Siri Software


Staff member
Any one knows the design basis of the software (Apple) ? How does it learn over time and what type of mathematics there for intelligent decision making?
some of what siri does........


I found out about was done by SRI International and we are trying to work with them for other stuff in the same line...
On October 29, 1969, the world's first electronic computer network, ARPANET, was established between nodes at Leonard Kleinrock's lab at UCLA and Douglas Engelbart's lab at SRI. Interface Message Processors at both sites served as the backbone of the first Internet.

and that is just the tip of the iceberg
some jaw dropping stuff there
They have done some amazing stuff...wonder if they were connected to the Roswell UFO set up....(that my relative saw back then)...who knows what...
and that is just the tip of the iceberg
some jaw dropping stuff there
Busy folks! Thanks for informing. That group is like the stuff you see on T.V. The A-Team or Mission Impossible or MacGyver.

ETA: After further reading, I'm convinced they are aliens reverse engineering Megatron.
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