

Registered Member
Does anyone know of any sightings around the KY-TN border around HWY 56. My wife and I were on our way to see some family in TN. when my wife saw something in the sky, panicked and made me pull over to look with her. Now, my wife is very skeptical but she saw the this thing that spooked her enough to have me pull over to take a look. We saw a light that changed colors rotating between red, blue and white. It was very high up (almost looked like a star)and it sat still. Then it bolted across the sky at a very high rate of speed, stopped and changed directions. Then it bolted in another direction, another light came into view, stopped next to the original and they both took off (I think going up) and disappeared. The sky was very clear so I am not sure where they could have disappeared too. This happened about 3 months ago, it was warm so I am not sure that it could not have been some kind of meteorlogical phenomenon. Anyone have any ideas?
Uh, yea, we've got tons of ideas. You should be contacted/abducted soon. Strange things will start happening to you (awful things). Please read the link that I posted under "aliens and extraterrestrials - PLEASE READ", to know how to defend yourself and your family. Don't let them take you!

God loves you and so do I!

Just because someone has seen some
lights in the sky does not mean they are going to be abducted. You are going to give these people nightmares!!

Its possible that your sighting was
natural phenomenon but highly unlikely
because of the rotating lights. It sounds as they where under intelligent control.

Thank you for your reply Alien. Lori seems to have the ablity to scare the crap out of people. Does anyone know of any sights that I could go to to get more info? I would like something reputable, not anything that wants to prove that aliens control Bill Clinton and are beginning a revolution in Russia, yada yada yada. I am interseted in this topic because I have had a sighting and my mother tells me that she, her sister and thier neighbors used to have "ufo parties". There were so frequent sightings in our old neighborhood that everyone would gather in the backyards and just sit and watch. They even had some professors out from the University of Louisville and they could not think of anything that they could be, totally stumped. So I am interested in sightings in the KY-TN area. I wonder if Fort's Campbell and Knox have anything to do with it.
Cards, im here in Atlanta not to far from you, i'll look in my archives i believe theres been lots of activity in the Tn-Ky area of late i'll look in my directories and get you the name of a mufon director in your area some good sites are or i'll also be up late tonight give me a page and we can talk on the
phone if you like 770-224-7774

Lori, you should know better than that crap by now,like Alien said, just cause he saw a craft doesn't mean a damn abduction come on now your better than that

Eric Cooper
Now come on! You guys should no better than I do that abductions are precluded by sightings. How many times have I read that one day someone sees something in the sky, and the next night, their being abducted. I've read it many, many, many times. As a matter of fact out of all of the abduction testimonies that I've read, every single one of them has begun with a sighting. It's almost like they appear to you in the "hardware" to test you or something. To see what your reaction is to it. And excuse the f(%K out of me for trying to give you the ONLY PROVEN method of defending yourself against these soul terrorists. You say the I'M trying to scare people.....WHAT ABOUT THE FLIPPIN' ALIENS!!!!!!!! I sure as hell didn't tell him to watch out cause I'M coming after him with an anal probe and a fetus vaccuum!!!! You people are insane. Listen, whether you like it or not, we're dealing with Satan and his demons here. If that scares you, well that's not my fault. I'm trying to HELP!!!!!!!!!!! But I guess ignorance is bliss. Give me "space brothers or give me death you say? OK, you asked for it. But just remember I warned you.

God loves you and so do I!
I'm just fine. That just really pissed me off that you guys are out here sugar-coating it with this guy. If you aren't aware that people are usually abducted after a sighting, then you really shouldn't be giving advice at all. This guy needs to be prepared, and alert. Listen Cards, go out to the news section of this site, and read a post called "The light". It's an account of a first time sighting similar to yours, and then notice that before the girl even gets home that night, she has already been abducted. Sounds like she doesn't even realize that she had been, as she just said it took her an hour longer to get home than usual, and all she remembers was stopping to watch some deer. Well, if you know ANYTHING AT ALL about abductions, the aliens use screen memories to cover the abduction memories, and many, many times these screen memories involve animals. Just check it out, ok? And for crying out loud, don't welcome this into your family, or not be very aware of what's going on. If you don't know already, aliens really aren't aliens like we like to think of them (referring to the space brothers comment). Aliens are demonic, and their presence here has to do with end times events, and covering them up. May I ask what your "spirituality status" is? If I were to guess, you are dabbling in some type of spiritual beliefs that are new age or wicca, or are searching for the truth in some fashion, but do not want to believe that Jesus is Christ. Am I close? Please read the link that I posted under the aliens topic "PLEASE READ". It's long, but it's sooooooooooo important. Please, please, please.....

God loves you and so do I!
Just to let you know I am a faithful Catholic and have been my whole life. I do believe in Jesus the Savior. Now, since this is the case how do you explain my sighting?
She will tell you that you are just
talking the talk and not walking the walk!
*sigh* She refuses any good that can
come out of ones testimony...ugh!!!!!

I'd appreciate it if you wouldn't answer my questions for me. :)

And what you said isn't true. He's being tested. He knows where to find protection. He knows how to pass the test. I suggest you read up on abductions and new age religion, Cards, and then read Revelations again if you haven't recently. And pray, pray, pray. Aliens are demonic. I'm a tellin' ya. It's the end times deception. Keep the faith brother, and walk the walk with Jesus, and you'll be A OK.

God loves you and so do I!
And im a tellin ya aliens ARE NOT demons but then again we'll just go around again so i'll stop there. Anyway, my point being just because you see lights in the sky DOES NOT always mean you will be abducted. I've had sightings but not been abducted right away. The abductions and the sightings are 2 diff situations. Most abductions are hereditary anyway and he hasn't told of any other strange activities. Calm yourself Lori and get the medihaler,breathe,breathe

Eric Cooper

<hr align=center width="66%" noshade>
<center>I've had sightings but not been abducted right away. </center>

<hr align=center width="66%" noshade>
You're kind of supporting what Lori says, not contradicting it.
The sighting was preclusive to your abduction.
( or am I being to literal with your text? ) :)


[This message has been edited by Dave (edited October 12, 1999).]
ok i'll rephrase that...the 2 sightings in Germany i had i was not abducted. What im saying is out of all the sightings you hear about most have no abduction experience following or before the event. I'm presently going through all my Filers Files and theres many sighting reports but no abduction.

Eric Cooper
I've never experienced a sighting, nor has anyone I've ever known. I still want to believe.