sign of possible stroke?


Unbelievable and odd
Registered Senior Member
Okay, you can say I'm over-worried, but well... Yesterday I had a headache, and in that headache, I could feel my blood pulse (even in migrains I never yet to feel that), and it's quite loud! I was hell afraid that it could mean something... please tell me...


PS: Maybe this helps... I'm a meat lover.
how old are you for one was there any other symptoms, do you have any weakness to either side of your body? any passing out?? headache are not something to worry about with a stroke or a sign for that matter.
I'm just 20, and I feel fine right now (except from being slightly lazy boned, so sometimes my body's feeling, well, not best) ... no fainting too. So, does that mean I worried too much?
Almost certainly nothing to worry about, but go get yourself checked out. You may have slightly elevated blood pressure. It certainly doesn't sound like a stroke in any way.
something to check is your checks flushed thats a pretty good sign of high blood pressure, also do you have a history of headaches like miagranes and such, if you do, do you see a cluster of spots or any spots when you see them, I would more likely tell you to go get checked out and maybe have a MRI to rule out any tumor.

also have you fell or snapped your neck in anyway, a slipped disc in your neck could also cause headaches. but would also need to be ruled out with a MRI.
Ophiolite said:
Almost certainly nothing to worry about, but go get yourself checked out. You may have slightly elevated blood pressure. It certainly doesn't sound like a stroke in any way.

So, did you follow Ophiolite's advice and go get checked out? Or did you at least have someone take your blood pressure?
Um, well, scold me if you want -.-; While I can be overconcerned over something, I seldom try to do things which can actually ease me..... this is one example.....
Hmm...come to think of it, it could've been an aneurysm. Always get it checked out if you're unsure