Silicone Implants


Registered Senior Member
What do other males think about these,I think they are horrible.
A woman's breasts are very appealing to a male,& part of this is the shape
They put plastic bags of silicone into them & they just look like Fat old lumps.
Big is not necessarily beautiful,a lot of them look like saucepan lids when they lay on there back.
What do you all think??
:( :(
They get the big ol' thumbs down from me.
Unattractive and highly questionable health risk factors.

It is in the same category as silk flowers and fake plants. Good to look at but not to touch or get close. However, billions are spent on silk flowers and fake plastic plants. So they have their use somewhere in our society.

As to those implants, if most smart men will stay away from it, the demand will go away. Disability by choice - what a country!
It is in the same category as silk flowers and fake plants. Good to look at but not to touch or get close.
I don't think they are good to look at.
Well I've never touched them...implanted silicone implants that is, but the idea seems attrocious. I wouldn't think much of a man that would gladly see his wife or girlfriend butchered for such ridiculous things. But as with the wearing of makeup and the fanatical dieting to look thin, it's probably just another case of women impressing other women.

Not silicone, but ...

Years back got involved with a woman who'd had her breasts augmented a
few years prior to my meeting her: 34A to 34C, saline implants, subglandular,
local anesthesia.

Had I not noticed the slight scarring (in the crease) I would not have known
her breasts had been augmented. Looked and felt normal, no loss of nipple
sensitivity. She was glad she'd had it done and had experienced no post-
operative complications.
Imagine if an otherwise normal looking man had his chest and arm muscles "enhanced" with silicone implants, or even worse, imagine he...

In either case we'd rightfully think he was but one small step away from a mental institution.

Foot binding among the Chinese was once thought to be a form of beauty enhancement. We shudder today at the thought of it.

Well...if it looked and felt normal....may be...but once you know, subconsciously you will be worried that playing rough could rupture them...just a thought.

Dieting to the point of skeleton is a whole different hugging a skeleton...
Arnold has calf implants. Many men have hair transplants. Women tattoo “eye shadow”. If anyone wants to change their body then this hamster says power to them. This hamster has known several women that were quite pleased with their new look.

This hamster fully intends to augment and change this hamster as biomedical technology improves. (Won’t need body armor to fight that cat. Hehe.)
not connected with women and silicon but.......

My freind once mailed me an EMINEM cd cover for me to print it out(he ran out of ink), so I did, but first I little enchanted it with corel photo shop. I made EMINEM good looking breasts, soft skin and changed his face lines a bit as well as took away muscles from hands and legs. (don't even try to call me a pervers:D). So I got a beautiful looking chick. Of course I printed it out to him. Later we decided tht transsexual eminem looked better thn the original.

So plastic surgery isn't bad in some cases (don't remind me Michael Jackson:D), but I think tht it is not needed when nothing is wrong(car crash for instance), but you just want to look different. Maybe consider a visit to psyhoterapeit or hypnosis(you are beautifulyou are beautifulyou are beautifulyou are beautiful), but not to cut yourself only latter to realise tht it wasn't needed.
1.Like most implanted devices whether they be breast implants or knee replacements there is some degree of breakdown or degradation of the product as they age, not even mentioning failures. The singer Toni Braxton experienced this when one of hers either burst or I think it slipped under her armpit during a performance. They can burst, they do leak, and I can't imagine how attractive having a tit under your armpit must be! So say a girl has them implanted as soon as she can....what is it 16 or 17---how many unnecessary surgeries can she expect to have to maintain the facade?

2.Lot of lymph nodes and glandular tissue in that region...not the kind of place I'd choose to place a foreign object. Not too surprising that some lucky recipients
mount an immune response. So when these bright beauties need to have extra surgeries for scar tissue removal/ adhesions or implant removal, we as tax payers or purchasers of health insurance can thank them for contributing to rising costs. This also includes the recipients who all of a sudden aquire strange immune disorders and need all kinds of tests and treatments. Adds up---quite pricy.

3.For those interested---I've heard that they're soon going to be implanting the silicone ones again. I'm sure that there will be plenty of shallow hopefuls lining up to test fate. ;P
And then ...

Something that has not been mentioned: The use of an implant after
having had a mastectomy.

It's not always done to enhance one's appearance.
Yes, some women choose implants as part of a reconstructive/restorative process (and it is a process)---however the same risks remain and that is a difficult and individualized choice.
One of the reasons that less radical procedures---that spare most of the breast (lumpectomy) are performed more widely (if it is an option). Sticking a plastic bag of saline into the chest of a woman whose had a radical mastectomy will never return her pre-surgery appearance, it can be a horribly disfiguring procedure. Even a breast biopsy can leave scarring.
I fully support and respect women with implants. Especially the one's who make money off of them, whether it be Pornos, Strippers, or Hooker!!!!!! LOL :D
I think it´s just sad that they feel they need to put plastic in their breasts.
