Simplest robot.

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What is the simplest robot that we can do. I'd like to make a simple robot just for fun. Is it hard to built one? What is the thing that I need to built one?
I'm an electronic major student but I'm in my first year of study.
Robots are systems of sensors, functions and motors. To make the robot, you name the sensors and motors as if they were variables in a computer program. Your robot is any program you can make with sensors and motor variables. You build on paper before you build on hardware.
Given sensors SL and SR and motors ML and MR
Now Ml = f(SL,SR) and MR = q(SR,SL)
Designing a robot is defining these functions to let the robot do some action.
Imagine a rectangular platform with ML and MR on the back corners and SL and SR on the front corners. This causes motion.
If ML > MR the robot turns right.
If ML = MR the robot stops
If MR > ML the robot turns left
Now design is to produce the functions that feed data to ML and MR.
Let ML = SL - SR ;
Now ML depends on the difference of SL and SR.
If SL > SR ML runs forward
If SL = SR ML stops
IF SR > SL ML runs backward
Now look at MR
Make MR = -ML and you have a turning system
You make all this on paper, with truth tables before you start on the hardware.
To actually build this requires motor controller hardware, sensor hardware, microcontrollers for functions and a power supply.
Once you have made a robot, you can reuse the parts and you have an infrastructure so it becomes easier as you go. There are robot parts out there you can buy including sensors, motors and functions.
However, you can make any robot on paper and it costs nothing.
Lego Mindstorms are the most popular kits:

You can program the also. Other small robots are based on Stamp computers and pic processors.

There are simpler robots you can build, but I think you might find programmable robots to be a little more fun. The Mindstorms system is great for a beginner.

Other simple robots:

Here's a simple robot that follows a line:

Check this mag:
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Originally posted by HarDKoI
I'd like to make a simple robot just for fun.
Years ago, I built a toddler-size robot "dancer". He was designed to make 12 different moves based on frequencies he could hear. He was listening music and combining all these funny moves. I gave him some funny clothes and took him to parties. He was not very difficult to build and we had lots of fun with him. He just could not walk (that's not easy with human-like body). He was dancing where we placed him. His body parts were moved by wiper motors.
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