Sleep Paralysis


Registered Senior Member
I get this all the time. I know it is called this now since I watched it on t.v one day.

It is when you are practically awake. You can't move at all and you cannot open your eyes (which is where the world paralysis comes from.) You are usually completely aware of your surroundings and you are completely awake but you are completely paralized. This feeling usually triggers fear and if you overwhelm yourself you get stuck in it for a while until you finally get out of it.

I have learned how to control this by somehow channeling and fighting the fear then shocking myself awake. There is nothing scary about it but for some reason it creates fear. On the discovery channel or something like that they said only 15 % of the world gets it or something close to that so many will probably have no idea what i'm talking about.

Anyone know what im talking about or have experienced it?

It's not uncommon.

When we sleep, our brains shut off the nerve impulses (or at least dampen them) to our limbs, so that when we dream we don't actually perform the actions we're dreaming about. Sometimes, though, things go wrong, and we stay paralysed even after the brain has woken up.
How about this for uncommon, people in afrika go through the same thing but when they are experiencing it they are being raped by an entity/spirit call it what you will. I am glad it has not happened to me but i thought i might bring it up. It has also happened to people in Europe. When they wake up they have seemen on them but there is nothing there. Even when they lock there doors and it is impossible for someone to get in it happens to them. In afrika they believe it is an evil spirit but i forgot what name they gave it.

If you want to find out about this and much more, I highly recommend you read Carl Sagan's book <b>The Demon-Haunted World</b>, which should be in the science section of any good book store.
The Demon-Haunted World
Could you give us a brief description of what it covers?
Sleep paralysis...... well, it may be not too tough when it comes to looking at the ceiling.... but when it comes to breathing resistance, the it's a nightmare....
It covers UFOs, alien abduction and other pseudosciences. It contains Sagan's famous "balony detection kit". It looks at alien abduction and compares it to demon visitations in the middle ages. It looks at the current state of belief in the paranormal, particular in the United States, and what can be done about it.

A must read, particularly if you're a believer in things like alien abduction.
It's not that things go wrong, it's just that when you go out of REM sleep by waking, sometimes you become conscious before you regain limb control, it just does it a bit out of order.

What I usually do when I feel sleep paralysis if I really really want to wake up, is concentrate hard on moving my pinky.

But really, why fight sleep paralysis (unless you will be late for work or something)? When you are caught in the doorway of dreams aware, you have the greatest opportunity for lucid dreaming staring at you in the face, the chance for a wild. Just stay conscious and still and you'll find yourself falling into a dream and staying lucid the whole time, making for quite a nice experience. I've only done this once (it only occured to me once), but man were they cool dreams.
James R said:
It looks at alien abduction and compares it to demon visitations in the middle ages. It looks at the current state of belief in the paranormal....

Interesting isn't it, how the same stuff happens, but gets reported differently, showing how subjective the experiences are.

Does anybody report visitations by Incubi or Succubi anymore? Out of fashion I guess, for most.

Although I did know a rather nutty religious girl who though she got assaulted by demons at night. Known to her friends as 'Mad Julie'.
But really, why fight sleep paralysis (unless you will be late for work or something)? When you are caught in the doorway of dreams aware, you have the greatest opportunity for lucid dreaming staring at you in the face, the chance for a wild. Just stay conscious and still and you'll find yourself falling into a dream and staying lucid the whole time, making for quite a nice experience. I've only done this once (it only occured to me once), but man were they cool dreams.

hmph....didnt think about inducing WILD from sleep paralysis...i usually try to project when in dat state....i guess i have suttin new 2 try 2night....thx
I only learned what this is called a couple of years ago. I didn't know it had a name, or that others where experiencing it too. Now, a Google search delivers plenty of information.

I started to experience sleep paralysis at the age of 19 - I'm now 33. In my early to mid 20's, I would have an experience every few weeks to a couple of months. As I grew older, they weren't as frequent. They were spread out over 8 to 13 months. My last experience of the classic type of sleep paralysis was over a year ago. By classic I mean: When it happens while you are sleeping while lying on your back, you gain conscienceness, but you can't move, you sense a presence, its at the foot of the bed, it feels evil and dark, you feel it crawling on top of you - enveloping you until it reaches your chest and neck and it becomes hard to breathe, you feel as if you're you're being choked, you try to move, but can't, you feel as if you've been shrink wrapped by your sheets and blankets.

During my first few experiences of it, when it got to the point that I couldn't breathe, I would try to move and scream. It was difficult, but I would manage to wake up, although I would be screaming and hollering. My family thought I was going crazy. With time, I learned to relax and not to freak out. I would see it through and fall back asleep - without any screaming.

From what I've read online, it only happens when one is sleeping while laying on one's back.


A few weeks ago I started to experience a new type of sleep paralysis (new to me anyway). It happens while I'm sleeping on my side and so far its been the same scenario every time:
I'll be asleep, somewhat curled up with my back to the closet and the door to enter the bedroom. I wake up and right away I sense a wide presence behind me, standing next to the bed. It feels feminine, friendly and full of light (kind of angelic). Even though I can't see it, it doesn't feel threatening, but I'm still a bit creeped out by it. It communicates with me in a telepathic kind of a way. I can't hear what it says, I just sense its thoughts. I don't understand the language its communicating in, but it comes across as soothing and peaceful. It kneels on the bed next to me. I can feel its weight on the mattress. It places it's hands on my side that is facing up and on my back - I can feel the pressure. Its energy spreads from it hands and envelopes me - it feels like goosebumps, but its not terrifying and I'm able to breathe fine. I feel the presence lie next to me on its side facing me. I can feel its weight spread out on the mattress. The entire time I'm trying open my eyes and turn to be able to see it, but I can't. I eventually fall back asleep and wake up shortly after.

I hadn't experience sleep paralysis in over a year and especially not like this, so when this happened, at first I thought it was a spirit or ghost visiting me. But after experiencing it a lot more times and analyzing it - its definiteley sleep paralysis.

The last time I experience it, I tried to fight it. For whatever reason, I was determined to get away from it. When the sleep paralysis began as described above, I thought of having an object in my hand to poke the presence away from me. Then as if I were having a dream within a dream (lucid dreaming?), I looked at my hand and I was holding a long nail. I tried swingin my arm around but I kept missing the presence. I then thought of just rolling away from the presence until I fell off the bed. Then again, in a dream within a dream, I rolled and rolled away from the presence until I fell off the bed, but when I looked up, there was nothing there. I returned to the original state of sleep paralysis thinking I couldn't escape the presence and fell asleep.
From what I've read online, it only happens when one is sleeping while laying on one's back.

Interesting. I virtually never sleep on my back, but when I nap on the couch I do. And that is the only time I've ever experienced this. The feeling of panic is overwhelming. I'm glad that I don't experience it sleeping in my bed.
OOHHHH!! I gotta tell ya'll a freaky ass story about wha thappened to me.

I went to sleep with my arm above my head by accident. I was dead tired right? When I woke up, for some reason i didn't realize my whole arm was numb and i flung my arm off my head. Then i couldn't move or feel it and i didn't realize it was numb so i started like panicking because i thought i was having some kinda weird left arm only stroke or something like that. It was just messed up because my whole arm was dead and sometimes i make my hand numb when i sleep by sleeping on it or something, but i can still move my fingers. When i couldn't move anything I was like "Great Im gonna be stuck here because I wll never move my arm again". Alright just felt like telling ya :D
From what I've read online, it only happens when one is sleeping while laying on one's back.

wow, same goes for me. i've been getting really bad sleep paralysis lately (while laying on my back). that has been going hand-in-hand with a whole lot of other things, but they differ from sleep paralysis (ex out of body stuff).

as a new way to try to "prevent" sleep paralysis, i've been laying on my side or stomach. however, i've been getting a different experience since i've ended laying on my back. it's similar to what wirednerd said.

votorx: could you have slept on your arm? or was it a different sensation? i know that when i get sleep paralysis, i am not able to move or feel ANY of my limbs.
I have experienced something similar to the classic sleep paralysis a few times, though i virtually never sleep on my back and thats the only time it occurs to me, im not so sure about sensing a presence, and it doesnt last long enough to get to the stage of feeling choked, i simply am awake but cant move for a few seconds, one time i felt it was happening again but i was actually dreaming it and woke up screaming, my girlfriend was terrified next to me(im not the screaming type), i was really freaked by it because i've never dreamt it before only felt it on a couple occasions, mostly a long time ago, and because i was taking it out on her in my sleep somehow(as if i couldnt move in my dreams but was in real life without realising it). It is rather confusing, though the simplest explanation i can come up with for sleep paralysis is to do with the position when lying on your back, i think it has an effect on the brain(or perhaps its stress related or something?), the brain opens your eyes but forgets to wake the rest of you up, i've always fought sleep paralysis off as an instinct and as i rather like having control of myself.
I used to experience sleep paralysis. I would wake up and not be able to move. I thought that I would die if I didn't move. I would moan loudly and the sound caused me to wake up completely.
Sleep paralysis? Odd, never happened to me before. Does this happen to most people? I'd like to experience it once just to know what it feels like.
I have this all the time. I was freaked out the first time and thought I was in a coma!

Like everyone said, this is the doorway to astral traveling, and even OOB.

You may encounter other entities, but just refuse whatever they want.

If you really need to snap out of it, concentrate "on the count of 3, I am going to jerk my arm (or whatever)" and do it. But get up and walk around or you will fall back into it.