skin problems

A Canadian

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Registered Senior Member
i am a diabetic who really doesnt take care of himself

either way i have a question for any medical smartys out there

for one, i have a SLIGHT rass near my buttock that just wont seem to go away AND i have WHITE patches on my skin, around my ass, and one patch under my arm pit. and also have a rash in the middle of my back which is quite tolerable at times.......

whats happening to me, i know the only ture ansewer is going to the doctors but what do you poeple think?

i also have quite a few moles, but they have never given me any problems

yes yes im a freak of nature.... but id still like to know what is going on in my body.....

for all i know i might have what michle jackson had.... where the skin losses the pigment, if thats his real story....

please help me, i rather not see a doctor :bugeye: but if any of you have toughts or comments please reply, and i shall too