Silly Scientists...


Registered Senior Member
I received one of those "weird shit you didn't know" emails the other day. You know the ones with the strange and completely random facts that will help you in no way at all in life.

One of the facts was "Bats always fly left out of a cave" and I got to thinking, how the eff would people know stuff like this? I mean, did some scientist just sit outside about 200 caves and jot down notes every time a bat flew out? And if such idiocy is the case then why the hell are people spending money on this stuff? It just boggles me.
I am sure ive seen footage of bats leaving caves in various places in teh world, and they all flew out in every direction. Except down, of course.
Which left? From the scientists' perspective or the bats'? Could be republican bats we're looking at here.
Well, they do. If you tilt your head one way, then it's left. Turn the other direction, it's left. Every direction is left, depending on your interpretation. :bugeye:
If a bat is hanging from a ceiling upside down and it leaves the ceiling it has to drop downward to take off doesn't it? It cannot just take flightfrom where it is hanging or it would hit the other bats hanging next to it.
mistermistoffolees said:
I mean, did some scientist just sit outside about 200 caves and jot down notes every time a bat flew out? And if such idiocy is the case then why the hell are people spending money on this stuff? It just boggles me.

Yes... some scientists probably did. How would you expect then to collect facts and acquire knowledge, without putting the time in to observe things?

I don't know how many scientific 'facts' are actually useful to humans, but I'm sure a great many are and the thing is, you wouldn't know, which are useful or not, unless you actually had them, therefore, it's not 'idiocy' to go out and collect them, in fact, it's quite the opposite.
ahh comsic traveller, its the going out of the cave that counts, and most of them will roost further back in the cave.