Since I am new here


Registered Member
but not new in science forums. Let me just say:

Christianity isn't intolerant.

Assholes are intolerant.

Unfortunately, a lot of assholes call themselves Christian.

Am I allowed to say asshole? :shrug:
but not new in science forums. Let me just say:

Christianity isn't intolerant.

Assholes are intolerant.

Unfortunately, a lot of assholes call themselves Christian.

Am I allowed to say asshole? :shrug:

No you must say Rectum-Exit we have taste around here.

but not new in science forums. Let me just say: Christianity isn't intolerant. Assholes are intolerant. Unfortunately, a lot of assholes call themselves Christian. Am I allowed to say asshole?
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Christians hold themselves in high regard because they believe Jesus was the fufillment of the Old Testament predictions of a savior coming. And we all know Jesus went out of his way to fufill those prophecies too... riding a donkey and entering at the west gate etc. etc. all stuff predicted hundreds of years earlier.

Christians, in my opinion, all take the leap of faith and connect the dots to make Jesus God incarnate, which I have a hard time agreeing with.

But then again Muslims claim their own rights equally too with Mohammed as the final prophet and messenger of God.

I tend to get skeptical when the attention is taken away from God and put on someone other than God, which explains why I have no faith in the Mormons.

But overall, there's assholes in all faiths- why single out the Catholics?
But overall, there's assholes in all faiths- why single out the Catholics?

Perhaps because their priests molest children and never get punished but are sent away into another parish to molest more children over and over. That might be one reason, I can think of many others...the Inquisition as another example.