Sleep safe, GM Co.s stand guard ...

A super weed would still be far less destructive than one poorly selected forign plant. Wanna see a super weed? CUDSEW! Wanna see a super destructive vertibrate? GOATS and FERAL CATS!

You dont need genetically engineered stuff to screw up an ecosystem. Slightly tweaked corn isnt going to do anything anywhere near as dangerous as that I previously stated.

Wanna see one of the most destructive species in the world? Look in the mirror. Look in the streets.

Anyway the thing you have to learn is the beat all life dances to. Whatever helps you survive is good, whatever harms is evil. If we need to salt the earth of the entire world to survive then that is what we will do. Thankfully that is not the case. Not yet.
Other than the fact that your post has little
to do with the topic ... What are you trying
to say? Oh, and by the way, it's: kudzu.

Im saying forget about any gm corn or the like.. Its essentially nothing in the scheme of things. It is either resistant to a few bugs or it creates a few extra enzymes that only come in the most minute quantities.

There are natural organisms infinitely worse than what we have been producing in labs lately. Anyway dna just dosnt jump from organism to organism. Only a few scaps of leaves were mixed with soybeans.

What the heck is the big deal about a few leaves of corn? Why does it matter if it gets incinerated, eaten, or whatever. DNA just doesnt hop around.
Hmm ... "DNA just doesnt hop around"

Glad to hear that, but it can cross-pollinate:

"In the second incident, ProdiGene corn growing
in Iowa was feared to have cross-pollinated with
corn in nearby fields. So the company was required
to burn 155 acres of corn."

Take care :cool:
Only with closely related plants, and then the offspring are usually nonviable or nonfertile. And if you did get a viable offspring the only benifit it would have would be that certain bugs cant eat it. A marginal effect as best.

Far from any super weed.