”

People deprived of an appropriate amount of REM sleep can suffer from “REM rebound.” One can have memory lapses, and once upon a time it was thought one might actually go insane if not allowed enough “dreaming sleep.” Better to say, however, that missing any sleep can cause similar problems.

A change in diet, over-taxation/stress of the body or mind, using various drugs (legal or non) are other factors that can cause sleep problems/disorders. Drinking alcohol (also a drug) is known to contribute to these. Some of what you’re describing however doesn’t sound as though it’s highly unusual. Or not unusual if it doesn’t happen all of the time. If such occurrences become a regular ordeal, then it's probably a good idea to seek more in-depth answers. You need your sleep, right?

(Hmmm... might need round up Ana for this one. I believe she's studied sleep disorders)


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