Skeptics and precognitive dreams


Registered Member
Skeptics usually assume that people have 12 or 6 billion (remember) dream per night.
If I accept their assumptions,I can say that all dreams are coincidence.
However,I check some dream survers and I found that result;
-%21 of people never remember their dreams
-%19 of people remember every dream (1 dream per night)
-%60 of people sometimes remember their dreams
We can't assume that 6 billion people remember their dreams.To give an example,my brother has only remember 10 of his dreams (and one of them hit).Paulos, J.A's calculations assume that we remember dream that we saw monday night,tuesday night,everynight,but we don't.And he know that too but he still use it against precognitive dreams.

They also assume that prob. of next event 1/10.000 which is wrong.I had a dream about a person who I haven't contact for 10 years and I never have a friendship with him,but he show up next day -after my dream-.If we have 10 friends and saw them in our dreams,we may have 10,000 events but we can saw everybody (who is related to us).My subconcious must be know 1000 people,and it may be think 10,000 events for them too.

I still believe in truly big numbers,and I think precognitive dreams are just a coincidence.However,I don't accept their assumptions,and calculations.I hope we can solve this assumptions here
Skeptics usually assume that people have 12 or 6 billion (remember) dream per night.
If I accept their assumptions,I can say that all dreams are coincidence.
However,I check some dream survers and I found that result;
-%21 of people never remember their dreams
-%19 of people remember every dream (1 dream per night)
-%60 of people sometimes remember their dreams
We can't assume that 6 billion people remember their dreams.To give an example,my brother has only remember 10 of his dreams (and one of them hit).Paulos, J.A's calculations assume that we remember dream that we saw monday night,tuesday night,everynight,but we don't.And he know that too but he still use it against precognitive dreams.

They also assume that prob. of next event 1/10.000 which is wrong.I had a dream about a person who I haven't contact for 10 years and I never have a friendship with him,but he show up next day -after my dream-.If we have 10 friends and saw them in our dreams,we may have 10,000 events but we can saw everybody (who is related to us).My subconcious must be know 1000 people,and it may be think 10,000 events for them too.

I still believe in truly big numbers,and I think precognitive dreams are just a coincidence.However,I don't accept their assumptions,and calculations.I hope we can solve this assumptions here

This shouldn't be in Parapsychology, as it is quite solid logic. Where are you from by the way?

Your thinking is very reasonable, but you base it on the assumption that people can dream 6 billion dreams a night, or at least 10,000. I think this number is WAY off.

Even if you say a human has 5 dreams a night on average, it is still easy to call that number into question if you don't specify the criteria used to count them.

What is a dream to you? One eye-flicker? What is your source? I have heard before that we only dream a few times a night. What do you say to that?
This logic would work if precognitive dreaming was a once-in-a-lifetime experience for those who have precognitive dreams. However, most people who ever have one precognitive dream, will have multiple precognitive dreams over their lifetime. If your explanation were accurate, that would be like lightning striking the same place twice.
I think precognitive dreams can be produced by people that did have some pre-occuring clue of an event, and simply forgot it or didn't pay conscious attention to it. Or is could be a coincidence, given the number of dreams that are had each night by an ever increasing population. One would expect that some of those dreams would coincidentally feature an event that had yet to happen.
The problem with precognisance is that it is infinity impossible to prove that a prophecy didn't come true by chance. No matter what you predict, there's always a non-zero chance you'll get lucky. The closest you could get is maybe winning the lottery 3 straight times, or something like that. (And then everybody will just think you cheated, or rigged the game somehow.)
1) if you speak to people who have precog dreams they will often have a feeling associated with only certain dreams and these are the ones that seem to 'work out'. So a real study would follow such people and test dreams that have this attendant feeling.

2) precognition is starting to get solid scientific support

I have "precog" dreams and you are right...there is a different "feeling" to them. I've always said that when trying to explain to people what the hell I'm talking about, but I can't truly explain it.

Still, I know instantly when "it" happens. I usually wake up crying, screaming, or with my heart pounding. I also know in the dream when it is a "precog" dream. The feeling is sort of like when you're on a swing and you're going really high and you lean back and look behind you and you get that swooping feeling in your stomach, only it's terrifying.

I don't know what it is I see, but I do know that even if they are just dreams, I still have dreams that have certain "feelings" about them or are far different from normal dreams. They are much more intense as far as content and the emotion associated with said "precog" dreams is extremely powerful.

I think it would be interesting to explore that "feeling" us precoggers get in dreams. That might be the key to understanding exactly what is happening. I'm not yet willing to accept that I am seeing the future. In fact, I've learned to shut the dreams out, but unfortunately it's not easy. IDK what's going on, but something is, that's for sure.
This logic would work if precognitive dreaming was a once-in-a-lifetime experience for those who have precognitive dreams. However, most people who ever have one precognitive dream, will have multiple precognitive dreams over their lifetime. If your explanation were accurate, that would be like lightning striking the same place twice.

Well my kids have those dreams repeatedly over a span of 14 years and counting. These are mostly personal stuff, description of new places that came true in 3 years etc. That defies logic...
2) precognition is starting to get solid scientific support

You'r link wont work for me... what is som of the solid scientific suport for Precognition you speek of.???

"As with other forms of extrasensory perception, the existence of precognition is not accepted by the scientific community, because no replicable demonstration has been achieved" kids have those dreams repeatedly over a span of 14 years and counting. These are mostly personal stuff, description of new places that came true in 3 years etc. That defies logic...

Do you thank its som sort of magical/"God-givin" ability they have.???
Six billion people go to sleep each day and even if each of them can recall an average of 2 dreams per sleep then you are looking at 12 billion remembered dreams per day. Multiply that by 365 and you get 4.38 trillion recalled dreams in one year. The odds that one of these will play out close to something that happens in a future moment are probably pretty good. Do they play out exactly as dreamed? I doubt it very much.
You'r link wont work for me... what is som of the solid scientific suport for Precognition you speek of.???

"As with other forms of extrasensory perception, the existence of precognition is not accepted by the scientific community, because no replicable demonstration has been achieved"

There's a guy in the Netherlands,

I'll try to find him

and he has been doing MRIs of people for years.

What he does is he shows them random sequences of images. Some neutral or nice - house, sunset, etc. - some violent or otherwise disturbing.

He has found again and again that people 'tense up' in their brains - iow show patterns of glucose absorption or whatever it is the MRI is tracking that match stress patterns - BEFORE troubling images and not before neutral and nice ones. Not all the time, but way beyond chance. The subjects are not psychics, just people volunteering to participate.
...He has found again and again that people 'tense up' in their brains - iow show patterns of glucose absorption or whatever it is the MRI is tracking that match stress patterns - BEFORE troubling images and not before neutral and nice ones. Not all the time, but way beyond chance.

If the esperiments was properly preformed... then i agree that precognition is real.!!!

Has anybody else been able to duplicate his results.???