Sliders Syndrome


Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. Adieu, Sciforums.
Valued Senior Member
Street Light Interference Syndrome -

Okay... heard of this as an actually documented thing today (co-worker of my professor at school cannot wear watches with batteries or use credit cards because they fail when they are put in proximity to her body, among other issues she has had).

Is there ANY official explanation behind this? The "pseudo-science" explanation I found is that their body's Electro-Chemical/Static field is so powerful it shorts out electronic and magnetic devices... bwuh?

Now, I'm pretty open minded, but really?
You are quoting something listed under Psychics & Mediums.

Does that not make you question it's credibility?
It does - what made me ask is because my professor knows someone that this happens to. I'm open to people having strong "auras" and what not, sure, fine... but enough to short out small electrical items?
*facepalms* Again - my professor was talking about it as a relevant part of our Disaster Recovery class (you know how some people seemingly break computers just by sitting at them?)- someone he used to work with, legitimately, could not wear watches run off battery (she had to get one that was the self-winding kind) because it would stop working after a few minutes in contact with her body. She cannot keep a USB Memory Stick in close proximity to her for more than a few minutes because it would erase it.

Now, my prof is the network admin at our college... he's very level headed and takes his time to research things before believing them - he hasn't found much on this phenomenon and doesn't have a good explanation for why electronics fail around her like this.

So, I came here, to the interwebs, where such knowledge may possibly be found :)
Is there ANY official explanation behind this?

No scientific data on this ever being done by anyone in a controlled environment. Many believe but few take the time to find out if this type of thing actually is a fact instead of just a belief. Did your professor actually witness this happening before his/her eyes? Did they repeat the test a few times with the same results every time? That is what I would ask your professor.
*facepalms* Again - my professor was talking about it as a relevant part of our Disaster Recovery class (you know how some people seemingly break computers just by sitting at them?)-

Nope, never met one of those.

someone he used to work with, legitimately, could not wear watches run off battery (she had to get one that was the self-winding kind) because it would stop working after a few minutes in contact with her body. She cannot keep a USB Memory Stick in close proximity to her for more than a few minutes because it would erase it.

Something you have only heard about but not actually seen, correct?

Now, my prof is the network admin at our college... he's very level headed and takes his time to research things before believing them - he hasn't found much on this phenomenon and doesn't have a good explanation for why electronics fail around her like this.

No one else is interested in testing this AMAZING ability?

She just goes, "aw shucks, unlike the BILLIONS of other humans on the planet I can't hold a USB stick or wear a battery powered watch, so I guess I'll just stick to hard drives and wind up watches."

Well, they never really experimented with it per say - while they worked together, a number of odd occurrences would happen, usually with small-scale electronics.

A) They used a dongle to take readings from an apnea scanner (measures heart rate, respiration, etc in apnea patients) once a month - this woman could walk up, plug the device in, and the thing would absolutely refuse to pull the data off. She could hand it to someone else (including my professor) and they would try it and it wouldn't work. She would step back a few paces and the thing started pulling data off. This happened every time she attempted to use the device over the course of six months with multiple patients and multiple usb dongles - she eventually just started passing it off to others.

B) When her old manual-wind watch died, she went through a dozen or so battery powered watches of various makes/models in the span of five months - out of frustration she got a self-winding watch with zero electrical components - it's worked fine since.

C) She has to use a wired keyboard and mouse for data entry at her workstation because wireless ones cease function when she attempts to use them - my professor found this out first hand (he was a junior admin at the time) because every time he tried to troubleshoot it and she stepped back, it worked - the moment she got within a foot or so of it, it would lose connection to the computer.

D) She had to keep her USB Passkey (goldkey) away from her person because it would erase the access information on it - she ended up going through 3 of them and also killed a loner key that my professor gave her the second time hers died.

I wonder if she de-gausses her credit cards.

She never kept them with her and kept her purse (along with her phone and keyfob for her car) away from her while she was working.

There were other instances he told us about but I can't remember them off the top of my head - he's admitted he doesn't know what to make of it - to him, she's just one of those people that "kills computers by walking past them", but on a much larger scale lol...

@ adoucette - once again, you are failing to see the obvious and instead looking simply for an excuse to throw insults around - this is something that he encountered MANY years ago (over a decade now). It was an interesting story he told to us because it pertained to how, even now at our school, there are some people that simple SHOULD NOT be allowed to use a computer because they WILL find a way to break it. I merely found it interesting and figured I'd come here (to a place where I MOST people are mature enough to discuss something such as this in an adult manner without dripping sarcasm from every word) and share the story and see if anyone else had heard of something like it before.

Now, if you have nothing constructive to add to the topic, nobody is forcing you to read it, much less comment to cry BS.
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Street Light Interference Syndrome -

Okay... heard of this as an actually documented thing today (co-worker of my professor at school cannot wear watches with batteries or use credit cards because they fail when they are put in proximity to her body, among other issues she has had).

Is there ANY official explanation behind this? The "pseudo-science" explanation I found is that their body's Electro-Chemical/Static field is so powerful it shorts out electronic and magnetic devices... bwuh?

Now, I'm pretty open minded, but really?
ah yeah . You should really check into my personal lee lines . Interruptions of this station and all . Pick up your nearest volt meter and see what you can do ? I can make it jump like a Mexican jumping bean ? I don't know if I can do it with out touching it but I got pretty good Idea I can send a little signal . Maybe just a mono tone hum but non the less a signal
ah yeah . You should really check into my personal lee lines . Interruptions of this station and all . Pick up your nearest volt meter and see what you can do ? I can make it jump like a Mexican jumping bean ? I don't know if I can do it with out touching it but I got pretty good Idea I can send a little signal . Maybe just a mono tone hum but non the less a signal

*nods* I can make a multi-meter swing like a hyped up jazz dancer both when measuring voltage or when measuring resistance across the body... don't think it's anything supernatural (after all, the body does run on electro-chemical energy) but perhaps a little odd? *shrugs*
@ adoucette - once again, you are failing to see the obvious and instead looking simply for an excuse to throw insults around - this is something that he encountered MANY years ago (3 decades now).

Again, incredible claims require at least SOME proof.
Now not only is it someone you haven't seen, but it is someone from 30 years ago.


More to the point, USB drives and wireless keyboards 30 years ago?

30 years ago we had the initial release of MS DOS, the first IBM PCs, Commodore 64s, Amiga, Tandy and Atari computers.
They were primarily 8 bit machines, with generally 64k of memory and in 84 the first Mac came out with 128k and a mouse.

And MAYBE one could find an infrared wireless keyboard back in the mid 80s, but they were pretty uncommon.

It was an interesting story he told to us because it pertained to how, even now at our school, there are some people that simple SHOULD NOT be allowed to use a computer because they WILL find a way to break it.

Are you kidding me?
This is total BS

I merely found it interesting and figured I'd come here (to a place where I MOST people are mature enough to discuss something such as this in an adult manner without dripping sarcasm from every word) and share the story and see if anyone else had heard of something like it before.

Anyone giving off enough electrical energy to screw up a USB drive would be a MAJOR discovery.
Which of course hasn't happened.

Now, if you have nothing constructive to add to the topic, nobody is forcing you to read it, much less comment to cry BS.

Still doesn't mean it isn't BS.
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I apologize - it was 13 years ago, not 3 decades -_- I apparently fail at proof reading what I've typed